Chapter 1971

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the rewards of "the God of the belly black", "lolissa Gao has three virtues", "Alai Alai" and "the critical point of not laughing at cats and ice!"

The game between Jimmy's family and Baal's family is played by dice.

The rules are like this.

Each side has a die.

Before each game begins, both sides have to roll the dice to determine the total number.

According to this number, both sides can send their dependents with the same value evaluation as the demon chess pieces.

The so-called value evaluation is to calculate "pawn" as one, and the rest of the pieces are determined according to the value.

"Queen" is equivalent to nine "pawns", so it is calculated as 9.

"Rook" is equivalent to five "pawns", so it is calculated as 5.

Knight and Bishop are equivalent to three pawns, so they are counted as 3.

In such a calculation, both sides roll dice, and finally send the family members with the same value as the dice rolled to fight.

For example, if both lyas and zelaog both roll 4, it is the total number of 8. Both sides can only send pieces that match this number.

In terms of 8, it is able to send out a "rook" and a "Knight" or "bishop".

Of course, if you roll 8, you can also send eight soldiers to the court. As long as the value of the pieces is equal to the number of dice rolled, you can play.

In other words, if you want to send the queen, you have to throw more than 9.

If you want to send out a "rook", the number must be above 5.

If you want to send knight and bishop, the number must be above 3.

If you want to send a pawn, you have to roll the number of pieces used. For example, both Elsa and Irina used four pawn pieces for reincarnation, so you must roll more than 4 numbers to send them to the field.

As for "King", if he wants to appear, he must throw in the figures estimated by the official according to the comprehensive evaluation of both sides.

According to the estimation of the senior officials, as the first place in the new generation, the value of seraogo, who has reached the highest devil level, is 12, and that of lyas is 9.

As long as you roll a maximum of 12, narcarog will be able to play, while lyas only needs to roll the number of 9 to be able to play.

However, in all ranking games, there is one rule that is universal.

That is, once "King" is knocked down, the game will end and the defeated party will also be defeated.

Under such circumstances, the two sides compete, and the pieces that have been knocked down can no longer be sent out. The game is not over until "King" is knocked down.

"Oh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, OO

In the cheers of the audience, Jimmy's family and Baal's family began the competition.

What's more, the war is very fierce.

The match just passed half an hour, and three games were held before and after.

In the first game, both sides threw a total of 3 numbers and sent out knight.

In this competition, the family member sent by lyas is youdou.

However, youdou did not disappoint Noah, showing the achievements of special training all the time. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he directly took out the magic sword and showed his extraordinary strength. He beat the knight, the family member of Baal, into the water and won the victory easily.

In the second game, both sides threw a total of 10, which greatly increased the number of dependents that could be sent out.

As a result, lyas sent kittens and two "rooks" of losweyaser, while seraogo sent a "rook" and a "Knight".

The situation of this war is not as suspense as before, and the two sides have had a very fierce conflict.

Finally, the kitten made a sacrifice with a resolute expression and dragged the other party's "rook" and "Knight" to launch a super large-scale all-round magic bombardment. Except for losweyaser, the rest of the people left.

In the third game, both sides rolled a total of 8.

In this scene, Leias sent Rebecca, bishop, and Irene, pawn, with a total value of 7, and they could be on the stage if they threw 8.

Although sending Elsa and Irina, it's just 8, but Aisa has no fighting power, so naturally she doesn't show up. She stays in the contestant area to treat and recover those who have fought, so as to ensure that everyone can fight in the best condition in every game.As for seraogo, he sent a rook and a bishop.

That's where the game comes from.

In the VIP room, Noah can clearly see that Rebecca and Irina are struggling under the attack of "rook" and "bishop".

However, it seemed that they had taken the wrong medicine, and they fought very hard.

"She Are they too desperate? " Asahel uttered his voice in great amazement.

"Is there any stimulation?"

“…… It's really hard. " 'said Sussex, with a slight frown on his brow.

"In the last game, the kitten fought very hard with loswell Arthur. The kitten even sacrificed himself. Loswether didn't show any mercy to bombard the kitten together. Even though it's normal to abandon children in the game, it's going too far."

"Think about it carefully, the battle of Muchang youdou is also very desperate. As soon as he comes out, he directly shows all his strength. Even the magic emperor sword, which can cause great consumption, is used without any hesitation." Asahel could not understand.

"What the hell is going on?"

Noah was silent, and after a while he spoke quietly.

"They just want to win, for themselves and for me."

"For you?" Sazex and Asahel both looked at Noah, their faces a little stunned.

Noah's eyes have never left the screen, light said.

"After the game, I'm going to leave for a while."

"What What? " Sazex and Asahel both exclaimed, drawing the eyes of the people around them.

Two people this just reaction come over, quickly make up smile.

"What's the matter?" Sarzex couldn't help asking.

"Isn't that sudden?"

"Please, you are the world's restraining force now. Although I'm sorry, the world peace is basically supported by you alone." Asahel is even more bitter smile.

"If you leave, the mythical forces that have struggled to compromise will certainly be ready to stir up again."

"Don't worry, even if I don't show up, no one will think I'm dead, let alone joke about the survival of my own mythological forces before I die." Noah never looked away from the screen, he said.

"So, what you worry about will not happen. You can continue to work for world peace."

Sazeks and asahelzai thought about it and thought it made sense.

"Where are you going Asked sarzex.

"Why do you want to leave all of a sudden?"

"I have my own business to do, too." Noah smiles.

"What? Are you worried about my accident? "

"You'd better be so easy." Asahel rolled his eyes.

"Even the infinite Dragon God has become your servant, and you have sealed the animal emperor of the implied record. I really can't think of anyone who can make you have an accident."

"Then it's over?" Noah shrugged.

"So, this game, you can accompany me to see the end."

Sarzex and asacher both nodded heavily.

The three men watched the whole process of the game with a very serious expression.

During this period, the three chatted a lot, making the air filled with a faint melancholy.

Finally, jimmri's family successfully defeated the Baal family and won the victory.

Noah's eyes softened as he watched the smiling, crying and hugging family members of Jimmy.

"Well done, my students..."

In this way, Noah can leave without any regrets.

But sazex and Asahel only told a very limited number of people about Noah's departure, and the rest of them didn't know anything about it.

In the evening of the same day, the four great demons, including sazex, achuka, serafur and falubium, together with the family of jimmri and the family of Sidi, held a banquet under the organization of asasher.

At the banquet, Noah, as the main character, was constantly drunk by a group of people, but always with a laugh, with the crowd laughing, making a whole night.

It is said that after being drunk, Elsa and the kitten secretly kiss Noah, and even Rebecca's mouth.

It is said that seraph, who was also drunk, seemed to plan to have a hot night with Noah, but was finally stopped by lyas and Cangna.

It is said that even the members of Wali's team came later and were dragged by asasher to drink a lot of wine.

It is said that the next day, after all drunk, only Noah came out of the party and left the underworld.However, to be more accurate, it should be said that we have left the world.

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