Chapter 1106

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
Thank you very much for "long Lian Qing Xue", "watching you update silently", "big fly", "Yue's plume", "ink like night? Reward for "infecting Jiangshan", "Jianbi", "pickled ai'ai!)

"What, what?"

At this point, reby has been completely distracted, no longer aware of the heat, can't wait to ask Noah.

"What is the secret hidden on Sirius island?"

It's not just rabbi.

In addition to the seasick Naz, even Lisa Na, Wendy, Lucy, kana, gray, habby and Charlotte's curiosity were aroused by Noah.

Sitting in the corner all the time, gagiru, jubian, Fred, alfman and Lilly all turned their eyes slightly and looked straight in Noah's direction.

Under the public's attention, Noah was silent for half a sound, as if he was considering what kind of words to describe. After half a ring, Noah said such a sentence.

"You all know the three magic things about fairytail?"

All the demons present nodded their heads, including Wendy and Charlotte, who had just joined fairytail.

As long as you are a wizard of fairytail, you will not be unaware of the three magic powers of fairytail.

After all, it is a legend in the whole magic world.

Even others know this matter clearly. As a member of "fairytail", it is even more impossible not to know.

"The three super magic powers developed by the early president are superior to all the ordinary magic. Up to now, our guild has only inherited one of them." Noah looked around.

"Attacking the dark with the holy light can take everything that the sorcerer thinks is the enemy as the target, and defeat the opponent's super trial magic" fairylaw ". Once launched, even if the opponent is an entire guild, it can be annihilated in an instant!"

All of a sudden secretly swallow a mouthful of saliva.

No one will doubt it.

At least, Naz, gray, Lucy and Wendy, who have seen nirvana, believe in it.

Since the effect of Nirvana can reach such a terrible level, it is normal that fairylaw, which is also a super magic, has such a terrible effect.

While others have not seen nirvana, they have also witnessed the power and threat of the super subspace magic "anima".

As the same super magic, people will never doubt the power of fairylaw.

In the hearts of all have such an idea, Noah said so.

"However," fairylaw "is only trial magic after all. Among the three magic of fairytail, there is also a erasing magic. In terms of lethality and destructive power, it is far above fairylaw."

"Wipe Erasing magic? " Lucy shrunk a little timidly.

"It sounds dangerous."

"Dangerous, of course." Noah chuckled.

"It can collect and condense the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars, turn it into a merciless light that will never allow the enemy to survive, and eliminate all the enemies' super erasing magic" fairy glitter ". Even the power of stars can be collected. Do you think that danger is not dangerous

They took a mouthful of saliva.

"Super erase magic?" Gray braced up and looked at Noah.

"Can it compete with the" Wizard power "of the Senate

All of them immediately looked at each other.

The magic guide and spirit power.

Held by the Senate, the magic power of various attributes can be gathered together and launched by satellite magic array, which is powerful enough to destroy a country's transcendent space-time destruction magic.

Because of the destructive power of terror, this super time and space destruction magic can even become a strategic weapon, the pole of terror.

If the super obliteration magic "fairy glitter" can reach that level, it would be really terrible.

Noah had to shake his head.

"No matter how, it can't reach the level of strategic weapons. After all," fairy glitter "is not to destroy magic, but to erase magic. It has no such destructive power. Of course, the lethality will never be weak. If you are hit by that, you will be maimed forever."Hearing the speech, the crowd was relieved and frightened.

Even if the destructive power is not comparable to the "Magic Wizard power", but the lethality can be so strong, it is quite terrible.

"So, what does the great secret hidden in Sirius island have to do with this super obliteration magic, fairy glitter?" Lucy quickly changed the subject and joked.

"I don't think so terrible magic is hidden on Sirius island?"

Lucy's words made all the friends around her smile.

However, Noah looked at Lucy in silence and said nothing.

Seeing this, everyone was silent.

"It's time to It will not... " Lucy's mouth twitched.

"Is that so-called secret really" fairy glitter "

"You're right." Noah sighed and said.

"The secret hidden on Sirius island is fairy glitter, the super erasure magic, which is now hidden on Sirius island."

With Noah's affirmation, they all looked at each other.

"Why do you need to deal with such terrible magic again?" Lucy almost burst into tears.

"What is the super reverse magic" Nirvana "all of a sudden, what is the super subspace magic" anima ", and now it is such a terrible super erasing magic. Why have we been dealing with the super magic that human beings should not have recently

As soon as Lucy's words fell, an old voice rose.

"What is really terrible is not magic, but human heart."

With these words, Makarov came from the other end of the deck.

"As long as you yearn for the light, even the most terrible magic will become your wealth."

"President!" All of a sudden, they all stood up.

"The reason why the first president mebes viamillio developed the three super magic was not to make them the object of fear in your heart, but to light up the road ahead of you." Makarov's eyes swept over the crowd.

"Therefore, there is no need to be afraid. Even if it is a terrible super erasure magic, it will always kill your enemies. It is to protect the guild and partners from all kinds of enemies. Only in this way can we develop three super magic powers. I hope you will not forget this."

Makarov's words, like a ray of light, cleared the hearts of the dark.

Then, Makarov turned and pointed to the front.

"See, the holy land of our guild, Sirius Island, has arrived."

Smell speech, everybody turns head together, look forward to.

I saw, in the far end of the sea, a strange island slowly into everyone's eyes.

It was an island that seemed to be superimposed by two large and small islands, with a huge tree standing in the center.

"Is that Sirius island?"

All eyes were attracted by the strange island.

"That's great." Wendy got a little air in her mouth.

"Even if it's so far away, you can still feel the magic in the air."

"You're going to test the first phase of the S-level wizard upgrade exam." Said Makarov.

"Do you see any smoking places on the island?"

It was mentioned by Makarov that many people found out.

In one corner of Sirius Island, a wisp of green smoke is slowly rising up.

"You need to go there first. There are seven roads that have been set up, and each team can only choose one of them." Makarov explained.

"And the seven roads are like this."

Makarov pointed to his side.

"Hum --!"

With the sound of a tremor, a curtain of light gradually emerged beside Makarov. , the fastest update of the webnovel!