Chapter 954

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
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(thank you very much for the appreciation of "pickled Ai Ai", "Lei Xiang", "Jianbi", "Mingwang", "Huaze coriander"

I don't know what Esther is hiding, but Noah is sure that's not something you can talk about.

So Noah didn't go any further to ask why.

However, the ability of Esther made Noah more sure that the girl who claimed to be the strongest sword spirit was the legendary demon Slayer.

Until now, there is a legend on the mainland that "the holy sword of the Saviour penetrated the devil's heart, destroyed the spirit imprint on the devil's body, and then liberated the 72 column spirit called by the demon king.".

If Esther really has that level of spell resistance, it is not impossible to break other people's spirit mark.

And as Esther said, Noah has the same level of spell resistance.

The difference is that Esther's spell resistance is more likely to be eliminated than passively.

However, Noah's spell resistance can only act on itself and cannot be released actively.

For example, when someone else uses the spirit magic, it will not be invalid unless it falls on Noah's body.

However, Esther was able to take the initiative to eliminate the spirit magic released by others, even break the curse on others, destroy the elves' seals, and liberate the Elves as the contract elves.

The difference between the two is that one is active exercise, the other is passive acceptance.

Of course, it's just Esther's ability.

When Esther is transformed into an elf costume, that's where Noah plays his real power as an elf emissary.

Then Noah suddenly woke up.

Esther has the highest level of spell resistance, and can even remove other people's spirit marks.

So, Noah, who also has the highest level of spell resistance, can't he brand the spirit's mark and make a contract with the spirit?

"It seems that the master has thought of the reason why I cannot answer your call."

Esther said, as if seeing through Noah's mind.

"The magic resistance possessed by the master is quite different from that of me. It is not only unable to release it on its own initiative, it can only act as a physical being, but also can pop any skill that acts on the body, whether it is beneficial or not, including the contract with the spirit."

Hearing this, Noah can't help but blame himself for forgetting this thing.

But it's not Noah's fault.

In the model moon world, Noah successfully signed a contract with servant and became a master when he participated in the Holy Grail War.

But at that time, because of the power of the Holy Grail, Noah's body, which had the ability to resist the curse of foul, was branded with the curse and successfully concluded a contract with rider.

Without the help of the Holy Grail, pure magic crystals like the magic spell could not be imprinted on Noah, making Noah successfully conclude a contract with servant.

This time it's not so good luck. There's a holy grail that can get in the way.

As a result, the contract with the Elves will naturally be broken by Noah's body, which has a foul spell resistance, and cannot be effective.

"fortunately, as like as two peas, I have almost the same ability to resist the spell of the owner, so that I can conclude a contract with my master." Esther explained.

"However, in order to successfully brand the spirit mark on the master's body, my strength was almost exhausted, resulting in the loss of even the strength to maintain the body, and I fell into a state of deep sleep, unable to respond to the master's call, which led to the situation that the master could not use me."

Now Noah finally understood what was going on.

"It's exactly the same as you said. It's all because of me." Noah sighed and looked at Esther.

"So, have you recovered your strength now?"

"Yes, yesterday's words were still a little reluctant, but when the master summoned me out, turned me into a Fairy Magic costume, and instilled a lot of divine power into me, I had recovered all my strength by absorbing enough divine power." Esther nodded.

"Generally speaking, it takes me one or two years to recover my strength that can maintain my body. I don't know how much time it will take to recover all my strength. However, the master's divine power is so abundant that I only absorbed a part of it, and almost all of my strength has recovered. Today, I have It is back to its heyday. "

"Oh?" Noah's heart moved.

"That is to say, is not the power I exerted when I used you yesterdayEsther nodded in silence, which made Noah smile.

"Good, Esther." Noah took Esther's hand.

"Then let me feel how much power you have."

"I am the master's sword." Esther held Noah's hand in reverse, and though his tone was weak, there was a sense of perseverance.

"All as you wish."


Noah took Esther's hand in one of the trees of the Elysian elves academy and got into a lawn covered with grass and looked around.

This is usually the place where the students who like to have a rest in their spare time.

Because it's still in the morning, most of the students have gone to the classroom. Naturally, there is no one here.

"Here, then." Noah turned his head and looked at Esther.

"Please, Esther."

"Yes." Esther squeezed Noah's hand and closed his eyes.

At the same time, Noah also closed his eyes, and a stream of energy from the divine power source in his body immediately poured into Esther's body through his arm.

"- - the cold queen of steel, the holy sword for killing demons and demons. Turn it into a steel sword here and give me divine power --"

when the contract spirit incantation rings from Noah's mouth, Noah's hand holding Esther's small hand on the back of his hand is like a pair of swords, which is intricately interlaced with elves.

Esther's whole body began to bloom with dazzling silver light, and gradually turned into a burst of light particles in the silver light, and gathered in Noah's hands.

Before long, the shining silver sword appeared in Noah's hand and was held tightly by Noah.

Demon Slayer.

It is the highest level spirit costume transformed by the strongest sword spirit.

Its power can even liberate the 72 pillars of the spirit that King Solomon used.

Now, after the Savior, this power is completely in Noah's hands.

Noah did not open his eyes, but maintained the state of slowly pouring the divine power into the demon slayer, communicating with Esther in his heart.

"Esther, how are you feeling?"

"In good shape." Esther's unique, low and indifferent voice rang in Noah's heart.

"It's just that the master is now using the spirit magic suit for the second time, and he has not fully mastered me. The infusion of Shenwei energy is just blindly outputting, and does not match my divine power energy, which leads to a little instability in the exertion of power."

"Is it?" Noah nodded to himself.

"With your divine power energy..."

With that said, Noah began to try to adjust the output frequency of Shenwei ability, and had the deepest communication with "demon Slayer", which was beating like a pulse. He gradually became familiar with the flow of Shenwei energy in "demon Slayer", and then instilled his own divine power energy into the past with a certain frequency, which was consistent with it.

Under such circumstances, the light on the demon Slayer became more and more dazzling.

"That's it, master." Esther's voice sounded just right.

"Slowly feel my inner, not only the divine power energy, but also the heart blend with me, so that we can play the strongest power."

Here is the strength of the elves.

At ordinary times, as a pure servant beast, the spirit is only under the service of the spirit to attack.

However, once the elves are transformed into the elves' magic costumes, then the elves and the contract elves can fit each other and blend each other's divine power together to exert the power of one plus one greater than two. , the fastest update of the webnovel!