Chapter 723

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
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(thank you very much for the rewards from "the falling flower village in the drizzle", "the windless and bright sky", "waiting for the No.2 reincarnation", "some unruly man in fanciful town" and "the book friend who has been bending over the corner"

As a result, Noah stayed in the original school garden of Suiqun for a whole day.

To be more precise, I should say that I spent a whole day in the Department of archery.

Because Jian Tongying still needs to have a class, she goes to the classroom after the early practice of the community.

Because the external personnel are basically unable to move around the campus, Noah had planned to wait outside the school gate, but Jian Tongying struggled and hesitated for a long time, and then summoned up the courage to do something against the school rules.

That is, hide Noah in the bow ministry.

I don't know if it can be called lucky. The leader of the archery department seems to have taken the members of the archery department to supplement the props needed by the society, such as bowstring and arrows.

Therefore, in today's gongdao department, except Jian Tongying, who is watching the door, there is basically no one to come.

So Noah was able to stay in the bow Ministry for a whole day.

At least, on the surface.

After Jian Tongying's front foot went to the classroom, Noah's back foot slipped out of the gongdao department and secretly wandered in the original school garden of Suiqun.

In the morning, Noah did notice that someone was watching him.

The owner of that look, since he could disappear immediately when Noah was aware of it, proved that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

Noah, who felt more and more concerned, couldn't stay in gongdao department and wait for jiantongying to leave school.

Unfortunately, after that, Noah did not find any strange places in the original school garden of Sui Qun.

Except that during the lunch break, Noah, who knew that jiantongying would come to gongdao department to look for her, slipped back into gongdao department again and had a wonderful lunch break with Jian Tongying. For the rest of the time, Noah strolled in the original school garden of Suiqun, but found nothing.

Of course, the more there is nothing, the more Noah cares.

Otherwise, Noah would not have worked hard to hide in the shadow of the original school garden in Suiqun, and he would have been hiding in order not to be found by ordinary students.

In this way, by the time Noah came back to the gongdao department with nothing to gain again, the day was gradually tending towards the evening, and Sui Qun original school garden also ushered in the school day.

Because of Noah's relationship in the gongdao department, Jian Tongying almost ran into the gongdao department at the moment after class. When she found Noah was still here, she bowed down apologetically.

"I'm sorry to have kept you here for so long."

"Well, I'm not too busy." Noah talked serious nonsense, as if he had been here all the time, and changed the subject.

"It's getting late. It's enough to visit. It's time for me to go back."

"Yes..." Jian Tongying that is some lost, and some relieved, embarrassed to say.

"In fact, after a while, members of gongdao department will continue to participate in community activities..."

"That's why you're in such a hurry, aren't you?" Noah had no choice but to smile.

"You'd better leave here as soon as possible."

With such a sentence, Noah just wanted to get out of the archery department, but he caught a glimpse of a strange place, which made him stunned.

Jian Tongying only found that Noah suddenly stared at herself motionless, which made her a little shy.

"Why What's the matter? "

On hearing this, Noah frowned and stretched out his hand. Under the performance of Jian Tongying's pretty face and slight redness, Noah stroked her head.

Then, from the black and beautiful hair of Jian Tong Ying, Noah picked out one of them.

"This is..."

No wonder Noah did.

Just because, among the black and beautiful hair of Jian Tong Ying, the pinch that Noah picked out turned purple.


Instead of being purple, it turned purple.

Noah is confident in his memory.

Therefore, Noah can say for sure that the hair color of jiantongying should have been the most beautiful black, and there was no impurity like now.

That's not the most important thing.

Most importantly, Noah found that there was a trace of magic in this little purple hair.

It is obvious that because of the influence of unknown magic, the hair color of Jatropha curcas will become like this.

And I don't know if it's Noah's delusion.

Total feeling, that magic trace, familiar to can't be familiar with any more.

So, it's Noah's magic breath.

Jian Tongying was still a little unclear, but when Noah picked out the little purple hair, she immediately stepped back in a hurry and smoothed her hair. After hiding the small amount of purple hair in her black hair, she no longer had the tenderness she felt when she faced Noah all day. Instead, she became the same as when she first met her, and her pretty face was full of gloom and harmony Low, eyes have been dodging.The atmosphere became stiff.

Noah and Jian Tongying fell into silence at the same time, and no longer spoke.

Noah has been looking at Jian Tongying all the time, just as he intends to see through her heart. Her dark eyes are deeper than ever.

Jian Tongying, however, seemed to be afraid of Noah's eyes, or should be afraid of being seen by Noah. She kept her head down and avoided Noah's eyes. She didn't dare to let her own eyes align with Noah's eyes.

After a long time, Noah, as if nothing had happened, suddenly gave a light smile.

"I didn't expect that Sakura could dye her hair. I always thought you were a kind of good girl."

"No It's not... " Sakura hesitated, a want to explain, but can not explain the distressed appearance, let Noah can not help but smile.

"Well, I hope you can have more entertainment. It's not good to be a good girl." Noah shrugged and looked around at him.

"Well, it's time for your club members to come. I'd better leave now."

"Yes..." Found that Noah did not intend to go deep into it, and did not embarrass herself, but gave herself a step down. Jian Tongying was grateful and guilty, and could only keep her head down.

"I Let me see you off... "

"No more." Noah patted Jatropha's head and said meaningfully.

"I'm more worried about you than about me."

With these words, Noah turned, waved, and walked out of the bow without looking back.

"See you next time, then."

Jian Tongying finally raised her head and looked at Noah's back which was gradually disappearing in the sunset. Her eyes fluctuated and could not recover for a long time.


After leaving the archery, all the expression on Noah's face disappeared.

Looking up at the glare of the sunset, Noah made a sudden voice.

"Rider, are you there?"

"Yes." Rider didn't disentangle his spiritualization, nor did he talk to him directly in Noah's heart through the contract. Instead, he made a voice behind Noah and told him that she was always behind him.

Now, Noah doesn't talk nonsense. He immediately enters the theme.

"Rider, from now on, you will follow Jian Tongying in the dark. If you find anything abnormal, please tell me immediately. And if she is in any danger, remember to protect her."

It was the first time Noah had given instructions to his servant in a commanding tone.

Perhaps it is from Noah's tone that Noah is serious about this matter. Rider did not make any refutation. As in the past, he chose to obey obediently.

"I see."

Generally speaking, at this time, as long as it is servant, there will be more or less objections.

After all, instead of protecting an ordinary person, the safety of the master should be more important.

However, rider did not raise any objection from the beginning to the end.

As in the past, rider was absolutely obedient to his master's orders, and didn't want to refute at all.

Of course, it's also because rider has learned that Noah is as good as servant.

Otherwise, even if there is no objection, some questions will be raised.

"If there is anything, as long as the master uses the magic spell, he can summon me to his side."

With that, rider's breath gradually left Noah.

Surely, rider should go to Jian Tongying's side, right?

Silently feeling the breath of rider, Noah still looked up at the sunset in the sky and sighed.

"It's really not a relief..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!