Chapter 193: 'Habit”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 193: “Habit”

Matthew always felt that he wasnt fully prepared for what was happening.Matthew always felt that he wasnt fully prepared for what was happening.

Everything had occurred suddenly and unexpectedly.

Two years ago, when he learned that this world was Grindelwalds domain of victory, he harbored a certain level of caution.

But as he gradually delved into the wizarding world, he began to believe that it wasnt as dreadful as he had initially thought.

However, just as his caution waned, the situation took a sharp turn.

Grindelwald had revealed his terrifying power overnight, unleashing unforeseen chaos.

The past few months had seen numerous major events and earth-shattering changes.

Matthew could only confirm that this world was spinning into a frightening vortex of uncertainty.

What was even more terrifying was that he appeared to be inexorably drawn into this horrifying whirlpool.

Before the battered wooden signboard, he paused.

The Hogs Head Bar, a place most upstanding wizards in Hogsmeade would dismiss, yet frequented by people from all walks of life.

Aberforth Dumbledore was undoubtedly adept at concealing himself.

He had seamlessly integrated into this place, while simultaneously cutting off ties with the outside world.

So well had he hidden himself that neither Voldemort nor Grindelwald had noticed that their greatest adversary, Albus Dumbledores younger brother, had been residing so close to Hogwarts, eluding them for over fifty years.

To be honest, Matthew felt a profound gratitude towards Aberforth, also known as Mr. Percival.

When he had nearly fallen into the clutches of Tom Gaunt, there was no doubt that Aberforth had saved his life.

Of course, certain conditions had to be met, but he had indeed saved him.

However, the Order of the Phoenix had disintegrated, and Grindelwalds forces had seized complete control.

Even if Aberforth were to rejoin the fight alongside Albus, it was doubtful whether they could reverse the tide.

There seemed to be no chance of a comeback, unless a miracle occurred.

Nonetheless, caution was paramount at this juncture.

In this world, Grindelwalds agents were everywhere.

Matthew believed that Hogsmeade, as the largest wizarding village, was not exempt from their presence.

Hence, he had developed the habit of taking nightly walks.

He would jog back and forth along Hogsmeades central avenue for nearly an hour.

After sweating profusely, just before the Tree Broomsticks Bar closed, he would hurry over and order a butterbeer from Madam Rosmerta.

Following that delightful beverage, he would return to Honeyduke to eat, bathe, and sleep.

This routine had been consistently maintained for over a week.

Wizards who frequently ventured out in Hogsmeade during the evening had grown familiar with this young wizard, who was employed temporarily at Honeyduke and engaged in peculiar exercise routines each night.

And so, on this night

Matthew did not halt his pace but continued to trot along Central Avenue.

Along the way, he encountered Mr. Devis, the magical equipment repairman.

He maintained a discreet shop in Hogsmeade. Then he ran into Madam Puddifoot who operated a small, snug, and somewhat kitschy teahouse primarily frequented by lovers.

Afterward, he encountered the Sindice family, who resided in the southernmost part of Hogsmeade.

Smiling appreciatively, Matthew thanked them as he ran.

But this time, he arrived at the Three Broomsticks a little later than usual.

Panting heavily, he observed that the Rosmertas had just locked the pubs door.

Im terribly sorry, Mr. Wickfield, Madam Rosmerta gestured apologetically to Matthew, regretfully explaining, We waited for you an extra five minutes, but since you hadnt arrived by then, we assumed you wouldnt be coming tonight, so we closed up.

Its alright madam, Matthews expression carried a hint of disappointment.

You could try the Hogs Head Bar over there; they also serve butterbeer and stay open later than we do, Madam Rosmerta kindly suggested, adding with a grin, Provided you can tolerate the peculiar temperament of the bartender.

Alright, Ill go take a look, Matthew nodded, his energy seemingly drained.