Chapter 188: 'The Final Truth”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 188: “The Final Truth”

Over a month has elapsed since the conclusion of the Easter holiday.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

During this time, Professor Slughorn, met a mysterious and untimely death.

The official explanation is that he accidentally ingested poison, but this story stretches credulity given Professor Slughorns expertise in potions, raising doubts among those with any common sense.

The students, of course, are not buying into this official version of events.

However, their skepticism has little impact, as Professor Slughorn was a solitary figure with no immediate family or close confidants to advocate for him.

Despite his many proud disciples and good relationships with several pure-blood wizarding families, his death did not prompt a strong response.

There may have been voices raised in defense of Professor Slughorn, but if so, they went unnoticed.

In the weeks following the Easter holiday, various unusual events occurred at Hogwarts.

For instance, a first-year Slytherin student, Elaine Shafiq, was abruptly removed from the school by Aurors, and the Daily Prophet temporarily ceased publication, leaving students without external sources of information.

Even the highly anticipated Hogsmeade trip scheduled for the end of May was canceled.

The castle and grounds of Hogwarts seemed to be isolated from the outside world.

The students, cut off from external information, began to grow anxious.

Something must be happening beyond these walls! Neville whispered.

Nevilles father also left Hogwarts at the end of the Easter holiday and was reportedly subjected to some form of scrutiny alongside his Auror comrades.

Neville confessed to not having heard from his father for a considerable time.

The new Aurors, whom Neville described as cold and unfamiliar, had replaced those he once knew.

With final exams looming, Hogwarts should have been a beehive of activity, with students frantically reviewing their lessons.

However, this year was different; apprehension hung in the air, stifling any academic ambition.

Even Hermione, known for her studious nature, shared her concerns. Who knows what awaits us beyond these walls when summer vacation finally arrives? she pondered aloud. We might not even have a summer vacation this year, just like the canceled Hogsmeade trip.

By the way, have you seen Matthew? Hermione asked in a hushed tone. I cant help but notice hes been acting oddly recently.

I dont know, Neville replied. Todays Sunday; he might be at the library, studying.

However, Matthew was not in the library; instead, he was in the Potions classroom.

At that moment, he was the sole occupant of the room.

Even on a Sunday, and despite the impending exams, students avoided this secluded classroom. It had belonged to the now-deceased Professor Slughorn.

Before Matthew lay a crumpled letter and a withered flower.

Matthews mood wasnt as troubled as that of his friends, perhaps because he was more privy to the intricacies of the situation.

This knowledge could be attributed to a letter he had found wedged in a crevice

In a way, it could no longer be considered faith.

When Matthew had read it countless times a month ago, the contents of the letter had all but vanished from the paper.

However, Matthew had committed its contents to memory long ago.

The letter bore the signature Horace Slughorn.

Hence, Floo hadnt randomly started guiding him that noon; he could understand why.

It was because Professor Slughorn had concealed the petals alongside the envelope using a Disillusionment Charm.

Under this charm, the Floos rhizome couldnt sense its petals, rendering it ineffective.

Only at noon, with Professor Slughorns demise, did the charm fade, allowing Matthew to discover its guidance.

But something unexpected happenedthe book vanished!

It wasnt until you appeared that I started suspecting you had obtained it! Or rather, the book chose you!

Therefore, please dont concern yourself with Tom. He sensed the book was on your person and attacked you twice in Hogsmeade, but both times, you were shielded by the Order of the Phoenix

During the first encounter, a member of the Order of the Phoenix shadowed you. Even if Tom had attempted to harm you, she wouldve revealed her identity to protect you

And during the second incident in Hogsmeade, we had Toms movements monitored from start to finish.

Returning to the point, the book chose you!

Frankly, its a good thing

Only when Hope selects its keeper can one glimpse the light.

At the time, we were elated!

However, youre still quite young. I didnt want you to become too enamored with it or disclose its existence to anyone

Hence, I adopted a harsh tone when we first met to intimidate you

I had hoped to reveal the truth to you once youd matured further and was able to handle it. I couldnt grow too close to you either, as there were many of Grindelwalds minions within Hogwarts.

Any misstep could expose you

Regrettably, time waits for no one

Grindelwald easily vanquished an ancient intruder who infiltrated Hogwarts, bolstering his self-assurance. His minions are poised to make moves across Europe

We all know that the day is approaching. Consequently, we must begin taking risks and initiate a series of actions

These actions are, in reality, nothing more than desperate attempts.

Their true objective is to ascertain whether the book truly rests in your possession. Simultaneously, with the demise of the Order of the Phoenix, Grindelwald has lowered his guard against Hogwarts, increasing your safety

This is all we can do.

Dont worry about James, Sirius, or Minerva. Even if theyre apprehended, Grindelwald isnt a cruel man. At most, theyd be incarcerated in Azkaban

I, on the other hand, am different, for I alone possess full knowledge of the situation.

Should I survive, Ill continue to mentor you to the best of my abilities

But if Im ever exposed due to an unfortunate turn of events, my only choice will be death

My Occlumency skills are indeed formidable, and I possess the antidote to Veritaserum. All memories concerning that book have been purged by me

Yet, in the face of Grindelwalds mighty power, I still tremble with fear

Should he so desire, he could extract the truth from me in countless ways.

The only safeguard is death He cant extract the truth from the deceased!

I bid you farewell, Matthew. The Order of the Phoenix has disbanded

Should you genuinely seek to confront Grindelwald, make your way to the Hogs Head Inn in Hogsmeade and seek out the bartender. He will guide you

If, however, you decide to relinquish this burden, prepare a potion using dried nettles, live roots, sinister bloodweed, and leeches.

Soak the book in this mixture for two and a half hours, and the soul within will naturally dissipate You can return to your peaceful life as it was before.

So, make your choice, Matthew

You and I are the sole keepers of this knowledge; now that Im gone, the responsibility is yours alone.

No matter what decision you make, you wont be judged.

Yours truly,

Horace Slughorn