Chapter 1125

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
Thank you very much for "long live the Orient", "long Lianqing snow", "watching you update silently", "empty city"_ "Solo", "thunder sound", "pickled Ai Ai" and "yiyiyiying"

At the beginning of meeting Azuma, Azuma said that the "grimoire heart" attacking Sirius island was just a vanguard force, and cadres like Hades and his seven family members did not arrive at Sirius island.

However, why did Azuma, one of the "seven dependents of purgatory", arrive at Sirius island one step at a time when other cadres have not yet arrived at Sirius island?

At that time, Noah, who was full of anger, did not think about it. When he returned to the camp of fairytail and completely calmed down, he could not detect a trace of something wrong.

Noah knew something about Sirius island.

When we talk about Sirius Island, we must think of three special places.

It can be said that as long as there is a Sirius tree, it is difficult for the demon guide of "fairytail" to die on Sirius island.

As the former chairman of fairytail, Hades could not be unaware of this.

Since "grimoire heart" under the command of Hades wants to attack Sirius island and annihilate "fairytail", it is impossible to solve the problem of Sirius tree first.

"You sent this guy to Sirius island in advance to let him destroy the Sirius tree and let" fairytail "lose the protection of Sirius tree

Noah glanced at Hades, his face full of sarcasm.

"Unfortunately, your calculation is very good, but you neglect that this guy seems to be a fighting maniac. As soon as he comes to Sirius Island, this guy can't wait to challenge me. As a result, he exposes his whereabouts and reminds me of the problem of Sirius tree."

"Then, just holding the idea of just in case to guard the Sirius tree, this guy really jumped out." Laxas raised his hand, and a little electric light flashed from it.

"It's a good opponent. He was beaten seriously by Noah first. Otherwise, it's not so easy to win him and worry about Sirius tree."

Hearing the words of Noah and lakthas, a group of "grimoire heart" demon guides finally understood the current form.

Demons hunt goblins?

It's not true.

The pattern has reversed.

The goblin, who should have been the prey, took the whole initiative in his hands and turned over completely.

However, turning over does not necessarily mean that you can become a hunter in turn.

Even if goblins are no longer prey, demons will not believe that they will become prey and be slaughtered.

"Quite capable, Makarov. You have indeed produced some good seedlings." Hades glanced at the whole fairytail.

"But you don't think it's going to beat us, do you?"

Hearing this, a group of "grimoire heart" demon guides also burst into a strong breath.

The crystal ball in uruthia's hands is in full bloom.

Zankro's body was burning a strong black flame.

Captopril, lucirus, Caine and meldi's "seven families of purgatory" magicians also rose with amazing magic, making the air heavy.

In particular, brunot's magic power from his body is that the dust around him seems to be turned into iron particles, and like a downpour, it is released to the ground one after another.

Aware of the enemy's terror, a group of "fairytail" demon guides are also dignified.

Only Naz, looking at zankro, who was burning a strong black flame all over his body, clenched one hand into a fist, and also burst into a hot flame.

"The black guy over there will be handed over to me. All of you are not allowed to do it!"

Nazi's words, all of a sudden, dispelled the dignified heart.

In particular, gray, who had been staring at urutiana, stepped forward and spoke in a deep voice.

"Your name is urutia?"

"What? Do you feel familiar with it? " A coquettish smile appeared on her face, but she didn't know how in her eyes. Suddenly, a touch of hatred appeared.

"what do you as like as two peas", "why do you want to ask me why I am the same as the teacher who teaches you magic, the woman named URU?"

"You..." Gray clenched his fist.

"Do you really have anything to do with Ulu?"

Urutya was silent, and just looked at gray with hate eyes. Gray bit his teeth and took a deep breath."I'll give the one named urutia to me!"

As soon as Naz and gray both found their rivals, the other members of fairytail looked at the rest of grimoire heart with the same eyes as if they were looking at their prey.

That look, of course, made a lot of demon guides who thought they were the hunter's "grimoire heart".

"What an unpleasant look Zankro was burning black flames and laughing wildly.

"Can you kill them all?"

"Can you fly?" Brunot's voice was low, and he was also staring at fairytail.

"The goblin has wings. What does it look like when it flies? It's really exciting."

Feeling the anger and murderous spirit emerging from brunot and zancro, Hades waved his hand without expression.

"Torture the goblins as much as you like."

In a word, it completely detonated the tense atmosphere of the whole scene.

"Torture the goblin?" Makarov raised his head violently and made a noise.

"Do you think you can do it?"

As soon as the voice fell, Makarov's whole body suddenly rose and suddenly turned into a giant covering the sky and the sun.

"Try the strike of the Goblin you want to torture! Demons

The next second, the huge fist, with the sound of the wind, suddenly fell from the sky with an amazing momentum, and hit the place where "grimoire heart" is located.


In the roar, the whole ground trembled under the direct impact of the huge fist, and aroused the dust that filled the whole space.

Before then, however, a group of "grimoire heart" demons had been scattered.

Including Hades.

However, just as Hades sprang up, a shadow came.

Immediately, Noah's dark and deep eyes were printed into Hades's eyes, which changed Hades's face.

"Hoo Hoo!"

In the whistling wind, a foot swept out, heavily kicked in Hades's abdomen.


In the sound of muffled blows, Hades flew backwards and out into the direction of the forest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!