Chapter 1226

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
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There is a huge library on the 10th floor of the great tomb of nazarek.

It is a dark brown based, air filled atmosphere is very quiet, with soft magic light illuminating every corner of the library.

The high ceiling is round.

There was a huge door outside.

The size of the door is comparable to that of the hall of Thrones.

On both sides of the door, there is a Gormley with a height of more than three meters.

Gorem has a samurai appearance, shining with a color that ordinary stone or metal can't have, and is obviously made of extremely rare materials.

Although they can't feel the breath because they are dead things, the solemn atmosphere that permeates the whole body of the two gorem tells others that they are definitely much better than ordinary gorem.

With Noah as the leader, yalbed and dimiugos accompanied him as a guard, and a group of three came to the huge gate guarded by gorem.

If it had been for other people in the grave of nazarek, I would have knelt down before seeing Noah's arrival.

However, the goremes did not have wisdom, nor were they creatures. They were just weapons. Naturally, they would not have such a cognition.

Therefore, yalbed and dimiugos naturally could not scold the two gorem for their rudeness, but yalbed spoke in a loud voice.

"Open the door!"

Responding to yalbed's words, gorem, standing on either side of the door, suddenly moved.

Like giants of stone and like robots, the two gorems turned to each other with clumsy movements and pushed the huge door open slowly.

At the next moment, a space like an art gallery rather than a library was presented to Noah.

It was a space lined with huge bookshelves of all kinds.

Walls, floors and even bookshelves have countless decorations.

There was not a speck of dust on the polished floor, and beautiful patterns were painted.

On the ceiling, there are huge frescoes.

From here, you can see the second floor on both sides.

After all, above the walls, there are stands protruding from the outside, and rooms with entrances are set up. There are also bookshelves in the rooms, which look like a heaven of books.

Several glass display cabinets, which are obviously different from ordinary books, also entered Noah's eyes.

The air was filled with tranquility.

Noah, yalbed and dimiugos entered the library together, and the door behind was slowly closed by two gorems.

Now the place where Noah, jarbede and dimiucos are, is called limbic.

The huge library, which exists on the 10th floor of the underground tomb of nazarek, has three areas: between knowledge, between reason and between magic.

Noah looked around as he walked down the aisle separated by bookshelves and uttered an exclamation.

"Is this the library on the tenth floor of the great tomb of nazarek?"

In fact, Noah already knew the existence of this library.

For some of the books stored in this library are extremely precious for the tomb of nazarek.

There are about five kinds of books here.

The first is a call book used to summon demons.

The summoning of high-level demons that are not automatically reborn requires holding a calling ceremony and paying the corresponding money.

What is needed for the ritual of summoning is the call book.

If you do not use the summon book, but use the Summoning Magic to summon, then the summoned demons, basically, are the most common and low-level demons.

The magic objects that are summoned by the summon book are not only very rare, but also much higher than ordinary demons. Even magic, skill and race are very rare types.

The second is a prop book for storing magic props.

Some special and precious magic props with very powerful effects and functions are stored here with these props books.

The third is a magic book for use.

In Yggdrasil, sometimes, if you want to change to a specific occupation or race, you need the corresponding props.

Among them, there are many props in the form of books.

Props such as the book of the dead, the fallen seed that can turn people into demons, and the rising wings that can transform people into angels.The use of these props can make a person change into a specific occupation or even a race.

In Yggdrasil, the value of such props is completely different according to the precious nature of race and occupation.

The magic books stored here are just the kind of props that can be transferred to an extremely precious profession or race.

The fourth is a reference book for making equipment, props and objects.

The manufacture of some precious equipment, props and articles can not be done by anyone at will.

It's like a blueprint.

The manufacture of precious equipment, props and articles requires not only materials but also information books.

With these information books, as long as you have the required forging skills and materials, you can make the articles recorded on them.

As for the fifth, it is fiction.

Most of the classic novels widely circulated in the original world, or novels with game background as the story, and even original novels written by players in Yggdrasil, as well as secondary creation novels and game strategies, etc.

Noah's purpose in this trip is to read the first four kinds of books.

Both the summon book and the information book are intended to be used by yalbede and dimiucos for the use of magic objects and the production of props, so as to expand the power and power of nasarik's underground tomb.

The props and magic books have magical effects. Noah naturally wants to collect them, expand the treasure house and prepare for unexpected needs.

Of course, most of the summon books and reference books here have spare parts.

Noah also plans to collect those books.

Perhaps, in other worlds, if you need hands or special props, Noah can also prepare them with these summonses and information books.

"It's just that there are too many books here." Noah was amazed.

"Apart from those novels and strategies, call books, prop books, magic books and information books are all very useful and precious things. Are there so many collections here?"

"It's mainly novels and strategies. Compared with novels and strategies, the other four books are less than one percent of them?" Said yalbed with admiration.

"Even so, with the amount of books collected here, the number of summon books, prop books, magic books and information books is also quite amazing. If you can collect so many precious props, you are worthy of being once the supreme masters."

When he looked over his head, he nodded his head.

"Lord Noah, since you are here, I don't know if I'll see the chief scribe in the library?"

"Chief secretary?" Noah's mind came up with the information of NPC of this position, and nodded his head.

"Well, I also want to see how far the production of scrolls has developed."

With these words, Noah walked forward.

I don't know how long after that, an inner door appeared in front of Noah.

Jarbede and dimiucos immediately came forward and opened the door.

Suddenly, Noah saw a spacious room with huge bookshelves.

Take a closer look, those bookshelves are not books, but a variety of miscellaneous items.

Minerals, metals, gems, powders, and many organs of unknown creatures are placed on these shelves.

These things, all of which are used to make the material for the reel.

In addition, there are a large number of parchment, or rolled up on the bookshelf, or bundled on the floor, stacked throughout the room.

In the middle of the room, there is a big stone platform.

On the edge of the big stone platform stood a skeleton.

A human and animal skeleton, only about 150 in height, with two horns on its head, four fingers, hoof like toes, a long robe, a turban on its head and rags on its waist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!