Chapter 680

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
(thank you very much for the rewards of "pickled Ai Ai", "Lei Xiang", "claustrophobic sacrifice to the moon")

Except for white, there is no other color in the world.

As always, in such a world, pieces of feathers like flying elves are blooming with soft white light, while floating around.

Just looking at such a scene, Noah had a sense of spiritual purification.

However, when he saw the scene in another corner, Noah's heart was full of bitterness and bitterness, which was very unpleasant.

There, a piece of incomplete feathers, like the lost light of fireflies, quite gloomy.

Every time he saw this scene, Noah would have a heavy mood.

The world really touches Noah's heart all the time.

Noah will be happy for the beautiful world that emits its own glory, and will be heavy hearted for the incomplete world which is gloomy because of the loss of another half.

It is because of this feeling in his heart that Noah wanders around the world without hesitation to look for pieces of "world fragments"?

In Noah's view, the world unfolded before him was just like a pure spirit, like a romantic bird. He just wanted to fly in this space and the world to show his own existence.

I believe that no matter who is, will feel something in his heart when he sees the spirit who has lost his light or the bird who has lost his wings and whines?

That's what Noah did.

The incomplete world, in Noah's eyes, it was like the existence of spirits who lost their light and gloom and birds who lost their wings.

In order to find the light, to find the wings, to return to this pure white world to fly freely, these worlds will turn to themselves for help.

Although, Noah didn't know what he was, how he was born, and how he came to this world. He had such a relationship with each other.

However, for those incomplete world to find the other half, restore their original appearance, let Noah also find his own meaning of existence.

At least, now Noah can tell himself that no matter what kind of existence he is and how he was born, he has one thing to do.

Repair the world one by one.

"Yes, that's why I'm here."

Noah murmured to himself as if he was firm in his heart. In his mind, there were images of girls and smiles.

"Of course, it's to be around them."

Noah must have put out his hand.

"Hum --!"

A broken feather suddenly appeared in the palm of Noah's hand, and like a nestling returning to its nest, it gave out a joyful cry and trembled.

"Hum, hum!"

All around us, both the intact world and the incomplete world, are sending out congratulatory and welcome vibrations for the return of the "world fragment" that once belonged here.

In this case, a piece of incomplete feather just like can't wait to fly out of the group and come to Noah.

Immediately, the "world fragment" suspended in Noah's hand flew out, entangled with the incomplete feather, spinning and dancing with each other.

At one point, the fracture of two pieces of incomplete feather was connected together, and perfectly fit together.

"Ding --!"

In a light sound, the two pieces of "world fragments" finally came together and recovered into a complete form.

"Hum --!"

The extremely bright white light blooms from that feather, illuminating the whole pure white world.

Recover the complete feather, a whirl, like a pleasant dog, around Noah, flying around, immediately returned to the group, joined the vast feather group.

In this way, another world was restored by Noah.

In this regard, Noah's face can not help but show a smile.

Every time he saw this scene, Noah had the same feeling when he first restored a world.

Perhaps, this kind of moving will accompany Noah all his life, and will never leave.

After all, in terms of the number of words in the world here, it is absolutely not too much.

At least, in Noah's view, in every corner of the whole white world, basically, there are beautiful feathers blooming with soft white light, the number of which is comparable to gravel.

This is just the whole world.

If you include all the incomplete worlds that are still waiting to be repaired, but have not been repaired completely, Noah really does not know how many worlds have been in the whole "world".Therefore, Noah may have to spend his whole life on repairing the many incomplete worlds.

This thought, even if it is willing, Noah can not help but a burst of helplessness.

"It seems that this will be an endless job..."

Of course, Noah didn't have the slightest bit of reluctance.

"I hope that one day we can see the whole world flying in the sky perfectly in the" world between "

That's Noah's wish.

However, what happened next pushed Noah directly into the abyss with such expectation in his heart, as if he was going to let Noah die forever, so that Noah could not forget forever.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

Just when Noah was about to enter the next world, the feathers that were originally flying like happy elves and birds in the surrounding space were stimulated by something, and trembled desperately with unprecedented frequency.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

It was like meeting a sheep in a pack of wolves. The feathers, which had been blooming with soft and dazzling white light, faded one after another, as if trapped in panic, and whirled around aimlessly.

That look, it was like running away for life.


Noah was so shocked that he was in a panic.

"What's the matter? What happened? "

No one answered Noah's question.

No one can answer Noah's question.

Noah could only be a little surprised to see the feather flying around like a fugitive, because he didn't know what had happened, and because he didn't know what to do, he was completely lost.

At this moment, a shadow of extreme terror spread from Noah's heart, and brought a sense of fatal crisis that had never been seen before. A chill started to run from the bottom of Noah's feet, and instantly flowed all over his body and hit Noah's head.

Noah has never had such a strong sense of crisis.

The sense of crisis was so strong that it was almost hopeless.

Intuition tells Noah.

Stay here. You'll die.


Absolutely dead.


At the same time, two voices of panic rang through Noah's mind at the same time.

"Noah! Can you hear me? "

Hearing these two voices, Noah immediately responded.

"Gaia! Alaya

These two voices, majestic, are Gaia and alaiya.

However, the voice of Gaia and alaiya is unprecedented, showing a kind of extreme panic, and in Noah's mind is extremely tacit cry.

"Come to us now! Come on

Hearing this, Noah did not care about anything else. He flashed forward as if he had already recognized a direction. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on a feather.

The next moment, Noah's figure disappeared on the spot.


It's a pure white world again.

However, this time, the pure white world is not "between the worlds" that contains all the world, but the world where Noah once came to Gaia and Alaya.

As soon as Noah appeared here, there was a sharp pain in his chest before Noah could make a sound.


Noah's whole body was shocked, his face changed dramatically, and finally turned into a daze.

Noah looked down at his chest slowly.

There, two small hands, mercilessly pierced through Noah's heart, and crushed Noah's heart mercilessly!


Gaia and alaiya both kept the posture of piercing Noah's heart with their hands, and their faces were sad.

"I'm sorry, but for the time being, please go and die once..."

In such a voice, Noah's consciousness gradually faded away, and the vitality in his body also disappeared.

In the last moment, Noah's mind was not something else, but a pattern.

If there is a goblin flying in the general pattern. , the fastest update of the webnovel!