Chapter 1271

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for "alsared", "Wanguo", "the book friend who has been bent around", "Qi Guan Xuanqi", "falling star spirit", "Liufeng Leishui", "fellow book friends_ Archer's reward!)

"No! Mr. Noah! Stop him

Almost at the same time that the black rabbit yelled out the words, the headdress of the banshee, which was torn from his neck by louse, was shining with dazzling light.

"Zheng --!"

In the atmospheric concussion sound, the dazzling light that blooms in the whole space is that kind of color as red as blood.

The bright red light blooms on the gift raised by lousna, and stirs up waves of light in a way reminiscent of starlight. On the one hand, it twinkles, while on the other it pours in all directions like a tide.

Holding up such a dazzling light, louse declared in a loud voice.

"Come out! Alger

In this moment, the light in louse's hand suddenly rose to the sky, like a column of light, rushed up into the sky, not into the clouds.

"Hum --!"

The next moment, the whole sky suddenly trembled, as if the previous light to reflect back, let the bright red light shock the space, fall from the sky, in the blink of an eye, impact on the ground.

"Dong --!"

As if something heavy fell down and hit the ground, the whole space was suddenly shaken to the same, a tremor, so that the bright red light in a short moment there, covering the whole scene.


All the people present, including Noah, raised their hands in front of them.

I don't know how long has passed, the glare of the strong light slowly subsided.

However, everyone present had a slight tremor in their hearts.

Because, an extremely amazing sense of oppression, shrouded in the audience.

Immediately, such a sound reverberated in the whole world.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!"

It was a shrill cry, like the cry of a baby, a shrill chant that human beings could not understand.

Accompanied by such a sharp sound, a figure, printed into the eyes of all the people present.

It was a woman.


To be more precise, it should be a female like creature.

He was strapped with a harness and a belt for catching.

On his head was the tangled hair of a snake or a python.

The skin of the whole body is like being sucked dry, showing a burst of purple brown.

There is no pupil in a pair of eyes, only the color of red hair.

Such a female like creature, like an animal, landed on all fours, slowly raised his face like a fierce ghost, and raised his upper body, making a very harsh scream.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!"

People's ears can not understand the scream resound through the sky, into a shockwave like sound waves, concussion around.

Standing in front of the unidentified creature not far away, Noah was directly exposed to the wind like sound wave. He flew up in his clothes, but his face did not change at all. He looked at the woman who screamed like a wild beast and murmured.

"I see. Is this the gift of protecting Perseus for a long time instead of" head "and" shield "

It's not just Noah.

In the distance, with his own eyes, louse will be unidentified female to call out the white Yasha and back to the 16th night of the same tongue.

"That idiot used that in a place like this." Bai Yasha's face became extremely ugly.

"If that thing is allowed to open here, the outer door will be turned into stone."

"Stone?" Back to the same 16 night.

"That is to say, it is indeed the star controlled by Perseus?"

Seeing that Bai yecha and his return to the 16th night both said something they didn't understand, the bird asked for a voice.

"What are you talking about? petrifaction? stars? What do you mean

"Don't you understand? Miss Back to the 16th night, watching the terrible woman who screamed to make a sound wave, she spoke in a low voice.

"You should know, then, the weapons possessed by Perseus, who was granted the mission of retreating Medusa, the Gorgon, in legend?"

"I know." Chunri Bu Yao replied.

"Perseus, the hero who was granted the mission of retreating Medusa, received four weapons, namely, helmet, boots, shield and scythe."

"Yes, the helmet is the invisible hadith's helmet, the boot is Hermes' boot that can fly, the shield is Athena's shield, and the scythe is the sickle sword in that guy's hand." I went back to the 16th night and explained."With these weapons, Perseus cut off the head of Medusa, the snake demon, and was able to use the petrified power of the" head "to accomplish more

"And since Perseus was invited to the box court and created a community, should all these weapons, that is, gifts, be inherited by the incompetent young master?" I squint back at night.

"But, in the myth, Perseus completed his own feat, ascended the sky, and turned into a constellation, he presented Athena with the head of the serpentine and the shield, which led to the shield inlaid with the Banshee's head."

"Ah?" Distant bird some uncertain said.

"That is to say, did the nouveau riche only inherit the three gifts of" helmet "," boots "and" scythe "

The answer to this question is not back to the 16th night, but the black rabbit.

"No, it's not like that." The black rabbit quietly grasped the palms of his sweaty hands and spoke in a low voice.

"Although he lost his" head "and" shield ", Perseus, who was promoted to Perseus, received a new gift of combining" head "and" shield "

"In Perseus, there is a star called the magic star since ancient times." I went back to sixteen nights and said so.

"That star, in the constellation Perseus, is located in the position of the head of the Gorgon that Perseus holds in his hand. It is called Alger."

"Argyle?" Chunri Bu Yao was surprised.

"Isn't that the name louse just called out?"

"Yes White Yasha looks at the terrible woman in the scream.

"Therefore, instead of" head "and" shield ", Perseus gets sovereignty of a star that can possess the ability of fossilization and play the role of" head ". As the" shield "of the community, Perseus is used by Perseus

In the box court occupied by many Shura deities, not only the land has the ownership, but also each star in the sky has its own ownership, that is, the so-called sovereignty.

Among them, the sun, which represents the most deities, Buddhas and myths, has created 24 solar sovereigns based on the two celestial body segmentation methods of the solar orbit, namely, the zodiac and the equator.

As long as they hold the sovereignty of these stars and constellations, then the holders of sovereignty can summon the stars and gods representing the stars and make them obey their own orders and serve.

Instead of "head" and "shield", the community named Perseus gains the sovereignty of Alger, the demon star in the constellation Perseus, which is located at the head of the Gorgon.

The woman whom louse summoned out is exactly one of the strongest races in the box court, the spirit of the magic star in the constellation Perseus - Argyle.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!"

As if to confirm the people's idea, the demon star spirit named Argyle made a sharp cry, and his whole body suddenly expanded a little.

"Pa --!"

One of the belts bound to Alger was broken.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa --!"

As if it caused a chain reaction, several belts were broken one after another.

In this instant, the whole body of Alger swelled and became as huge as a black bear.

"Give it to me!" Louse ordered.

"Kill that boy! Alger

Alger suddenly raised his head and looked at Noah. His red eyes flashed red.


In a loud kick on the ground, the star spirit named Argyle suddenly shot at Noah's direction like an arrow on the left string. One hand was wrapped around a belt and stretched into a claw shape.

At the next moment, the Giant Claw like a bear's paw rubbed against the air and made a sharp sound of breaking the air. In an instant, it flashed down and hit Noah in the direction of space.

"Dong --!"

The thunderous sound waves, accompanied by the impact of shaking the ground, burst out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!