Chapter 1148

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the appreciation of "seclusion for the moon", "morning breeze", "bayunmu", "the final song of the world", "a quasi cartoon house", "long live the Orient" and "Yueju"

Noah is now in a conference room called the round table.

It was the place where the guild members of ANZ ur Gong used to gather.

Around the huge round table in the center of the room are 41 luxurious seats.

Those are the members of the "ANZ ur Gong" guild in the past.

As for the wall where Noah's eyes are now, there is a vacancy like an exhibition cabinet.

Inside, there is a staff of Dharma with a whole body of brilliant gold, and its shape is like a scepter.

It was a staff of Dharma staff. Its body was twisted like a snake, and its top was cup-shaped, as if there were seven snakes extending out of it. The cup-shaped edge surrounded the snake mouths one by one. The appearance looked as if it was struggling in great pain. It made people feel holy and awe stricken.

In each of the seven snake mouths, there is a gem of different colors.

Those gems are all artifact level props.

This is the name of this staff.

In Yggdrasil, every guild has a guild weapon.

Guild weapons can be said to be the symbol of a guild and the most important thing in this guild.

Because, as long as the guild weapons are destroyed, then the guild will completely disintegrate.

Therefore, guild weapons are not usually used to perform their powerful functions, but are placed in the safest places.

Even so, no one will casually set a weapon as a guild weapon.

Because it is the representative and symbol of the whole guild, the stronger the guild is, the more powerful its guild weapons will be.

Take the wand of ANZ ur Gong for example. The gems held by the mouths of the seven snakes on the staff are not only artifact level props, but also a series of props.

Since it is a suit, then, after the complete collection, it will naturally be able to play a greater than 7 power of 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1.

Not only that, in addition to those gems, the staff itself is a rare and super high-level weapon.

Therefore, the power of the "ANZ ur Gong's wand" is far beyond the artifact level and can absolutely match the world-class props.

As mentioned above, the so-called world-class props are not something a player can own.

That's for two reasons.

1: In Yggdrasil, there are only 200 world-class props, known as the ultimate props.

2: World class props, each with a unique effect, some can even break the balance of the game.

For example, among the world-class props that are almost all balance breakers, there are 20 props with incomparable extraordinary ability called "20".

Some of them can completely delete the target from the game, but they have to pay the price that the user is also completely deleted.

Some of them can ask Yggdrasil's production company to change parts of the magic system.

There is also one of the most powerful world-class props. It is said that it can become stronger and stronger without limit. As long as the holder passes through a period of time, that person is enough to capture a whole grave under the ground of nazarek.

Of course, the world-class props named "20" will disappear as long as they are used once because they are too powerful.

Although the rest of the world-class props are not like this, since they are the same world-class props as the "twenty", the effects and functions can be imagined.

The power of ANZ ur Gong's staff, which can be compared with such world-class props, is also conceivable.

"It's a pity, now, it's cheaper for me."

Noah, standing in front of the wand of ANZ ur Gong, held out his hand and held it.

"Hum --!"

Just as Noah held the wand of ANZ ur Gong in his hand, the stick of ANZ ur Gong gave off a flickering red and black light.

In the light, faces full of painful expressions emerge one after another, then collapse, even disappear, and continue to emerge again and again, so lifelike that you can hear the cry of pain.

This scene, let Noah frown.

"What an evil taste?"

In fact, if you think about it carefully, since the creatures in the grave are all heteromorphic, the nature of the players who created the stronghold "ANZ ur Gong" will be clear at a glance.

It must be the villain and the evil, right?

And this kind of setting does make some people feel excited.It's a pity that Noah is not in this category, and he doesn't see the distorted psychology that makes people feel happy when they are suffering. Naturally, he will be a little unhappy.

"Forget it." Noah took down the wand of ANZ ur Gong.

"This staff is still very important for the tomb of nazarek. Take it first."

When holding the wand of ANZ ur Gong, Noah could clearly feel that his abilities in all aspects had been improved.

This is also a feature of the game's original equipment, right?

For example, promoting attributes or something.

Moreover, this "ANZ ur Gong's wand" can not only improve the attribute, but also hide a large number of skills and magic.

Among them, even some skills and magic effects surprised Noah.

"In terms of effect and effect, this staff is expected to be comparable to ex level treasure?"

This is not an exaggeration.

Because Noah found that the use of "ANZ ur Gong's wand" can even achieve such exaggerated things as resurrecting NPC in the underground grave of nasarik.

And resurrection, that is even Noah's treasure house can not find the same effect of the power of the treasure.

With this ability, how can this "ANZ ur Gong's staff" not be called an ex level treasure?

"But it's a different relationship in the world, isn't it?" Noah said to himself, clutching the wand of ANZ ur Gong.

"After all, in the game, resurrection is just a common thing. In the eyes of people here, maybe this ability is not so great?"

With this in mind, Noah let go of the wand of ANZ ur Gong.

"Hum --!"

A golden ripple immediately emerges from the space, swallowing the wand of ANZ ur Gong into the air.

Then Noah looked around and left the room called the round table.


After leaving the room called round table, Noah walked in the direction of his room.

To Noah's surprise, at the door of the room, led by yalbed, all the guardians were there, and they all looked uneasy.

"Lord Noah!"

Aware of Noah's arrival, a group of guardians were immediately happy and surprised. They knelt down on one knee.

Among them, the expressions of yaurah and Marley are more or less nervous.

That's also natural.

Not long ago, Noah was so rude to them.

It is also natural that there will be such performance.

Noah didn't think that was wrong.

When he chose to test the guardians in that way, Noah more or less guessed the result.

So Noah didn't want to correct anything. He went straight forward and asked questions.

"What's the matter? Why do they gather in such places? "

In a word, the guardians were excited.

"How can you say it's such a place?" Yalbed was trying to express something.

"This is your residence, which is the most sacred place for us

A group of guardians also followed the strong nod, let Noah eyebrow a pick.

"I have just treated you like that, and you still regard me as the supreme being?"

"Please don't say that!" She said this with a red flush on her face.

"To be treated like the supreme you! That's also a gift to us! you 're right! It's a gift! Please continue to flog us like that again

All of a sudden, the rest of the guardians showed that they wanted to refute, but did not know how to refute.

Noah, on the other hand, was a jerk from the corner of his mouth.

How do you feel that the guardians of the first, second and third layers seem to be a little dangerous? , the fastest update of the webnovel!