Chapter 111: 'Mysterious Box”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 111: “Mysterious Box”

Matthew only felt the cool night breeze gently blowing through his hair as he sat on the flying broomstick.

However, he couldnt help but compare the experience to riding on the back of an eagle, finding it less comfortable.

Sitting on a broomstick is quite ordinary; its nothing compared to riding on the back of a majestic eagle, Matthew thought.

As they soared higher, the city streets of London gradually shrank below them, resembling a shining blackboard.

Mr. Shafiq directed their flight, guiding them through ascents and descents, and the cold night air made Matthews eyes water.

The cold wind is really getting to me. Even my eyes are tearing up, Matthew thought.New novel chapters are published on

He checked his watch to gauge how long theyd been flying. It had been almost an hour.

Weve been up here for quite some time, he remarked to himself, judging from the darkening ground below, indicating their departure from London.

It should be right here! Mr. Shafiq issued an order: Lets land.

The two broomsticks began to descend, and Matthew quickly gripped the broomstick tightly.

As they descended, the familiar cityscape of London reappeared car lights, street lights, and the towering chimneys by the roadside.

Finally, they landed on a messy, barren grass in a small square.

Matthew looked around and realized they were in a remote Muggle town far away from London.

Mr. Shafiq rechecked his watch, reassuring the group, Its only 12:10. Were five minutes early.

He sat on the grass, catching his breath from the long flight.

Matthew, however, was more curious and observant, looking around the unfamiliar surroundings.

Before they could grasp the situation, a series of puff, puff, and puff sounds echoed.

Almost a dozen wizards descended from the sky and surrounded them, wands aimed at the three of them.

Feeling threatened, Matthew Apparated through the ground, watching the chaos unfold.

Stupefy! a dozen voices roared almost simultaneously, followed by dazzling flashes of red lights.

In the midst of the chaos, the wizards caught Mr. Shafiq and his Clerk off guard, leaving them stunned on the grass.

One stern voice ordered, Catch them all back! And the guys on the flying broomsticks before, dont let them run away There is the box; take it back, but dont touch it!

Matthew felt his chest restricted from all directions as he struggled to breathe.

Suddenly, everything went dark for Matthew, just like when he first picked up the letter from Hogwarts.

Six wizards with their wands taken away were imprisoned in a small dark cell.

Mr. Shafiq was there, pleading with embarrassment, Mr. Scrimgeour Please, help me Im only doing this for the first time, and I dont know what it is I also have a daughter who just reached the age to go to Hogwarts this year

If you have anything to say, say it at Wizengamot! Mr. Scrimgeour shouted.

Meanwhile, Matthew found himself lying on the bed.

A gentle voice reassured him, The first time I Apparated, I felt uncomfortable as well.

Matthew softly responded, Minister

Indeed, standing by his bedside was Minister Bagnold, the new middle-aged woman whom he had just met.

Minister Bagnold praised, Mr. Wickfield, you are courageous!