
Name:Holy Dragon Totem Author:
Without a doubt, this cultivation method wouldn't appear for no reason.

It must have come from that 'Black Dragon Totem'.

When Jiang Zizai woke up from his reverie, the words in his mind gradually became clearer.

The shock this time was actually even greater than the last time.

"The soul can actually be trained?"

As everyone knows, the soul is an unreal thing. Just like the Intrinsic Sea, it had not confirmed where or how it existed.

However, the 'Cultivation Method' that he had obtained was not the 'Totem Fixation Technique'. Instead, it was a special 'Cultivation Method'.

The main effect of this technique was actually to train the soul.

It was called the《 Great Void Universe Soul Refining Technique》.

He previously thought that the Wandering Dragon Step was profound, but when compared to this Great Void Universe Soul Refining Technique, it was like comparing heaven and earth.

However, even though it was profound and profound, he found that it actually wasn't that difficult when he first started analyzing it.

This was because the cultivation method of the 'Great Void Universe Soul Refining Technique' was actually very short, and its purpose was to allow Jiang Zizai's soul to hide in a place called the 'Great Void'.

It was a mysterious place, even more mysterious than the Intrinsic Sea.

It was not the same as the ordinary world. It might not even exist.

He only knew that this Soul Refining Technique was definitely a priceless treasure, he could just follow the instructions and cultivate according to it.

"If the soul is strong, what benefits will there be?"

He was curious about this and temporarily stopped cultivating the 'Thunder Finger' and 'Wandering Dragon Step'.

Since it was possible for a soul to leave the body, it had to be in an absolutely safe place.

This process was similar to a deep sleep, as if one was cultivating in a dream.

He was reciting a spell and according to the requirements of the spell, his spirit was in a state of being half asleep and half awake.

His hand formed a seal, and his five hearts faced the sky.

In the beginning, when he could not grasp that special sense of propriety, he could only roughly sense that there was a faintly discernible black fog in front of him.

He knew that everything required patience.

As he waited, there was finally a moment of rumbling in his mind. He realized that he was in a world of nothingness.

It was dark and devoid of anything.

He couldn't even sense his own body, only his' I 'consciousness floating in this empty space.

In addition to seeing, the mind can also hear.

At this time, Jiang Zizai heard the sound of flowing water from below.

He headed down and saw a 'large river' below him. He did not know where that river came from, nor did he know which direction it was headed to.

"This is the 'River of Time' of the 'Great Void'."

There was an introduction to the Soul Refining Technique.

It was said that the surface of this river was the calmest. The deeper one went, the faster the water flowed.

The Great Void Universe Soul Refining Technique's initial stage was to train one's soul in this river.

Until the day when he could reach the bottom of the river, he would be able to welcome another realm.

Jiang Zizai was excited, he immediately entered the vast and endless River of Time.

When the river washed over his soul, he knew it was bitter.

The pain of the soul and the pain of the physical body were completely different.

It was a feeling of misery, piercing, and fear.

In fact, it was even harder to endure than the pain of his physical body.

Furthermore, the surface of the river was swift enough. As soon as they entered, they felt as if they were drowning.

"F * ck, if I die here, then I'll be so happy."

Jiang Zizai rolled and shivered. He clearly didn't have any limbs, but he still felt like he was using his hands and feet. It took him a lot of effort before he could finally get up.

The pain in his soul slowly subsided.

"What use can it be? Just pain? "

He left the Great Void.

After coming out, he found that nothing had happened. He even had a feeling that his ears and eyes were clear, and that he was in high spirits.

"No matter what, it's definitely not any worse than the 'Primitive Holy Dragon Scripture'."

He thought like this, but temporarily, he did not know the effects of the Soul Refining Technique.

Time was of the essence, he continued forging the Thunder Finger. He couldn't bear the pain anymore and tried again.

Unexpectedly, when he looked at the Wandering Dragon Step technique again for the second time, his brain had cleared up a lot.

Even if it was the Thunder Finger, it seemed to know a lot about the many processes involved.

Jiang Zizai naturally thought of the Great Void Universe Soul Refining Technique he had learned before!

"Could it be that this Soul Refining Technique, in order to increase my soul, is actually able to increase my comprehension ability, making me smarter, allowing me to learn even more cultivation techniques and battle techniques?"

He had such a guess, and then once again entered the Great Void, arriving in this void world.

This time, it was as if he was injected with chicken blood. He forcefully endured on top of the River of Time, letting the river water that brought about so much pain wash over his soul time and time again.

He could feel that in this process, the repeated tempering of his soul had indeed become more resilient.

However, it didn't seem like it could exceed the limit of its endurance, much less enter deep into the river.

Once, he wanted to sink down a bit and almost lost his soul.

"Perhaps I'll have to stay here for a long time before I can sink to the bottom of the river."

The current was too strong.

The opposite of the river of reality.

The results of his training this time confirmed his conjecture.

After cultivating this Soul Refining Technique, he could clearly feel that his mind was firmer, his willpower stronger, and his brain clearer.

Regardless of whether it was his perception or his sudden enlightenment, his understanding of everything, his ability to raise one against three, both had improved.

"It's very possible that the effectiveness of this Great Void Universe Soul Refining Technique is even higher than that of the 'Primitive Holy Dragon Scripture'."

He adjusted his cultivation method.

Every day, between the Thunder Finger and the Wandering Dragon Step, he would take two hours to refine the soul.

After forging, it became easier and easier to study the battle skills again. In a few days time, he had almost finished reading all of the 'Wandering Dragon Step'.

"This kind of comprehension ability can be considered as a true genius?"

The only difficulty was probably pain.

To put it bluntly, the Thunder Finger had already made some progress, so it was no longer painful.

Every day, the most terrifying form of torture was being washed away by the vast river of time.

Half a month later, his Thunder Finger had already been fully mastered.

Jiang Zizai had once seen his brother Jiang Junjian cultivate. At that time, after he had successfully cultivated it, he could produce purple electric snakes that could wrap around his fingers whenever he rubbed them.

The purple thunder was flying up and down. With just a light tap of his finger, it could take a mortal's life.

However, he clearly followed the same method to cultivate the 'Thunder Finger', and it was actually different.

At this moment, he stretched out both of his hands. When the Black Dragon Genuine Qi was spread throughout his palms, his fingers, which had been forged countless times by Thunder Stones and had been reborn countless times after destruction, were not wrapped with purple lightning.

It was black!

Black, strange and eerie electric snakes twined around his fingers, much more numerous than Jiang Junjian at that time.

"Why do I feel that this black lightning is even more powerful than purple? It has a particularly 'destructive' feeling. "

Spreading out his palm, the black electric snake soared into the sky.

His eyes flashed with a vicious light. Suddenly, he stabbed his finger at the Spirit Accumulating Divine Stone.


This was a top Spiritual Ore, and at this time, it was actually pierced through, causing the hole to crack and some of the explosion.

"The power seems to be much stronger than I imagined."

Jiang Zizai thought that with his earlier slap, he had almost crippled Jiang Junxin.

He felt that it was possible that he'd underestimated his own strength.

This change in black lightning might have come from a totem or a Black Dragon Genuine Qi.

After he finished with the Thunder Finger, he started to focus on studying the 'Wandering Dragon Step'.

To be honest, as his soul progressed, this' Middle Ranked Chenchen Battle Technique 'was not something that could stop Jiang Zizai.

The only difficulty was familiarity.

Therefore, he estimated in his heart that as long as he trained every day, before Kylin Gathering, he should be able to mature this' Wandering Dragon Step '.

He flew up and down in such a narrow space like the inside of the Spirit Accumulating Divine Stone, and he was really like a 'swimming dragon'.

When he was almost there, it was hard to see him clearly.

Jiang Zizai could not believe that such an agile and swift Totem Martial Master was him.

"If I can open another spiritual cavities before Kylin Gathering and reach the third stage of Martial Fate Stage, I can also help a little."

Right now, the pressure was all on Lu Dinghsing alone.

But he was still one realm lower than Su Qianyu.

In this generation of Purple Unicorn Mansion, apart from Lu Dinghsing, there was only a thirteen year old 'Ruo Xiaoyue'.

Ruo Xiaoyue was actually even more outstanding than Jiang Zizai's sister, Jiang Yunning. Her Intrinsic Totem was the Profound Level Totem, the 'Pink Rose Totem'.

At his age of thirteen, his achievement of the fourth stage of the 'Martial Fate Stage' was not one bit inferior to Su Qianyu.

It's just that age is a disadvantage, two years less.

As for the Huang Lin Manor, the ones with outstanding talents, they were all in the Flame Dragon Ruin Academy, and just happened to be fifteen years old.

The odds were against Kylin Gathering.

But Jiang Zizai had never expected that at this critical moment, Lu Dinghsing would be in trouble.

After receiving the news, Jiang Zizai immediately stopped his cultivation and rushed over to the 'General's Mansion' of 'General Zhong Lie'.

Ruohua and the group of elders were already there, as was Huang Lin Palace's Palace Master, Jiang Yuan.

This fellow had previously followed Jiang Yunting and relied on Jiang Yunting to be the Palace Chief. However, his personality was very thick and he desired stability, so the Purple Unicorn King did not take him out to war.

When Jiang Zizai arrived, Ruohua, Jiang Yuan and the rest had just exited the room.

"What's going on?"

Jiang Zizai asked, he had heard that Lu Dinghsing was injured, and would be crippled soon.

Ruohua pulled him to the side, and said with concern: "Don't be agitated yet, there's nothing else. I have already used the 'Essence Jade Flower' to help protect the 'Shenque'. As long as I can recuperate for a while, it will be able to recover and not affect his future cultivation, but to reach the Sixth Empyrean of the Martial Fate Stage before Kylin Gathering is impossible. "

Jiang Zizai had saved up a lot of money, but he was unable to exchange it all for grade five spirit herbs.

"Su Qianyu did it?"

When Jiang Zizai said this name, he was so angry that his voice began to tremble.

Ruohua nodded her head, and said: "But there was no other way, the Little Panda attacked first, the other side only said that it was just guarding, many people saw it, so, there was no other way."

At that time, many people had seen Lu Dinghsing suddenly made his move towards Su Qianyu, forcing him to move step by step. In the end, Su Qianyu had no other choice and pierced through Lu Dinghsing's Shenque with his sword.

"If I didn't happen to have the Jade Marrow Flower, 'Little Panda' would not be able to continue cultivating in this lifetime. Fortunately, I really have let Lu Yuan down, and even his son could not be protected. "

Ruohua lowered her head and shook her head helplessly.

Right now, the three bloodline Qilins had the power to bully others. Lu Dinghsing had acted first, even if nothing happened to the Purple Unicorn King, it would not be a good thing to seek justice for them.

"Penetrating Shenque!"

Jiang Zizai laughed coldly in his heart.

After being sworn brothers for so many years, where could he not be pierced with a sword? He specialised in stabbing Shenque, obviously wanting to cripple him.

"Heart, it's really vicious, really vicious."

He could not imagine that he was so disgusted.

"Lu Dinghsing is too honest. Easily deceived, Su Qianyu would obviously set up a trap to be deceived. Sure enough, with a few words, he was deceived. "

Jiang Yuan walked over and sighed continuously.

Of course Jiang Zizai knew, Su Qianyu was bullying his honesty, and this was the reason why he looked down on Lu Dinghsing.

If he wanted Lu Dinghsing to make the first move, with Su Qianyu's current behavior, just a few casual words would be enough to provoke him.

For example, insulting Jiang Zizai with his words.

Lu Dinghsing couldn't take it anymore.

But at least, Lu Dinghsing had done the right thing and was righteous. This was a quality that Su Qianyu would never have in his entire life.

"Su Qianyu, this debt has been increased yet again. This stroke is really vicious. "

They had even set a trap before Kylin Gathering to force Lu Dinghsing in.

Jiang Zizai's gaze grew colder.

"Like this, we will definitely lose Kylin Gathering." Jiang Yuan sighed again and left.

Ruohua was even worried that Jiang Zizai would impulsively go find Su Qianyu.

"Mom, I'll go in and see him."

When Ruohua saw the look in his eyes, she knew that her son had changed.

Sometimes, trust was especially important to the children.

After entering, he saw Lu Dinghsing lying on the bed with a pale face, as if he had suffered from a serious illness.

"Boss, I lost face for you!"

Seeing Jiang Zizai, Lu Dinghsing struggled to stand up.

"Lie still." Jiang Zizai leaned on the bedside, folded his arms and looked at him.

Sometimes, one would feel some heartache for this fellow. If he was too sincere, it would be easy for others to see through him.

However, it was precisely because of this that he finally understood how precious his purebred and pure heart was.

"In the past, I still liked monkey a bit more, and felt that it was too much effort to talk to you. But now, I know who is the true brother in this life." Jiang Zizai laughed at himself.

Lu Dinghsing clenched his teeth and said: "I am completely disappointed in him. He must have wanted to cripple me for Kylin Gathering!"

He could only say that he felt a chill in his heart.

"If he still has hope for him, then he's an absolute fool." Jiang Zizai said.

There was no more hope. There was still deep hatred.

"I must get rid of my impulsive habit! I'm just too angry! Brother, I've embarrassed you! Kylin Gathering, what do we do now? " Lu Dinghsing trembled.

Jiang Zizai patted his shoulder and said: "There's a lot of time to come, let's protect our lives and we'll give the answer in time."

Lu Dinghsing blamed himself too much in his heart.

He was responsible.

"From today onwards, you will move to my place. The Spirit Accumulating Divine Stone will let you cultivate." Jiang Zizai said.

The Kylin Gathering was fully calculated; it should only be a month's time, so it should be time for the final sprint.

"Us brothers together, don't look at how strong our opponents are. We only seek to fight to our heart's content, so we have a clear conscience. How about it?" Jiang Zizai placed his hands on Yue Yang's shoulders and stared at him.

"I know! Just like what was said at the beginning, I don't seek to die on the same day, I only seek to die on the same day! "

Jiang Zizai shook his head: "Don't believe this. The person you were talking about back then has set a trap to cripple you. "It's better if you believe my words!"

"Which set?"

"Fuck you!"