Chapter 117: 'Back To School”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 117: “Back To School”

On September 1st, Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, delivered his usual cup of hot tea to Room 13.

Sleepy Matthew welcomed the gesture and thanked him.

Last year, Matthew hadnt experienced such hospitality during his stay at the Leaky Cauldron.

This year he paid for the service, which made him feel appreciated.

After Tom left, Matthew checked his wallet, finding ten galleons left sufficient for his return to school with nothing else to spend on.

Once dressed, he returned his toad to its cage and packed his textbooks from the past two days into his suitcase.

Then, he left Room 13, descending the stairs.

Soon, the three friends assembled in the Leaky Cauldrons restaurant, ready to have breakfast.

Neville headed to the counter to place their orders.

Engrossed in the Daily Prophet, Hermione suddenly exclaimed, Bad news, Matthew!

Whats the matter? Matthew asked casually, still feeling a bit drowsy.

Its about the Azkaban fugitives! Hermione replied, her face serious.

Fugitives from Azkaban? Matthew took a sip of hot tea. Has the Ministry of Magic disclosed their identities?

No, Minister Bagnold insists on keeping their information classified for now The Ministry of Magic will continue their efforts to arrest them! Hermione shook her head.

What a joke. Matthew shrugged. Theyve been on the run for almost two months; theyll unlikely be caught anytime soon.

Matthew couldnt help feeling dissatisfied with the Ministry of Magic, especially after the smuggling incident.

The platform was crowded with young wizards and their families preparing to board the train.

Lets go to the back of the train. Its less crowded there, and we can find an empty compartment, Hermione suggested, pushing the cart ahead.

Neville and Matthew followed her lead.

They reached the end of the train and found a relatively empty compartment.

They placed their luggage on the luggage rack, including Nevilles owl cage and Matthews toad cage.

Hermione held Crookshanks in her arms until they entered the compartment and then released him.

Crookshanks, you need to exercise more, she said affectionately.

Her pet, however, didnt seem to appreciate the advice.

It lazily walked to the corner of the compartment and lay down, showing no interest in moving around.

The trains loud whistle signaled its imminent departure.

The guard closed the doors, and the locomotive started moving, breathing steam.

The train picked up speed, and soon, the station was out of sight.

This long summer vacation is finally over, Matthew said, stretching in his seat. I can finally return to Hogwarts!

I hope the summer vacation could be longer, Neville whispered.

Hermione was about to say something when the compartment door swung open, and a tall wizard entered.

A stranger

His presence surprised the three Hogwarts sophomores in the compartment.

Until then, aside from the witch selling snacks, they hadnt encountered any adult wizards on the train.