Chapter 1233

Name:Hollywood Hunter Author:Just Do
In the early morning of Sunday, the waiters at Brentwood highland hillside mansion were a little nervous.

Scared by the movie last night.

Simply telling a story, "evocation 3: Blood Moon" is not so special. It is a typical high concept horror film.

After being approached by the FBI, ed Allen successfully catches ghosts in a nearby household, which is recognized. Then, the plot enters a town surrounded by ghosts.

According to pastor bill choster, the only one who escaped from the town, many people in the town who did not believe in ghosts and ghosts all their lives experienced the most terrifying night of their life that night. Christie nodded with a little sympathy.

The two continued to browse the Internet for information about "evocation 3". Before that, they had been staying in China with Chen Qing. When they came back here and read the news, they found that the topic of this film was too hot in recent days. The title of "Hollywood's Scariest anti abortion movie" was not the original of the article, but a headline of the Washington Post that day, which was quickly recognized and became popular.

Abortion has always been a sensitive topic in the United States.

It can be imagined that for a long time in the future, anyone who has seen this film will inevitably have a strong psychological shadow before they want to have an abortion if they just think about the horrible and incomplete ghost baby in the film. Therefore, a conservative bishop in Alabama even openly called on believers to lead their families to watch "evocation 3", saying that it can play a very good "educational significance".

In addition, all kinds of ghosts, willpower coins and yin-yang glasses in the film have become the hot topics on the Internet, and even the hot topics on online retail websites.

The two women who just came back from China soon thought of the main point of the matter.

With such a high degree of topic, the box office of this movie should not be worse than ghost record, right?

Make an inquiry.

Sure enough, the first is the comprehensive media word-of-mouth, "soul 3" created the highest series, reaching 9.3 points, the absolute classic level.

Roger Abbott, a famous film critic, made the most representative comments. This critic praised "evocation 3" as George Romero defined zombie films, "evocation 3" redefined Hollywood horror films. Many of these elements will be imitated by Hollywood horror films.

Two female recollect some time, really so.

In the past, Hollywood horror films, even the scariest ghost drive, didn't have so many novel settings in evocation 3.

Hollywood's variety magazine even compares "evocation 3" to the "super baton war" in the evocation movie universe. This does not mean that the plot is similar, but that the movie has obviously played a connecting role in the whole evocation movie universe. Instead of being mediocre and constantly repeating itself, the series has completed a transformation and will become more mature and interesting in the future.

The box office of the film is even better.

The first day's box office revenue in North America reached 15.56 million US dollars. On the past Saturday and the day of Halloween, the revenue rose again to 18.12 million US dollars. In just two days, the cumulative box office revenue of the film has reached 33.68 million US dollars. The box office is expected to be between $46 million and $47 million in the three days of the first weekend and more than $60 million in the seven days of the first week.

All relevant data set a series of new highs.

In contrast, the box office of "evocation 2" was only $46.13 million in the first seven days of the week, which is only equivalent to the three days of "evocation 3" in the first weekend. The previous phenomenal "ghost record" grossed $59.63 million in the first week.

However, it is generally predicted in the industry that although it will exceed 60 million in the first week, it is very difficult for "evocation 3" to hit the domestic box office of 200 million US dollars like "ghost record", because the timing is not good. It's the Thanksgiving season where blockbusters are gathering. Under the fierce competition, it's hard for "evocation 3" to go long-term. The local box office is likely to be between 150 million and 200 million US dollars.

On the other hand, compared with the $25 million low production cost of evocation 2, the budget cost of evocation 3 doubled to $50 million due to the use of a large number of CG special effects. With the same soaring publicity, the local box office will certainly exceed the $129 million of evocation 2, but if the box office revenue is calculated, it is only the local side, the gross profit of evocation 3 On the contrary, the newspaper will not be as good as "evocation 2".

However, globally, in terms of the quality of evocation 3, the overall return is still promising to surpass that of evocation 2.

In any case, as commented by variety magazine, the key significance of evocation 3 for the whole evocation movie universe series is not the box office, but just like the "over editing war" of DC movie universe series, it has made the whole movie universe complete a transformation, redefined in all aspects, and made many audiences who have aesthetic fatigue of the series raise their interest again Interesting.

If we calculate in this way, the investment of 50 million US dollars will definitely be no loss.

You know, since the release of "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of justice", as we all know, the box office of the follow-up projects of the whole DC movie universe has increased a lot. "Evocation 3" is likely to play the same role in the evocation movie universe.Looking at the information, the two women thought that "evocation 3" was a project produced by the company under their boss's name, which inevitably gave rise to some feeling of pride.

Just as she murmured together, Katherine Elgar, the female guard who had been with Chen Qing and Lin Su for a long time, came in and reminded them that Chen Qing had finished her morning exercise and had gone to take a bath and change their clothes. They should go to the restaurant and wait for service. Then they got up.

When she left the office, Lily couldn't help it. She took out the two coins she had just chosen and showed them to her companion. She also generously gave Christie one.

Christie also liked it and put it in her chest pocket like a talisman.

When Cheng Taixi arrives at the restaurant, he is already sitting here, looking through the newspapers Lily prepared earlier. Lily favel takes a look and finds that Cheng Taixi is also reading a report about "evocation 3", with the title of "under the impact of" evocation 3 ", ghost shadow is out of favor, and may not be able to break the 200 million threshold this week.".

Lily favel thought of the similar report she had just read, and she felt sorry.

By the end of the fifth box office week on October 30, ghost record had earned US $16.71 million, with a total box office of US $185.96 million, only 14 million short of the 200 million box office threshold. Just now it's the week of Halloween. Not only has the government increased its publicity efforts again, but the fans of ghost record have also launched support activities to hit the threshold of 200 million.

Unfortunately, "evocation 3" is too strong, and there were two other new films on Friday.

According to the box office estimates on Friday and Saturday, in the sixth week of its release, the decline of ghost movie is likely to be around 35%, which seems not deep. However, considering the market environment in which the demand for horror movies on Halloween is greatly increased, it is not impossible for ghost movie to reverse the decline of box office if it is not for the 35% drop of "evocation 3".

The box office of ghost is expected to be between us $10 million and US $11 million this week. After a full week, it will be about US $4.5 million less than the threshold of US $200 million.

It's obvious that the film will definitely exceed 200 million next week. However, as a phenomenal horror film, it's a pity that it can't break through an important threshold during Halloween, which is very promising. Moreover, under the pressure of "evocation 2", the media also predicted that after breaking the 200 million threshold, the total domestic box office of "ghost record" will probably shrink by at least $10 million.

However, neither the official nor the fans are too sorry.

A family!

Chen Qing, who changed into a household uniform, soon appeared in the restaurant.

Lily and her husband help to deliver breakfast, and they can't help chatting about the movie they saw last night. Christie also takes the initiative to talk to Chen Qing about the film's high reputation and outstanding box office.

Chen Qing's feelings are similar to theirs.

I was scared last night, though. However, in addition, compared with other people, Chen Qing's expression is a little strange when she sees the newspaper's saying that "evocation 3" redefines Hollywood horror films and so on.

It's not new at all.

Although there is no trace of her own boss on the list of creators of this film, Chen Qing can be sure that Simon's involvement in the script must be very deep.

Because a lot of elements in the film are completely common routines in Oriental ghost films.

Ghosts are not allowed in mainland horror films, but in Hong Kong, they are rotten.

For example, you can see the willpower and ghosts on the coins when you wipe the glasses of newborn baby's tears, which is clearly the evolution of cattle tears in Oriental ghost films. What's more, in China, you don't need to wipe your glasses at all. If you can wipe your eyes directly, you can directly open your Yin and Yang eyes.

Another example is the concept of karma in the film

and resentment, as well as ghost fighting against the wall.

As for Yuanli coin, Yuanli sword, tut, it's copper coin sword.

What the hell's will?

That's Yang!

What's more, the long sword inlaid with coins in the film is really ugly, or the copper coin sword with red rope looks more able to catch demons and exorcise ghosts.

In addition, there are various ghosts, such as ghost babies, hanged ghosts, drowned ghosts, ghosts in the mirror, and so on. There are not many horror films in Hollywood. Hong Kong Style ghost films are all over the street. It's not uncommon for Taoists to catch them.

Chen Qing even make complaints about some.

My boss is just using some fur. If you carry over all the five elements array, birthday eight characters, ink doodle paper, glutinous rice and cinnabar from China Well, Chen Qing suddenly understood that it was too high-end for foreigners to understand.

It's no wonder that we can only give some fur to subvert innovation.


The foreign devils just don't know.


My boss is a wise foreign devil No, my boss is not a foreigner It seems wrong Anyway, the boss can't hear it.

Chen Qing immediately thought of the mainland.We are all talking about the development of the types of domestic films, but our culture will be influenced by a certain foreign The boss stole it, but there can't be ghosts in his own movies. It's a shame.