Chapter 757

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the rewards of "thunder ring", "Purple Bamboo ice fog", "Liangcheng dream like water flowing time", "morning breeze"!)

"The church?"

Noah's words made yuan ban Lin stunned and made a strange sound.

"What are you asking for?"

"A little bit concerned." Noah waved a little perfunctorily.

"What's more, as a master, I haven't been to the church. I've seen the supervisors of this Holy Grail War. I don't know much about the church in many aspects, but you seem to understand it. So, let me talk about it."

"You didn't go when you were asked to go last time. It's suspicious to mention it now." Yuan ban Lin fixed to see Noah for a while, then just said.

"If you want to ask the supervisor of this Holy Grail War, although it's not my intention, I really understand it. Anyway, it's my guardian."

"Guardian?" Noah was surprised.

"The overseer from the church is your guardian?"

"I know it's strange, but the relationship is also complicated." Yuan ban Lin with some lack of emotional tone, so said.

"The false priest is indeed the supervisor of the Holy Grail War sent by the church, but it has nothing to do with the association of our magicians."

Yuanban Lin pauses for a moment, as if he is sorting out his memory. After a while, he explains to Noah.

"Now the supervisor in the church used to be a member of the Church of the church. Later, in the form of being dispatched, he transferred to the" magic society "and became a disciple of my father. My father was responsible for teaching him the knowledge and ability of magic. After my father died, he replaced my father and became my guardian who could not be independent at that time. ”

"and this relationship?" Noah scratched his cheek.

"That is to say, the supervisor is not only a supervisor from the Church of the church, but also a member of the magic society. He is also the guardian of your senior brothers?"

"That's why I said he was a fake priest." Yuan ban Lin obviously doesn't like his elder martial brother, even his tone becomes a little bad.

"Obviously, the relationship between the church and the magic society was so bad, but that man had a firm foothold in both forces and became a disciple of my father. However, thanks to this, after my father's death, my magic was basically taught by him. Let's admit his value in this respect."

"Is it?" Noah nodded thoughtfully.

"What's the name of that priest?"

"The speech peak Qi Li." Yuan ban Lin directly said the name, immediately, did not know what thought of, clapped a hand.

"By the way, the false priest also participated in the last Holy Grail War as master."

This sentence, directly let Noah's heart move.

"The supervisor of the church, the priest named Yan Feng Qi Li, also participated in the last Holy Grail War?"

In other words, the other party has already been a master?

That's when Noah remembered.

The night after rider was summoned, it seemed that he met Lancer outside the church?

The more he thought about it, the more wrong Noah felt.

The more he thought about it, the more Noah cared.

With the information left before Archer disappeared, Noah couldn't sit still and walked almost immediately towards the door.

"Noah?" Yuan ban Lin was stunned.

"Where are you going?" Saber, who has been listening silently, just like a loyal guard, is also surprised.

"There are some concerns." Noah didn't even look back and walked out of the hall.

"I'll go to the church. You can go and have a rest. Don't wait for me."

Then, Noah's figure disappeared in the vision of yuanban Lin and saber.

"Don't you follow?" Saber asks yuansaka.

"Maybe, what did Noah find?"

"Even so, I have no servant, even if I follow up, it's just a drag." Yuanban Lin stares at the direction of the door. Then, he turns his head and looks at saber.

"So that it won't happen again, saber, I need your help."

Saber recognized the meaning of yuanban Lin's words.

"Do you want me to contract with you and become your servant?" Saber looks straight at yuanbanlin.

"Lin, you should know that my master is still in a daze. Are you going to let me give up her and make a contract with you when my master is in a state of dizziness?"

Although saber did not directly refuse, yuanban Lin already understood Saber's meaning.Obviously, saber could not have contracted with yuanbanlin in this case.

That's no different from betrayal.

"I knew you would say that." Yuan ban Lin is not any depressed, but smile.

"But saber, Sakura doesn't know when she will wake up. What should you do if she keeps sleeping like this?"

"If my Lord can't fight, I'll fight as a sword." Saber answered without hesitation.

"Moreover, originally, should fight is me, the small cherry is must guard the object, even if does not fight also does not matter."

"But if you don't have a master, you'll be very upset, right?" Yuan ban Lin means to say.

"Do you want to fight all the way to the end and get the Holy Grail yourself?"

Saber's brows wrinkled at the words.

How does it sound like saber is going to swallow the Holy Grail alone?

"I know you are strong, but it's not good to fight alone." Yuan ban Lin finally put forward this proposal.

"It's just that I don't have a servant, and your master can't move. So how about forming a common front for the time being?"

"The common front?" Saber seems to understand what yuanbanlin means.

"I have no desire for the Grail, I just have to win in the end." Yuan ban Lin said firmly.

"So, even if it's not a contract, we can form a common front. As your master and your servant, how about maintaining such a relationship before Sakura wakes up?"

"Relationship, not contract, right?" Saber understood.

"In other words, they are nominal masters and servants?"

"That's it." Yuanban Lin smiles.

"How about it? Is that acceptable? "

Saber closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

Yuanban Lin did not mean to urge, sitting there, waiting for Saber's answer.

It was a long time before saber opened his eyes and nodded his head.

"I see, Lin, before Xiao Ying wakes up, let's form a common front and fight together."

Smell speech, far ban Lin contentedly smile.


It's night

After coming out of yuanban's house, Noah went straight to the church.

The yuansaka family is far away from the church.

In addition, it is now in the middle of the night, and Noah is walking in the direction of the church in the dark.

The pace is not so urgent, as if it is out for a walk.

It seems very leisurely, but in fact, it is quite fast.

As the night became more deep, Noah climbed the steep slope and finally came to the church door a few days ago.

Looking at the church, which opened its mouth in the dark night and was ready to swallow any intruder alive, there was an ominous smell around it. This time, Noah didn't just stand at the door, but pushed aside the iron fence and walked in directly.

Outside the church chapel is a seemingly shabby courtyard.

Across the courtyard, Noah reached out to the chapel and opened the door.


With a slight but clear opening of the door, the whole picture of a church appeared in Noah's eyes.

It's just an ordinary church.

The benches were arranged very regularly.

Silver Moonlight poured through the windows.

Wisps of misty smoke rose from the candles placed on the front stage.

A trace of cold air lingered in the air.

In such a chapel, the back of a tall man in a priest's costume was printed into Noah's view.

Noah's eyes narrowed slowly as he looked at the priest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!