Chapter 71: 'Christmas”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 71: “Christmas”

The morning farce provided Matthew with some crucial information.

First and foremost, the book was not as all-powerful as he had previously believed. Perhaps Professor Slughorns initial assessment was correctit was indeed a feeble and enigmatic dark magic item that had attacked the toad in the Leaky Cauldron Inn and Draco. After the encounters, it had lost its power.

Perhaps Matthew held a special significance to the book, causing it to refrain from attacking him.

In any case, Matthew no longer needed to worry about losing his life inadvertently.

During his conversation with the book, Matthew also discovered something else: he could learn about events happening around him through various means, but not from the book itself. It couldnt even access its own memories.

In order to tempt him, the book presented three conditions.

However, Matthew didnt need to know the source of all the attacks at Hogwarts, as he already had plenty of clues. The true face of Grindelwald didnt interest him either as for learning powerful magic from a self-aware book.

Matthew believed that any wizard with a sound mind wouldnt fall for such a claim.

If the book truly understood him, it wouldnt have proposed these three unappealing conditions to Matthew.

With the book safely locked away in the drawer, Matthew felt a sense of relief. Finally, after enduring the troublesome affliction that had plagued him for four months, he could see a glimmer of hope.

As Matthew entered the Great Hall for dinner, he noticed significant changes.

Twelve sparkling Christmas trees surrounded the hall, ribbons danced in the air, and enchanted snow fell gently from the ceiling, warm and dry.

What caught his attention most was the rearrangement of the tables. The long table had been replaced with a large round table capable of seating thirty to forty people. Grindelwald, Rosier, Slughorn, Flitwick, Sinistra, Professor Sprout, and Mr. Pringle sat around the table.

Professor Slughorn raised a cup of eggnog, his face flushed, while Professor Rosiers pointed black top hat sat crookedly on his head, displaying his lack of decorum. Professor Flitwick stood on a stool and sang loudly.

The entire hall felt like a big, joyous family at that moment.

The dinner lasted two hours until everyones stomachs filled with abundant food. Professor Grindelwald had left half an hour earlier, and some students began to scatter after his departure.

Justin Finch-Fletchley, Matthews neighbor at the Hufflepuff table, also started to leave, clutching various trinkets he had acquired from the colorful firecrackers.

Matthew picked up his heavy bearskin hat and followed suit. Fletchley! he called out.

Hello, Wickfield I can barely walk anymore, Fletchley replied wearily.

During the banquet, the two had chatted casually, seeming to have become acquainted with each other.

Me too, Matthew nodded.

The Slytherin and Hufflepuff common rooms were in the basement, so they walked together briefly.

After about half a minute, Matthew casually asked, I recall on the first day of your Christmas break, you were scolded by Professor Sprout and Professor Rosier. What happened?

Justin Finley looked uncomfortable as he replied, Yes, I was at the Three Broomsticks Inn that day and accidentally fell asleep. When I returned to the castle, I was late

So Matthew inquired calmly, Did you happen to see a witch wearing a thick black scarf in Hogsmeade that day?

The witch in the thick black scarf The witch in the thick black scarf Justin Finley muttered, his eyes becoming somewhat unfocused.

Suddenly, he clutched his head in pain, dropping the trinkets from his hands onto the floor, Im sorry, Wickfield I I dont remember anything.