Chapter 81

Name:Holistic Fantasy Author:如倾如诉
Thank you very much "Ice · moon shadow", "wufenghaotian", "Yeyue Chenyu", "qiguanxuanqi", "Yeming Shura", "falling Lingyue", "Ruzhen personally to send", "God's regret", "night moon and Chenyu" and "falling silver flower on the ninth day of the moon"!)


The eyes from all directions were focused on Noah. Noah, who was carrying a cloth bag, frowned for a long time.

Looking up and looking around, people who seem to be the residents of this city are passing by Noah. Most of them are looking at Noah. Some even talk furtively, which makes Noah more or less unhappy.

Noah, who has just arrived in this world, is unlikely to have any remarkable deeds.

Therefore, there should be another reason why people around him are more or less pointing at Noah.

Noah has just come to this world. He doesn't know everything in the world very well, which may cause unnecessary disputes. It's better to avoid any strange actions.

It is also because of this, although Noah is very curious about the surrounding buildings, but on the surface it seems as if nothing happened.

About thirty minutes ago, Noah entered the city.

As long as you raise your eyes slightly and look into the distance, no matter who you are, you can see the huge stone tablet in any corner of the city, which is like the iron wall of heaven and earth.

Relying on his extraordinary ability of sensing, Noah could feel that there was some strange fluctuation on the huge black stone tablets.

It is these fluctuations that make the monsters outside who attempt to get close to the city linger at a certain distance from the city as if they dare not cross the minefield.

And that gave Noah more or less information.

Outside the city, there are many species like the monsters that attacked Noah.

This kind of creature which is similar to the demon, but more bloodthirsty than ordinary demon, seems to have brought a great threat to human beings in this city and even the world, and it is also a threat to life.

Therefore, human beings seem to be hiding in the city surrounded by stone tablets that can emit subtle waves and achieve the effect of driving away the monsters, so as to save their lives.

Noah doesn't know whether this phenomenon exists in every part of the world or only in this area.

To understand the situation, Noah must first find a place where he can collect information.

But Noah had a big problem.

Generally, at this time, the best way to collect information is to go to a bar, hotel, restaurant, etc. as long as you wait patiently, there will always be people talking about various topics during the chat, which can bring a lot of information to Noah.

However, Noah found that it was not a common difficulty to find these places here.

The reason is simple.

"Alas..." Noah looked at the surrounding buildings and sighed a little exhausted.

"Where on earth is a bar or something?"

That's right.

Noah couldn't tell from the surrounding buildings where there was a bar or something.

The buildings in this world seem to be different from those in Noah's original world.

Around are the kind of masonry and glass, at least in the height of more than 10, 20 meters tall buildings.

The same is true for buildings of ordinary height.

But these places are basically the same size and shape. Either it is difficult to distinguish what place it is from the appearance, or the signs hanging on them are words that Noah doesn't know, so Noah can't find them.

That's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that on some roads, there are strange vehicles that are all made of steel and have tires under them. They come and go at a fast or slow speed. On the road, there are some pillars similar to magic lights that change colors from time to time. Only after a certain color, those vehicles will stop and people can walk on the road On the way, to the other side.

Although it was not difficult for Noah, who was a newcomer, to judge what kind of action he should take under what circumstances, Noah suffered a lot when he thought that there were all kinds of rules of action in this city that only he knew.

It is also because of this, Noah also feels a little tied up in his actions. Only when people around him are doing the same thing, Noah will do it. Otherwise, Noah must be careful to control his behavior, so as not to make anything wrong.

Fortunately, before long, Noah's eyes began to brighten and the corners of his mouth curled in an arc.

In Noah's sight, in the middle of a row of buildings, there is a building that looks like a storefront.

There are rows of bookshelves in the storefront, on which there are books, old or new.Books?

Isn't that the carrier that fully records all kinds of information?

This is a life-saving prop for Noah.

Now Noah went to the bookstore like place.

Five minutes later, however, Noah came out of the bookstore in dismay.

The boss in charge of selling books is a kind old man.

But, no matter how kind, it was too much for Noah.

There are three reasons.

1: Noah had no idea what language the other person was speaking.

2: Noah didn't know a single word in the book.

3: Noah's currency is not the same as the currency of the world.

So Noah simply ran into the wall.

"Alas..." Noah found that he had been groaning since he came to the world.

"We have to find a way."

In fact, Noah has some extraordinary understanding and memory.

Otherwise, at the beginning, Noah could not have learned the language of the original world by virtue of several books without anyone's instruction, so as to communicate with others.

As long as meet certain conditions, Noah can learn a certain degree of language ability.

However, first someone has to communicate with Noah, and then with Noah's sense ability, carefully observe and analyze what meaning the other party represents when expressing a certain language, so as to slowly learn the language.

Just now, Noah with this idea tried to communicate with the owner of the bookstore, so as to learn at least the way of communication, and then learn the language.

But five minutes later, because Noah didn't buy anything, the boss asked Noah out of the house because he only spoke the language he didn't understand.

Although Noah learned some simple words such as "yes", "yes", "no", "hello", "sorry" and so on, he still couldn't communicate well with others.

"No way." Noah rolled his eyebrows.

"Although it must be annoying and conspicuous in various senses, it is the only way to do it."

With these words, Noah began his painstaking work.

The work is very simple.

Keep talking to passers-by.

Before long, Noah was in the street, many passers-by were forcibly pulled by Noah, and they had all kinds of conversations that were completely irrelevant.

Also in this, Noah also received a variety of treatment.

After communicating with Noah for a period of time, the warm-hearted man was completely haunted by Noah and ran away in gray.

Some indifferent people were annoyed by Noah. They raised their fists and wanted to teach Noah a lesson. As a result, all these people were thrown into the alley by Noah one by one, and they also ran away in dismay.

There were people who couldn't figure out what to do with Noah.

Some people who were in a hurry were caught by Noah, and they were so furious that they ran away.

Finally, Noah was led to a room by a kind passer-by. All the people in the room were dressed in uniforms with strict atmosphere, hats on their heads, black short sticks and white and silver handcuffs around their waists, and some ferocious people were on their faces.

About two or three days later, Noah came out of the house with satisfaction, leaving a group of people who were burned out and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

Later, Noah found out.

This place is called the police station.

Those who are vicious and are entangled with blood by Noah are called police. , the fastest update of the webnovel!