Chapter 942

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the rewards of "powerless", "distilled water Dui methanol", "looking forward to the end of the world", "devil's blood meteor", "mango pudding", "morning breeze", "Xianyu Laike"!)

"It's too noisy, Claire Lujo."

With the sound of such an elegant voice, the light on the bright elf engraving in Claire's hand was slightly stagnant, and a gloomy expression like meeting something bad appeared on her young but pretty pretty pretty pretty face.

It was the first time Noah had seen Claire look like this.

Even in the face of their male genie to make, this pure to can not show such a naked expression.

Who on earth can make this savage young lady show such a gloomy expression?

With such curiosity, Noah turned and looked at the source of the sound.

Then a young girl came into Noah's view.

"You have to be quiet in the library. It's a common etiquette."

With these words, the girl walked in the direction of Noah and Claire with the same graceful steps as her body.

"As nobles, we should pay more attention to etiquette than ordinary people. We don't even know this etiquette. We don't have the face to call ourselves a noble."

On hearing the girl's words, Claire's face sank obviously.

As for Noah, he looked at the girl in front of him.

That's a pretty girl whose standard is too low.

The girl has a gorgeous light color and waist golden hair, and a long purple ribbon is used as decoration between the hair strands, which sets off an inexplicable sense of nobility.

The girl's appearance is quite pure and refined. A pretty face is as delicate as a painting, and her eyes are like a pair of green gemstones, emitting light from time to time.

Such a beautiful girl, at this time, the pretty face as delicate as painting hangs an elegant smile, one hand caresses the long hair, let the long golden hair float back and forth in the air, looks quite pleasing to the eyes.

Noah had seen a lot of nobles.

However, to perfectly set off the noble temperament, Lilith is one, Erica is one, liyasi is one, yuanban Lin is only half.

The girl in front of her eyes can also be regarded as a girl.

And behind this girl, there is another girl.

A girl in a flowing maid's dress with wavy lace, a neat black sister's head, and a small white headdress on her head.


Noah was stunned.

Why are there maids in the eresia elves academy

When Noah was stunned, Claire snorted coldly and opened his mouth.

"Don't impose your so-called aristocratic manners on me, Lindsay Lauren frost. I'm tired of hearing that."

"Ah, that is to say, I have told you many times?" The noble lady, who is called Linsley by Claire, puffed and laughed.

"I have said it so many times that I still don't understand it. Sure enough, you are still a child."

With that, the girl named Linsley also aimed at a very unobtrusive part in front of Klein, and made her smile, which made her blush and her neck grow thick.

This time, of course, Claire was not shy, but angry.

"Are you here to find fault?"

Smell speech, before Linsley had time to speak, standing behind her not far from the maid then gently smile, said such a sentence.

"I just want to say hello to you."

"Card Carol Lindley's elegant posture was defeated, as if she was embarrassed to raise her pink fist and gently knocked the maid on the back.

"You What are you talking about again

"Well..." The maid named Carol smiles and bears the pink fist that her eldest daughter doesn't even have any strength.

"It's true that the eldest lady has always been so insincere."

"What?" Claire, don't turn your head.

"That's good to say at the beginning, but I have to put on a high profile."

"Then That's not high up there Lindley let out an angry voice.

"As a noble, you should always be elegant. Haven't you been taught this way?"

Looking at Lindley's angry look, Noah was laughing bitterly in her heart.

(it seems that this time I've really lost my sight. This is just an ordinary girl.)

However, this kind of Lindley makes Noah have a sense of closeness.

At this time, Lindley coughed deliberately to cover up her gaffe. Then she noticed Noah, and her pretty eyebrows stirred slightly."You're the legendary male genie, aren't you?"

"I'm really an elf emissary." Noah half narrowed his eyes.

"But it's certainly not the male Genie envoy you heard about."

God knows, in this college, Noah was handed down in the end what kind of?

There are rumors of three heads, six arms and eight legs. If you admit it here, Noah can really apply to the rare animal protection association or the World Heritage Conservation Association.

"So it is." Instead of fearing and curious about Noah like the other girls, linlace put her face in front of Noah, looked at it for a while, and then laughed.

"Pretty good, very good, so that I can stand with the eldest daughter of the Lauren frost family."

"Ha?" Noah is strange.

"Doesn't that mean that if you don't look good, you can't stand with you?"

"Isn't that for sure?" Lindley looked up with one hand on her hips and a confident smile on her face.

"How can you stand with me, Lindley Lauren frost, without looking good?"

This sentence just dropped, and Carol, who had been hiding behind Lindley, was laughing again.

"I want to be your friend."

"Card Carol Linsley's face turned red, and she had a shy look of being exposed.

"If you don't talk nonsense, I won't cook for you at night."

"Ah?" Carol was so surprised that she grabbed Lindley's clothes pitifully.

"No, miss. If she doesn't cook for me, I'll starve to death."

"Well, just know." Lindley seemed to soften her heart and relax her voice.

"If you're obedient, I'll give you extra food in the evening. If you sleep late tomorrow, I'll wake you up."

"Miss..." Carol was so moved.

Little did not know, hear two people's conversation, Noah is have slot all unable to vomit.

Why, as the eldest lady, Lindley has to cook for her maid and wake up the one who sleeps in bed. But if the maid doesn't cook, she can't live?

It's a full development

However, Noah has a good feeling for Lindley.

The girl witches in this college are so pure that when Noah, the male spirit, appears, she immediately makes all kinds of gossip and rumors in the head of these unruly ladies, which makes Noah worried.

But Noah didn't have a way.

You can't be angry with others just because they are too pure?

If you do that, it's not Noah.

Only Lindley didn't regard Noah as a romantic and gossip figure in other people's rumors. She looked at Noah with her own eyes, and there was no discrimination in it. She only had curiosity and interest in Noah.

For Noah, who has been treated differently in this college and can't make trouble, it's no different from salvation.

However, the girl seems to have some not very frank appearance.

It was the maid named Carol, who translated the thoughts of her eldest lady very neatly.

"Well." Noah touched his head and gave Linsley a smile.

"In a word, since I know each other, please give me more advice."

"Ah?" Linsley was a little stunned, and then she responded and said nervously.

"It is It's Please give me more advice. "

"Why Why did you two suddenly make friends Craig, who was left hanging on one side, poked in a bit and glared at Lindley.

"All of a sudden, I ran out to introduce myself to others and put me on the side. I'm worthy of being a thief dog!"

"Who do you think is a dog?" Lindley glared at Claire.

"You are the airport

"Fly Airport Claire's face twisted as she sat.

It was like being stabbed in the pain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!