Chapter 149: The Pensieve

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 149: The Pensieve

Seeing him standing up slowly, Seans breathing became uncontrollably rapid. Although Dumbledore had said in the letter before that, he would tell the content of the prophecy. Sean was a little nervous when the time came.

He has guessed the content of the prophecy many times by himself. It may be wrong, but he might guess it right.

What role will he play in the prophecy?

Dumbledore stood up. He didnt speak immediately, his hands crossed, and quietly watched the night sky.

The portraits of the previous Hogwarts principals on the wall also became serious. They all sat upright, and those who pretended to sleep after Dumbledore returned also opened their eyes and moved closer.

Sean, Dumbledore finally spoke, his voice was gentle, calm, and full of reassuring feelings, Have you ever learned anything about prophecy or divination?

Sean pondered for a while and said, I bought some books which mentioned that divination is a branch of magic and generally predicts the future through certain things or gathers insights from past, present, and future events. But you said that the more people believe in that prophecy, the more it will come true. I have never heard of that.

Dumbledore did not answer his question. He smiled and said, I have always believed that divination is an imperfect science. It requires a specific way of thinking and concentration to improve someones perception and logical thinking ability to gain insights on different events, phenomena, details, and thoughts.

He opened the drawer, took out a jar of candy, and took one in his mouth before continuing, Its just my opinion. I have always believed that prophecy Its a very informative insight about future developments that dont necessarily happen. Predicting the future is very difficult because the relationships between peoples behavior are complex and variable.

However, people often get stuck in prophecies and then believe what they want to believe or have to believe, Dumbledore smiled, Everyone is special, but they are practically the same, including me.

Sean listened to all of this.

Sean, do you know why the information about this prophecy has not been spread? Dumbledore asked.

Because the more people believe, the prophecy will come true. This is what you and Mr. Grindelwald told me before. Sean replied.

Why? He asked and immediately answered, Because the prophecy tells about this entire era.

This looked like an architecture style from Germany Sean murmured in his heart.

Young Dumbledore crossed a small square and finally stopped in front of a building. His expression remained serious, but no other emotion could be seen.

After some moment, the door in front of him opened by itself, and a voice could be heard.

Its really difficult to get you to come here, Albus.

The young Grindelwald came out of the house. He was wearing a high-necked coat, maintaining his youthful appearance and possessing the mature charm of a middle-aged man.

Grindelwald opened his arms and was about to hug him.

Dumbledore took out his wand and pressed it against Grindelwalds chest. His expression was serious, Grindelwald, I didnt come to reunite with you.

Its been so long since weve seen each other. Are you sure you dont want to come for a drink? Stop pretending, Albus. Your wand isnt a match for mine. Grindelwald withdrew his hand, but the happy smile on his face remained.

Lets get serious. How is Cassandra? Dumbledore said in a deep voice.

Grindelwald moved away and said enthusiastically, Well, Ms. Vablatsky is delighted to live with me.

Cassandra Vablatsky? Sean remembered that this was the author of Unfogging The Future, and she was a famous seer.

Dumbledore walked into the house, Grindelwald led the way, and they walked down a corridor.

I thought she was a descendant of Trelawney, but it seems that she is not. However, the characteristics of a seer are always doomed, and she is easily entangled in mystery.

Look, I saved her life. Arent you happy, Albus? Grindelwald stood at the door of a dungeon. He opened the door and said with a smile.