Chapter 127: 'Elaine Shafiq”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 127: “Elaine Shafiq”

The final class on Friday afternoon was still the Herbology class.

As Professor Sprout announced the end of the class, the second-year students from Slytherin and Hufflepuff let out a collective sigh of relief.

They ceased their repetitive task of potting plants with dragon dung as fertilizer and exited the greenhouse.

This marked the conclusion of the week-long courses and the beginning of a short two-day break.

In a frenzy of mud, Draco and his posse rushed back to the castle, their bodies covered in dirt.

Their anxious expressions hinted at some mysterious plans they were concocting.

Meanwhile, Matthew strolled back to the common room at a leisurely pace.

After a quick shower, he made his way to the library.

Since the weekend had begun, the library was relatively empty.

Despite that, familiar faces could still be spotted, such as Hermione, who was diligently working on a paper while lying on a table.

Greeting a few acquaintances, Matthew discreetly slipped behind a bookshelf.

The darkness outside the window had utterly enveloped the sky by the time Matthew looked up from his book.

The library was now devoid of people, and was a suitable time to turn off the lights.

He returned the book to its place and hurried back to the Slytherin common room.

The journey went smoothly, except for a sudden bitter chill that pierced Matthews heart as he passed through the castle gate.

The sensation gripped him, infiltrating his skin, penetrating his chest, and settling within his heart.

Quickening his pace, he glared at the gate, his heart racing.

It seemed the Dementors had begun their nocturnal wanderings around the campus, he thought.

However, upon reaching the entrance of the Slytherin common room, another interesting incident unfolded.

A young girl, seemingly much younger than the usual students, donned a Slytherin robe.

The following morning, Matthew coincidentally encountered Shafiq once more.

She stood by the castle gate, gazing into the distance in a state of contemplation.

Matthew observed his surroundings and noticed several dark figures drifting in the distance.

Miss Shafiq! he whispered to get her attention.

Startled, she looked relieved upon seeing Matthew. Hello, Mr. Wickfield.

Whats the matter? Matthew inquired, feigning deep concern. You appear quite troubled.

I saw a Dementor as I passed by here, the young girls voice held a hint of desolation, and it reminded me of my dad. Hes probably with the Dementor right now

Your father? Matthew queried in a composed tone.

Suddenly, he exclaimed excitedly, Could your father be Mr. Shafiq, the manager of Flourish & Blotts Bookstore?

Yes, Elaine Shafiq replied, her head bowed in embarrassment.

Im sorry, Matthew offered softly.

The girl hesitated before saying uncertainly, My dad I believe hes innocent

Hmm, Matthew nodded thoughtfully.

Do you believe in his innocence, Mr. Wickfield? Shafiq looked elated and hopeful. All his friends are sure of it; the evidence is solid.

Its possible that someone is framing him, Matthew commented thoughtfully. Ive been to Flourish & Blotts Bookstore and have interacted with your dad. He doesnt strike me as a bad person.

Yeah, the young girl nodded earnestly, someone with malicious intent must be accusing him.

Then, Miss Shafiq, Matthew spoke with genuine concern, if someone is indeed trying to frame him, it might be someone who knows him quite well. Who does your father usually interact with? Perhaps reaching out to those contacts could help clear his name.

Elaines expression turned embarrassed, and she stammered, Um I cant quite recall.

Thats okay. Take your time, Matthew reassured her, patting her shoulder.

Alright, the young girl replied, her demeanor a mix of innocence and determination.