Chapter 90: 'Framing”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 90: “Framing”

Evans expression shifted subtly as Matthew spoke.

Isnt that how it goes? Matthew said, his demeanor relaxed. When people witness someone with bite marks on their neck and blood dripping, their subconscious tends to attribute it to a Vampire or other blood-sucking creatures. Its a common assumption.

This tendency falls into a fixed mindset, which is precisely what the real culprit wants, Matthew continued.

Creating two small puncture wounds on the neck is not challenging. A simple transformation spell can turn ones teeth into canine fangs, giving the appearance of a blood-sucking monster. And numerous spells can simulate the act of drawing blood from a target.

So, the attacker of Weasley and Justin may not be an actual blood-sucking monster. Any proficient wizard could carry out such an attack and assume the guise of a fake Vampire, Matthew stated confidently.

Moreover, if a genuine Vampire were to appear on the Hogwarts campus, all these orchestrated actions would conveniently point the blame in their direction, he continued.

After all, there exists a deep-rooted prejudice against real Vampires in the wizarding world, accompanied by a certain degree of hostility.

So, when a true Vampire, like our esteemed Professor Trocar, renowned for his uncanny demeanor, becomes the victim of a blood-sucking attack, he would immediately become the prime suspect, wouldnt he? Matthew explained confidently.

Observing the surprise on Evans face, Matthew spread his hands regretfully.

It seems Ive guessed correctly.

The Philosophers Stone is the purest, most precious, and most magical substance, the greatest achievement of ancient alchemy. It has the power to fulfill a wizards most primal desires, including eternal life, he explained.

The method of creating the Philosophers Stone, used to make the Elixir of Life, was lost centuries ago. And currently, the only known remaining Philosophers Stone in the world is at Hogwarts It has been passed down through generations and is now in the possession of Headmaster Gellert Grindelwald, Matthew disclosed.

Glancing at Evans, he added, So, since your enrollment, you have been wandering around the campus, appearing mysteriously in various places

All that wandering wasnt just to familiarize yourself with the environment. Your true objective was to find Professor Grindelwalds Philosophers Stone, right? Matthew concluded.

Harry Evans countenance turned gloomy, though she did not refute Matthews assertion.

Based on the current circumstances, it seems you havent succeeded, Matthew lamented regretfully.