Chapter 1974

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the praise of "Laurie Segao has three good things", "blood meteor in the devil kingdom", "study early", "cute warlord", "don't be confused with your heart", "berry cake"

As a result, ACE did not enter the dungeon. She sat down with Noah on a bench beside the fountain in the central square, and actually started talking.

Noah asked ace about the Hestia family.

However, ACE is basically asking three questions.

Because, this girl has been hiding in the base camp of the Loki family for a month, practicing crushing magic, and has no spare power to care about the situation outside.

And ACE asked Noah about the month's harvest in the dungeon.

It's a pity that Noah left the world after entering the dungeon. He didn't come back until today. Once he came back, he went out of the dungeon. What's the gain?

So Noah perfunctorily made a few perfunctory remarks, and it was easy to bypass the question of pure and kind ace.

At this time, ACE is looking at Noah, crooked her head, and said such a sentence in some confusion.

"It feels like you're not the same as before."

"Is it?" Noah raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"What's the difference?"

“…… I don't know. " Ace pursed her pretty eyebrows, hesitated for a moment, and said, trembling.

"Seems to feel much more noble than before?"

When ace said this, Noah understood.

Maybe it's because I got the spirit of the third perpetual motion machine?

Before he got the Lingge, Noah was just a human being. Even though he had great power and his essence was a fragment of the original world, the world made Noah born as a human being, and Noah was always a human being.

After getting Lingge, Noah has been sublimated in a way.

Because Lingge represents achievements and inheritance.

The son of a mouse can make a hole.

After Noah got the Lingge, his position as a human being also rose to the highest point, just like the carp turned into a dragon. In other people's eyes, naturally, it was much more noble.

Didn't Leticia and pester have said before that Noah had some changes after he got lingo?

It seems that ACE also noticed the change.

It is estimated that the beauty God on the tower of Babel is also aware of Noah's change, so the sight becomes hotter than before?

Noah didn't hide it, so he said to ace.

"There have been some fortunes recently, and it's natural to change a little bit."

Hearing this, ACE cast her eyes on Noah and looked straight at Noah. After a while, she made a sound.

"You are stronger again?"

"Stronger?" Noah laughed bitterly.

"I don't know if it counts."

Noah has changed a lot since he left the world.

At that time, Noah's power was still in his body. If he had completely broken out, it would be more than enough to reach the three figures in the box court.

After all, at that time, Noah had been able to use the two avatars of power at the same time, which could explode in a short time.

Now, Noah is going all out, that is, the strength between three and four figures when using the extremely Tyrannosaurus is much weaker than before he left the world.

However, before he left the world, although Noah could use the two incarnations of power at the same time, reaching three figures, it was only temporary, and the consumption and burden were very large.

On one side are three digit levels for a very short period of time.

One side is the strength between the three and four digits without any side effects.

Which side is better, I really don't know how to calculate.

There's only one thing for sure.

That is, although Noah's change was great, the impact on strength was almost negligible.

Because, with the power of "Avista" and "virtual Star Taisui", as long as the opponent is not human, he will not lose in any way.

And if the opponent is human, with the strength between three and four figures, it is enough to sweep everything.

At least, this is true in the world of "devil's College", and it is also true in this world.

These, even if it is explained to ace, with her understanding ability, I'm afraid that this natural girl's head will be directly short circuited?

So Noah shrugged and said so.

"It can only be said that there has been a great change. As for whether it has become stronger, it depends on who the opponent is."

“…… Is it? " Ace nodded and, wondering if she understood, touched the bracelet on her wrist.

"My smash magic has never been good.""Not good at practice?" Noah laughed.

"That's normal. How long did you get the smash magic? At the beginning, in order to practice this magic, I practiced for four years in the mountains and forests."

"Four years?" Ace is at a loss.

"Will it take that long?"

"Well, in my case, it is because my magic power is too strong, which leads to the power of smashing magic is too strong, and it is more difficult to control, so it took only four years." Noah looked at ace as if he could see through her soul.

"Although you have strong mental power, you haven't reached the level I used to have when I was a child. With your talent and hard work, plus Lv. 6's ability value, if it goes well, in a few months, you should be able to apply it to combat."

"How many months?" Said ace involuntarily.

"Only a few months can be applied to combat?"

"It's time to be content." Noah was not angry.

"The people who taught me shattering Magic have been using it for decades, and now they haven't completely controlled it. You can use it in combat, which is a good result."

With that, Noah reached out and gently stroked ace's head.

Ace was stunned.

"Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with pursuing power itself, but there's no benefit in blindly pursuing power." Noah smiles.

"As long as you keep your feet on the ground, sooner or later, this magic will turn into your strength. You are the swordsman. You are the most gifted adventurer in the whole orali. You have a little confidence in yourself."

Ace stares at the smiling Noah and feels the warm hand on her head. She can't help but get lost.

Ace lost her parents when she was a child and joined the Loki family and became a member of the family.

Since then, ace has been fighting in the dungeons in order to become stronger. She has not even had fun and relaxation all the year round. If she had not been accompanied by livilia, tiona and tione, she would have been a walking corpse.

Under such circumstances, ACE could not remember how many years she had not been touched so gently by others.

The last time I was touched like this before my parents died?

As a result, the feeling of a long absence made ace immersed in it. For a moment, she had been looking at Noah without looking away.

It was Noah who was looking at her so directly that Noah began to feel unnatural.

Seeing Noah's expression become unnatural, ACE also reacts to come over, pretty face unexpectedly is also slightly red.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became a little ambiguous, let Noah and ace at the same time don't go too far, a look of shame.

Little did not know, that kind of performance, is almost like the lovers in love.

At least, it seems to others.

In the eyes of those with ulterior motives



With a sound like glass broken, the goblet was crushed by a slender jade hand.

The scarlet liquid immediately dropped from that hand. I didn't know whether it was red wine or blood.

Freya stood in front of the glass window like a wall and looked down at Noah and ACE, who were full of young and shy feelings like lovers, and her chest heaved violently.

As a god of beauty and in charge of love, how could Freya not understand why she had such a strong reaction?

Because of jealousy.

He does not hesitate to abandon everything he wants to get along with other girls, as long as it is a girl, it will produce a little bit of jealousy.

But Freya's jealousy is not only a little bit, but also surging like a sea.

"Ha ha..." Freya began to laugh at herself.

"I didn't expect that one day, I would be envious of a child in the lower bound..."

So, Freya with a rose like smile, bit by bit licked the red wine and blood in her hands.

"A little bit, I want to play games with that kid..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!