Chapter 74: 'Collection”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 74: “Collection”

The punishment of Fletchley and Neville had now lasted for two weeks.

During the first two weeks of the new semester, Matthew frequently witnessed the two of them under the supervision of Mr. Pringle, carrying heavy objects and chains and performing various chores in the corridors.

Mr. Donald was always watching them closely to prevent any slacking.

Hogwarts had a reputation for administering severe punishments to students who seriously violated school rules, and this confinement served as a reminder of that fact.

Mr. Pringle said, This helps students think twice before violating school rules Work and hardship are often the best teachers.

Mr. Pringle also expressed regret that the old-fashioned punishment method, which involved hanging rule-breaking students from the ceiling by their wrists for several days, had been abolished fifty years ago.

According to him, most students became obedient after a few days of such punishment.

Reflecting on the situation, Matthew felt grateful that Professor Rosiers planned confinement punishment for him around Halloween had been canceled due to Professor Trocars intervention.

He now understood why the new Hogwarts regime was far better than he remembered.

Even the Weasley twins, known for their penchant for breaking the rules, seemed to have transformed into law-abiding studentsat least on the surface.

On a Friday at the end of January, the first-year Slytherin dormitory received instructions for their first practical class of the new semester.

Tomorrow, on Saturday, they were scheduled for a practical session with Professor Slughorn, the Head of Slytherin House.

At 8:30 on Saturday morning, the five boys gathered at the entrance of the potions classroom after finishing their breakfast.

There were no unexpected incidents this time, such as Professor Slughorn falling ill.

Contrary to the haphazard arrangement of the medicinal materials in the outer cabinet, the inner room housed tall potion racks, neatly displaying a variety of peculiar ingredients.

Perhaps youd be interested in seeing my prized collection! Slughorn proclaimed triumphantly to Matthew and Malfoy. I dare say that even the most renowned European apothecaries would envy my assortment. They have warehouses with herbs, but mine is far more complete!

Matthew gazed at the potion racks, unable to recognize many ingredients.

If you ever need anything, feel free to ask me. Borrowing some wouldnt be a problem! Professor Slughorn offered as he approached the shelf closest to them.

He pointed to a small bottle on the left side and said, This is Japanese pufferfish eyes. Extremely toxic! A bottle like this would cost at least two hundred galleons on the market

Professor Slughorns eyes scanned the rows of crystal bottles before continuing, And then theres Dragon blood 22 different types of fire Dragon blood. Ive collected them all, except for the Ukrainian Ironbelly!

Opening another box, he added, Of course, theres Boomslang skin, a highly prized ingredient. A whole piece would cost at least 100 gallons on the market, and I have an ample supply.

As Professor Slughorn spoke, he suddenly paused, his expression turning perplexed. Wow! he exclaimed in surprise. I distinctly remember having seven intact Boomslang skins. Why are there only six left?

Matthews mind raced as he recalled the significance of African tree snake skin.

Could it be that a thief broke in here? Draco whispered, his voice low. Professor, would you like us to check which missing ingredients?

Yes, thats a good idea. Ill search again, Professor Slughorn replied, his nerves evident. He abandoned his introduction of the collection and began rummaging through the cabinets.

Ten minutes later

Professor Slughorn sat on the floor of the potions classroom, a look of desolation on his face. The Bicorns horn is also missing Damn! These two ingredients alone cost me at least 400 galleons

The Boomslang skin and the Bicorn horns could it be? Matthew thought to himself.

Professor Slughorn, Matthew murmured, realization dawning. If someone stole those two ingredients from you. Could it be that they intend to

Yes, Slughorn interrupted with a solemn expression. They are preparing a Polyjuice Potion.