Chapter 82: 'Tail”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 82: “Tail”

In the classroom of the History of Magic, a brief silence fell.

Although Matthew and Hermione hadnt witnessed the injured Finch-Fletchley themselves, Nevilles description was enough to evoke a sense of tragedy.

Furthermore, the Headmistress had exposed their secrets, and continuing to follow her would put them at risk of expulsion from Hogwarts.

What should we do? Neville asked in confusion, looking to Matthew for help.

Lets not act impulsively, Matthew said solemnly.

What did you find? Hermiones eyes lit up, and she looked directly at Matthew.

Nothing, Matthew quickly shook his head. I just have a feeling that things are going to get very dangerous very, very dangerous.

Neville, in his Gryffindor bravery, stood up boldly. Then we should put an end to all of this!

To be honest, Matthew couldnt fully comprehend Nevilles logic. Perhaps thats why he ended up in Slytherin while Neville became a Gryffindor.

Matthew feared he would never possess the same courage.

How do we stop it, then? Matthew asked calmly, looking at Neville.

Neville opened his mouth but couldnt find the words.

We continue to follow Hermione hesitantly suggested.

If Professor Rosier found you once, shell surely find you again! Matthews voice turned cold. If she catches you a second time, she will definitely follow through with her threat to expel you She always keeps her word!

Both Neville and Hermione wore expressions of fear. For them, being expelled from Hogwarts was more terrifying than death itself.

Should we go to the Hospital Wing? Neville tentatively asked.

Never go there! Matthew said firmly. Never!

What could happen there? Hermiones curiosity got the better of her.

Hermione and Neville lost in thought, left much later. By the time they were about to leave, it was already past one in the afternoon, and few students remained in the auditorium.

Hermione, in particular, felt a sense of unease.

Perhaps Neville couldnt tell, but she could see it clearly: Matthew knew more about these attacks than he let on, but he hadnt shared the information with her or Neville.

Did he look down on me or think I couldnt handle secrets? Does he never trust me? Hermione thought.

The more Hermione thought about it, the angrier and more uncomfortable she felt.

Hermione! Neville called out her name from behind, but she didnt hear.

Only when Neville tapped her on the shoulder she snapped back to reality.

Sorry, Neville, I was lost in thought, she quickly apologized. Did you finish lunch so late?

Yeah, I was lost in thought, too, Neville smiled. Lets go back to the common room Its lunch break now, and a few people are in the hallway. It might be dangerous to linger here.

About to nod, Hermiones eyes suddenly lit up.

She quickly winked at Neville and hid behind the auditoriums gate.

At the same time, they heard hurried footsteps approaching. A figure passed through the corridor and disappeared from their sight.

Professor Trocar! Neville whispered.

Excitement and nervousness filled Hermiones expression. The direction hes heading it seems to be towards the Hospital Wing!

Hermione Neville hesitated, understanding the implications of her words. But Matthew warned us not to act rashly today not to go there

He also said he would follow Professor Trocar himself. Isnt that being rash too? Hermione whispered. We have to follow. Its a favor for Matthew.

Neville continued to hesitate, but Hermione had already grabbed his arm.

Lets go, or well lose them! Hermione exclaimed.

And so, they ran towards the Hospital Wing.