Chapter 177: 'Great Revolution”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 177: “Great Revolution”

Was that an earthquake? This was the initial thought that ran through most students minds, including Matthews.

However, such a notion seemed implausible.

Geographically, the British mainland lay outside major volcanic seismic zones, and the surrounding tectonic plates remained relatively stable.

Throughout history, earthquakes had been rare in the region, with the most significant occurring in the North Sea in 1933, registering at only 6.1 magnitude.

Furthermore, as a magical structure, Hogwarts Castle was thoroughly safeguarded by protective enchantments.

It seemed highly improbable that such a noticeable tremor could occur so easily.

Everyone, please evacuate Hogwarts in an orderly manner under the guidance of the prefects! Professor Rosiers voice resonated, quickly calming the entire auditorium.

Slytherin students, follow me! Slytherin Prefect Gemma, well-acquainted with the layout, took charge, beginning to organize the first-year students.

However, as Matthew scanned the group, he noticed something troublingShafiq was conspicuously absent among the Slytherin first-years.

Within the castle, students from each house embarked on a methodical evacuation led by their respective prefects.

Matthew, being a second-year student, belonged to the second wave of departures.

As they exited the castle, they were met with an unexpected juxtaposition the external surroundings were utterly calm, with no evidence of the earlier tremor.

It was as if there had been no earthquake at all, a bizarre contrast that left everyone bewildered.

This led to a disconcerting notion: perhaps the ground itself hadnt vibrated, but rather, it was Hogwarts Castle that had.

As the first and second-year students, under the supervision of several prefects, made their way toward the Quidditch Stadium, the third-year students began their orderly departure from the castle.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted among the third-year students as if something untoward had occurred.

Lifeless, terrified third-years streamed back towards the castle, and Percy Weasley, Gryffindor Prefect, intervened to understand the situation.

Whats happening? Percy inquired, halting the panicking third-years.

Theyre the House-elvestheyve gone mad! gasped a Gryffindor third-year girl named Alia Spinnet, her breath ragged.

A nearby Ravenclaw boy added, They attacked us out of nowhere, smashing us with kitchen utensils and bowls. The students behind us are blocked by the House-elves, they cant get out!

Percy Weasleys demeanor shifted abruptly. My two brothers are still in the castle, he exclaimed. He bolted toward the castle in a frenzy.

Weasley! Prefect Gemma attempted to restrain him, but to no avail.

He entered the castle hastily, and the ensuing events were obscured from view.

Weasley, what should we do? Prefect Gemma asked helplessly.

Penelope Clearwater, the Ravenclaw prefect, echoed the same sentiment, her concern palpable.

Currently, at the Quidditch Stadium, they were accompanied by only a handful of prefects, a sizable group of first and second-year students, and some third-year students.

Hogwarts, on the other hand, appeared to be in a state of unrest.

We must find a Professor to protect us, Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff Prefect, maintained his composure. No matter whats happening inside the castle

Children, follow me! A familiar voice beckoned from behind them.

Matthew turned to identify the source and recognized the speaker after a moment.

It was Professor Kettleburn, the magical creature protection class teacher, making his first appearance since Christmas.

However, Professor Kettleburn seemed notably changed from before.

One of his eyes was bandaged, leaving him partially blind.

The injuries he had endured, sustained over the years, seemed to have worsened.

The lower-grade students, led by Professor Kettleburn and the three prefects, moved forward with trepidation, their hearts heavy with uncertainty.

Draco expressed frustration, questioning the absence of the Dementors and Aurors who should be protecting them at this critical time.

Matthew glanced at the sky, noting the conspicuous absence of the dark, wraith-like figures that typically hovered over Hogwarts during times of turmoil.

Their eerie presence, while unsettling, had previously offered a semblance of security.

Now, however, the clear blue sky held no trace of Dementors, nor did the students spot any of the usually stationed Aurors.

They left this morning, Professor Kettleburn acknowledged in response to Malfoys complaint. A sudden order from the Ministry of Magic prompted the departure of all Aurors and Dementors from Hogwarts. It seems they received news of the three Azkaban fugitives being spotted in Aberdeen.

This is clearly a ruse! Malfoy fumed. Why would they fall for such a deception?

Indeed, it appears to be a deception, a voice chimed in from nearby.

The source of the voice was a tall and familiar figureDawlish, one of the Aurors permanently stationed at Hogwarts by the Ministry of Magic.

Dawlish continued, The Fairies are behind this. Theyve somehow influenced Ministry officials, issuing the false order to Aurors and Dementors at Hogwarts. They departed early this morning.

Why are you still here then? Matthew asked, intrigued.

Dawlish did not reply to Matthews question directly but instead stated, Ive dispatched a letter with an owl to contact them, but it will take at least an hour to communicate with the Dementors. They are retrieving them and will return shortly. Professor Kettleburn, you should take the students and proceed. Ill head back to the castle to assist!

With that, Dawlish dashed back towards the castle without looking back, leaving Matthew and the others curious.

Lets continue, Professor Kettleburn urged. Head for the gates first. Theres a Night Carriage waiting for us, which can transport us to Hogsmeade. Once we reach Hogsmeade, we should be safe.

This was a sizable group now, comprising Professor Kettleburn, three prefects, and over a hundred lower-grade students.

So far, their escape had been relatively smooth, and they had encountered no opposition from the rebels.

As they drew closer to the castle gates, a pair of black specks appeared in the sky, swiftly approaching their location.

With a stern expression, Professor Kettleburn raised his wand towards the oncoming black specks.

His wand was now held by a prosthetic arm.

Two crimson beams of light shot out from the tip of his wand, heading for the approaching objects.

However, the two black specks easily evaded the spells.

The true nature of these flying entities was revealedthey werent magical creatures, nor wizards on broomsticks.

They were statues

For Matthew, these two statues were disturbingly familiar.

They were the winged boars that had fought alongside Grindelwald in his duel against the Dark Witch Morgana a year prior, and now, they were fighting against Hogwarts Professors.

Children, move back! Professor Kettleburn yelled while charging towards the statues.

With great agility, the statues deftly avoided the spells from Professor Kettleburn.

One of the statues collided with Professor Kettleburn, who would have been knocked down if not for his prosthetic arm.

With Professor Kettleburn now immobilized, the other statue turned its attention to the students, leaving them in a state of confusion.

These lower-grade students were powerless in the face of such a formidable opponent.

Soon, the sound of approaching hoofbeats reached their ears.

Its the Centaurs! Draco exclaimed in alarm.

Indeed, it was the Horsemen, returning to Hogwarts in force.

A massive, black horde descended upon the castle from the direction of the Forbidden Forest, rapidly surrounding the group of Hogwarts students.