Chapter 1113

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
Thank you very much for "no wind and bright sky", "I'm very virtuous", "watching you update silently", "empty city"_ "Soloist", "long live the Orient" and "long Lian Qing Xue"

"I have something very important to tell you!"

When the words rang out of Rebecca's mouth, the figure of elusha, who was about to charge forward, suddenly stopped.

However, elusha's delicate pretty face was not only half stunned, but rather calm.

"That's it. Understand that the opponent can't deal with it head on, so start using strategy?"

With these words, she seemed not to worry about what strategy Rebecca would use. Instead, she felt a sense of expectation inside, smiling confidently.

"Well, Rebecca, let me see what strategy you're going to use."

As she saw her plan in a few words, reby was helpless.

In such a critical eye, if you suddenly claim that you have something important to say, is there another possibility besides what strategies you intend to use?

She was one of those particularly astute minds.

Therefore, to see through this level of planning, for elusha, is simply the matter.

In such a situation, it is almost impossible to use a strategy that can shake Alosa.

However, almost impossible, does not mean that it is absolutely impossible.

So, struggling with the pain of her body, reby tightly grasped a red rope hanging around her neck, and a smile suddenly appeared on her immature face.

"Well, elusha, what are you going to do if someone suddenly proposes to you?"

All of a sudden, there was silence.

"Propose?" Elusha froze.

"Propose?" Jubian was stunned.

When the reaction came over, the pretty faces of the two girls suddenly became wonderful.

"Please Propose? " The sternness and awe on her face almost disappeared in an instant, as if she had become the most ordinary girl. She stepped back a little, looked at reby and stammered.

"And That is to say Let me get married? "

"Yes Reby made a victory gesture in her heart, and then she spoke quickly.

"If, I mean, if, oh, if someone is going to marry you, what are you going to do? Will you agree? "

"Wait Wait Elusha quickly raised a hand, stopped reby's speech, forced herself to show a calm look, but that slightly stiff expression had already betrayed her heart.

"Why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

"That's the important thing I want to say to you." Rebecca sighed as if she were very upset, and then she said such a thing.

"In fact, there has always been a man in our guild who wants to marry all the girls home!"

Rebecca was completely left there by Rebecca's shock speech.

"You What do you say Elusha said in some consternation.

"Do you think someone in the guild is going to marry all the girls?"

Even if she is not immune to the word "marriage", she has to doubt it.

However, in the face of elusha's doubt, Rebecca was acting like a real thing.

"Really, I didn't lie to you."

Rebecca said, with a serious look, as if she were going to seduce a child.

"If you think about it carefully, elusha, there is not such a life winner in our guild?"

Rebecca was stunned by Rebecca's words. Then she finally understood what Rebecca meant and revealed her uncertain words.

"You mean Noah?"

With that, she refused to give reby a chance to reply.

"No way! Noah is not that kind of person

"How do you know Noah is not that kind of person?" Rebecca made a big bow to Noah in his heart, and called out Sorry, even though he said angrily.

"If Noah is not like that, why should he be engaged to Mila and Lisa at the same time?"

"That's because Mila and Lisa are all in love with Noah, and Noah also responds to Mila and Lisa's wishes, which leads to the result." Said elusha, in her righteous words.

"I'm sure Noah is absolutely sincere to Mila and Lisa Na. We're partners who grew up together. I can see that, reby, you're not allowed to slander your partner like this!"

"It's true that both Mila and Lisa are in love with Noah, and I don't doubt that Noah's love for Mila and Lisa is hypocritical." Said Rebecca.

"But since Noah can love Mila and Lisa at the same time, it's not impossible to like the other girls in the guild any more?"“…… That's right... " Elusha frowned.

"But since he was engaged to Mila and lisana, Noah has shown no sign of being playful."

"You're wrong, elosa." Rebecca's expression suddenly became a little sad and distressed, as if the words were not surprising, and said such a sentence.

"In fact, Noah not only proposed to Mira and Lisa Na, but also secretly proposed to me!"

"What..." Elusha's expression froze.

Don't say it's ELUSA. It's just that jubian's eyes are wide open and she looks at Rabbi with an incredible look that makes her face red.

Of course, this blush is true.

"I I know you don't believe it. " Rebecca said indignantly at her shyness.

"If you don't believe it, look at this."

Then Rebecca took the red rope from her neck.

Take a closer look, the red rope is tied with a small amulet like bag.

Reby opens the bag and takes something out of it.

At the next moment, both Eliza and jubian were stunned.

It's just because what Rebecca took out of the bag was a little diamond.

"Must have seen the diamond ring Noah used to propose to Mila and Lisa

Rebecca opened the palm of the little diamond lying in her direction and looked straight at her.

, as like as two peas, do you see that the diamond on Mira's and Lizana's rings is exactly the same as this diamond?

as like as two peas?

is as like as two peas.

When Noah ordered two diamond rings, a small part of them remained.

That small part of the diamond was secretly taken away by Rebecca, put into the amulet like bag, tied with red rope, like a necklace, always on the body.

Now, the diamond that Rebecca brings out is just the small part of the diamond that was secretly hidden at that time.

"This This is what Noah used to propose to me

As she said this, Rebecca's pretty face turned red.

"This In that case, you should believe it? "

"No But It's not right... " She's completely disorganized.

"Noah should not be such a talent. Yes, we have been growing up since childhood, and no one knows him better than me. I know that if Noah was a child, even if he had no immunity to marriage, she didn't even have time to react. Under the attack of Rabbi and jubian, she was hit with a clean hand and stepped into the phase with Mila The same ending. , the fastest update of the webnovel!