Chapter 1219

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the reward of "white star sea", "devil's blood meteor", "butterfly dancing cherry blossom", "hongchenmeng", "you're a man again", "unknown Mo Yan", "not cold wood cold"!)

"Oh, ah, ah, ah --!"

Covered with crimson body armor, she was shrouded in brilliant white light from the demon Slayer. She was like being struck by lightning.

He looked like a demon who had been purified by "demon Slayer", and even his body was full of black gas.

Holding the demon slayer, Noah kept the posture of putting his magic suit through his chest. He raised his head and looked at the white light whining like a lightning strike. He bit his teeth and instilled the divine power into his silver sword.

"Zheng --!"

Thanks to the "demon Slayer" which has been boosted five times by the "Red Dragon Emperor's caged hand" and a large amount of divine power energy, the white light is so dazzling that people feel a burning pain in their eyes.

Under such circumstances, like being struck by lightning, the dazzling white light from "demon Slayer" was shrouded in her body. A little black gas was emitted from her body, and her voice of sadness became more intense.

From a distance, it seems that a white sun appears on the vast plain, which is dazzling and bright.

The dazzling white light just like the tide constantly gushes out, covering the whole space.

At this moment, the demons who ambushed in the plain, obeyed Noah's command, and sealed off the surrounding areas of the great tomb of nazarek were covered with dazzling white light.

These monsters also showed up involuntarily from the dark place, and gave out a wail like the roar of a beast.

There is no way.

After all, "demon Slayer" has a spell resistance that can break all curses. For these alien demons with negative forces completely opposite to their vitality, they are just natural enemies of natural enemies.

Even King Solomon, who inherited the power of the dark elf king and was devoured by the power of the dark elf king, was completely turned into a mass of resentment. He could not resist the power of "demon Slayer", let alone these demons.

What's more, the power of demon Slayer has doubled five times.

Fortunately, at this moment, the power of demon Slayer is not aimed at the demons in the grave of nazarek.

Otherwise, all the demons here, including those at level 85, will have to be purified by the power of "demon Slayer".

So, in all kinds of howling like beasts, the brilliant white light that covered the whole space finally stopped expanding.

I don't know how long it passed, and the white light covering the vast plain gradually faded down.

All of a sudden, the demon, whose negative energy was churning with the power of the demon slayer, looked at the center of the dim white light.

There, Noah, holding the demon slayer, still kept the position of penetrating the silver sword into the body of shatia, lowering his head and covering his expression with the bangs on his forehead.

And she also lowered her head and returned to the appearance of a string puppet in the beginning.

"Hum --!"

With the sound of a tremor, the huge tipper spear and the crimson body armor in her hands seemed to turn into a mirage, which disappeared in a shaking.


On Noah's right hand, holding the demon slayer, Longinus, named "the boosted gear of the Red Dragon Emperor", also broke into pieces like glass and disappeared.


She let out a sad hum. Her body softened and fell down slowly.

It wasn't until then that Noah finally had a move.

Pulling the demon Slayer out of her body, Noah hugged her and knelt on one knee.

All of a sudden, there was silence.


I don't know how long it took, she just let out a dream like chant, slowly opened her own pair of scarlet eyes.Noah, who held her in his arms, looked at the eyes for the first time.

At this time, in that pair of eyes, that is, there is no beginning of emptiness, there is no just madness, there are only endless fatigue.

"Ah At the same time when she opened her eyes, she was staring at Noah's eyes.

"Noah Your honor... "

Hearing the familiar voice, Noah was relieved and asked.

"How do you feel?"

"Feeling?" For a moment, she seemed to be confused and unable to grasp the situation. She just opened a pair of tired eyes and couldn't make a sound.

"Feeling I'm so tired... "


This is absolutely incredible for a non dead person.

Because all the undead are not fatigued and do not need food.

As the true ancestor of the vampire at the top of the undead, she will feel tired, which is really an incredible thing.

Of course, if it's mental fatigue, it's something else.

It is obvious that the vampire girl is not only mentally tired, but also physically tired.

But this is not a strange thing.

As the undead, her body is also full of negative energy which is completely opposite to vitality.

Under the direct attack of "demon Slayer", the negative energy in her body may have been purified to the extreme, which made her feel extremely tired just like ordinary people.

However, the spiritual domination of shatia was also removed.

So she looked blankly at Noah.

"Why am I here? Why is Lord Noah here? "

"You don't need to think about anything. Have a good rest first." Noah stroked the silver gray hair of her.

"When you wake up, everything will understand."

If, in the past, as the guardian of the great tomb of nazarek, she could not sleep directly in front of the object she had given all her loyalty to.

However, the fatigue accumulated in her body seems to be quite strong, so that the vampire girl nodded powerlessly, closed her beautiful eyes, and slowly fell asleep in the past.

Looking at the old lady sleeping in her arms, Noah picked it up in the form of a princess.

"Back, shatia..."

The noble girl, like a little princess, did not respond to Noah's words. She just lay in Noah's arms with a peaceful face.


In the underground tomb of nazarek, a line of NPC, through the screen reflected in the air, looks at Noah, who holds xiatiah in the form of a princess, and falls into silence.

Said dimiucos, with a sigh.

"Lord Noah's overwhelming victory."

"Yes." Yaurah also looks like a God.

"Even in the guardian of the ability to single out the most powerful, in a fully armed state, still not Noah's first-hand enemy."

"Fifty seconds." The white air came out of Cosette's mouth.

"Lord Noah took only this amount of time to defeat shatia."

"Really..." Marley is in a low mood.

"Too strong..."

A number of NPCs fell into silence.

Then Sebas said that.

"Does such a powerful supreme need humble loyalty?"

This is the reason why a number of NPCs are silent.

"I hope you will remember today's lesson."

Said yalbed, looking at Noah on the screen, in a tone that had never been serious before.

"Next time, it's absolutely not allowed to be useless like this one."

A group of NPCs firmly nodded their heads. , the fastest update of the webnovel!