Chapter 120: 'Start of Term Feast”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 120: “Start of Term Feast”

The train door swung open as lightning streaked across the sky, accompanied by rolling thunder.

Hermione shielded Crookshanks with her cloak while Matthew and Neville reluctantly pulled their cloaks over their heads as they trudged through the torrential rain.

Rain fell in sheets, drenching them entirely and creating a dismal atmosphere.

Out of the corner of his eye, Matthew spotted Professor Kettleburn, the Professor for Care for Magical Creatures, welcoming the incoming first-year students.

Traditionally, the first years had to cross the lake to reach Hogwarts Castle.

At that moment, Matthew couldnt help but feel grateful.New novel chapters are published on

On September 1st last year, the sky was sunny.

Imagining crossing the lake in todays weather was almost unbearable.

Navigating with the crowd, the trio made their way slowly, eventually departing from the dimly lit platform.

Beyond the platform exit, a series of carriages awaited.

Though not pulled by horses but rather by Thestrals, though this detail wasnt visible to Matthew, Neville, and Hermione, they offered a welcome refuge from the rain.

They hurriedly boarded one of the carriages, feeling a sense of relief.

Joining them was second-year Hufflepuff student Justin Finch-Fletchley, and as the door closed, the carriage set off.

The procession of carriages moved along the path toward Hogwarts, each wheel creating splashes of water along the way.

After about fifteen minutes, the carriage arrived at Hogwarts gates.

Matthews gaze caught the massive winged boar sculptures flanking the entrance on stone pillars

These boar sculptures had been instrumental during Professor Grindelwalds duel with Morgana the Black Witch a few months prior.

Pigs held a particular significance to Hogwarts.

The very name Hogwarts is derived from the word warthog.

Thus, a widely-circulated wizarding tale recounted that Hogwarts location and name were chosen by Rowena Ravenclaw.

Matthew speculated whether prolonged confinement had taken a toll on their sanity.

However, he couldnt share his discovery with Hermione, who had already joined the Ravenclaw table.

Matthew hurriedly found his place at the Slytherin table.

Above them, the ceiling displayed a dazzling sun instead of the usual stars and moon.

The simulated sunlight warmed his body and dried his damp clothes as he sat down, dispelling the chill.

Wickfield! Agnes Lestranges voice reached him, and she walked over from the opposite side of the table, addressing him by name.

Its been a while, Matthew greeted the elegant girl with a smile.

Over the summer break Miss Lestrange hesitated momentarily before continuing hushedly, Did I see you at Flourish & Blotts Bookstore?

Yes, I was temporarily employed there, Matthew responded, though he couldnt recall meeting Lestrange.

Flourish & Blotts Bookstore encountered some issues and closed down, she continued.

I wasnt affected by it, Matthew replied candidly, though he knew he had played a role in those issues privately.

Unless you have no invitations for next summer break, youre welcome to visit me Agnes Lestrange offered briskly before departing, her long hair trailing behind her.

Matthew remained, puzzled by her comment. Am I really that unpopular? Why do they think no one would invite me

Draco, Theodore, Vincent, and Gregory soon arrived in the auditorium, taking their seats beside Matthew.

The Slytherin boys were reunited after the summer break, and their eager conversation filled the air.

You seem a bit down, Draco, Theodore observed, surprised.

Dracos family faced some troubles over the summer, Vincent explained.

Gregory added, Someone betrayed Dracos father, implicating him in some smuggling incident. It nearly consumed his entire summer.

What a jerk! Matthew chimed in casually.