Chapter 129: 'Negative Emotions”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 129: “Negative Emotions”

The two professors on the stage were poised and ready.

Who do you think will win? Students in the audience began to chatter excitedly.began to chatter excitedly.

Yet, the majority held a unanimous viewthat Professor Felius Flitwick would emerge victorious.

The Duel Club had seen numerous sessions, and although Professor Flitwick invited several assistants, hardly anyone could claim victory in a demonstration duel against him.

After all, he was a former professional dueler, and his expertise far outshone that of amateur opponents.

Matthew, however, furrowed his brow as he observed the back of Professor Snape on the stage.

Murmuring to himself, he wondered, Why do I sense that Professor Snape has a strong chance of winning?

Get a firm grip on your wand, Professor Flitwick addressed the hushed assembly. When I count to three, both participants will cast the first spellfor the purpose of this demonstration, it will only be the disarming curse.


Both figures raised their wands almost simultaneously, though Professor Flitwicks was elevated above his shoulder while Professor Snapes was held slightly lower.

Their reactions were nearly matched.

Expelliarmus! Professor Flitwick cried out.

However, Professor Snape displayed a remarkable sensitivity.

He crouched and sidesteppednarrowly dodging Professor Flitwicks disarming spell that barely grazed his shoulder.

A splendid evasion, as you can observe Professor Flitwick offered an explanation while the duel continued.

Professor Snape retaliated with a shout, Expelliarmus!

Another vibrant red light flashed

Professor Flitwick, well-versed in dueling tactics, agilely sidestepped.

But an astonishing spectacle unfolded.

Professor Snapes disarming spell appeared to predict Professor Flitwicks evasion, striking the exact spot the latter had moved to.

The red light struck Professor Flitwick with enough force to unsteady him.

After a few stumbling steps, his wand slipped from his grip.

A hush fell over the auditorium.

An excellent prediction! Professor Flitwick conceded, his face betraying a hint of embarrassment.

His reaction was quicker than Malfoys.

However, as Matthew gazed at Draco Malfoys familiar countenance, an intense and inexplicable hatred welled up within him

He loathed this individual!

He desired to hurt him!

At the very least, inflict severe injuries!

What was happening?!

Panic surged through Matthews consciousness!

Why were his actions, his thoughts, and his emotions no longer under his control?

Theoretically, there was no reason for Matthew to despise Draco.

He wished to speak, to inform Professor Flitwick about this accident.

Yet, his lips felt as heavy as lead, rendering him unable to utter a word.

Remember, only use the Disarming Charm. Aim solely to disarm your opponent! Professor Flitwicks reminder finally broke through.

Only the Disarming Charm only the Disarming Charm only the Disarming Charm

Matthews mind clung to this thought.

Expelliarmus! he commanded, pointing his wand at Draco Malfoy.

Matthews voice was chillingly cold.

Hearing his own voice felt oddly detached as if it wasnt his own.

A brilliant red light burst forth from the wands tip.

This was no mere wisp of red mist, as seen with previous students.

Compared to the disarming spells of Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape, Matthews Spell was equally potent.

Dracos eyes widened.

Before he could react, he hadnt even raised his wand.

A gust of air swept past him, propelling his body upward.

Though his wand slipped from his grasp, his body was sent hurtling across the stage.

Draco soared beyond the stages perimeter, colliding heavily with a wall.

His motion halted, and blood began to seep from his pallid blond hair.

Poor Draco fainted