Chapter 155: 'Black Dog”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 155: “Black Dog”

Undoubtedly, the small wooden stick remained unchanged.

This wasnt surprising, of course.

Matthew didnt expect to master this technique so quickly.

Lifting his wand once more, he recalled what Professor Trocar had taught them in their first Transfiguration class over a year ago

Visualize a needles blueprint in your mind, then imagine the process of turning a match into a needle; align your mental intent with reality

This was what Professor Snape referred to as personal reality!

Accus! he called out again.

But once again, nothing happened.

Others were also practicing but apart from Matthew, their attempts seemed rather half-hearted.

Evans! Professor Snape suddenly scowled, his anger evident in his voice.

Evans had momentarily lost focus, roused by Professor Snapes irritation.

Professor I mean sir, he stammered.

If youre not interested in studying diligently, you might as well leave! Professor Snape rebuked with a touch of disdain.

Evans lowered his head and fell silent.

In all fairness, this wasnt equitable. In his heart, Matthew began to advocate for Evans

He wasnt the only one slacking off; Draco and Theodore had been pretending to practice while engrossed in discussions about the Holyhead Harpies match against the Tatehill Tornado

However, Professor Snape appeared particularly irked by this, reprimanding Evans for about five minutes.

Though not harsh or cruel, his words carried a noticeable impact.

Accus! Matthew muttered, raising his wand again with a slight smirk.

Still, there was no response.

But they couldnt linger here for too long.

Professor Snape swiftly ushered them to move once more, prompting Draco and Theodore to discontinue their Quidditch discourse.

After about five minutes, they ventured deeper into the forbidden forest.

Finally, they paused by a babbling stream.

At this juncture, Professor Snape didnt dismiss them, indicating that the practice wasnt concluding.

Rather, he instructed them to gather for lunch.

The seven individuals seated on the ground, while Professor Snape rapped his suitcase with his wand.

A massive tablecloth appeared before them.

On the tablecloth, an array of food materialized one by one.

However, it was predominantly dry sustenance including a packet of cold quail, a few boxes of biscuits, a pouch of dried beef, and a couple of bottles of pumpkin juice

Observing Professor Snapes thorough preparation, it was evident that he intended to keep the students within the forbidden forest for the entire day.

However, the spread wasnt a grand lunch, particularly for a spoiled student like Draco.

He began nibbling on the cold quail with a mournful countenance, simultaneously expressing his dissatisfaction.

Perhaps I should have arranged for some warm food. Noticing the students tepid reaction to his meal, Professor Snape commented softly. Since youll be here for a while, Ill fetch some warm food from Professor Kettleburns cabin

But, Professor, Matthew furrowed his brow, placing down the dried beef in his hand, were in the Forbidden Forest.

Fear not, Mr. Wickfield, Professor Snape assured as he rose to his feet, this is only the forests outskirts. I wont be gone for long

With that, he turned and set off toward Professor Kettleburns cabin.

Professor Snapes statement was accurate.

This area truly only marked the forests periphery.

Throughout the morning, they had remained close by and encountered neither peculiar nor menacing magical creatures.

However, Matthews brows knitted, a gnawing sense of unease descending upon him

Perhaps the others hadnt picked up on it

Vincent and Gregory were devouring cold quail, while Evans was quietly munching on biscuits.

Merlin, whats that Theodores cry was tinged with bewilderment.

He recoiled somewhat, his expression awash with trepidation.

At the same time, a faint sound of large claws making contact with the ground reached them, indicating that something was drawing near.

Swiftly, Matthew looked in the direction that had captured Theodores attention

A creature, as ethereal as a shadow!

It was an enormous black dog with gray eyes.