Chapter 56: 'Evans”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 56: “Evans”

Slytherins first-year freshmen, led by their prefect Gemma Farley, hurriedly left the auditorium.

Along the way, they encountered a chaotic scene with people rushing in different directions, and the situation around the entire auditorium looked a little messy.

Fortunately, some teachers took the initiative to stand up and maintain order.

As they squeezed through a group of confused Hufflepuff students, Draco ran after Matthew and asked softly, Whats the matter?

On the other side, Theodore chimed in with a low voice, Is there another attack?

Its unlikely, Matthew shook his head, expressing doubt.

The Halloween dinner is mandatory for all students, so its rare for a single student to be attacked. And based on Professor Kettleburns messy appearance earlier, most of them seem to have come from outside the castle. Matthew explained.

Matthew pondered secretly, considering the heavy rain outside and the fact that students wouldnt need to shower outside if they secretly escaped the dinner party.

His thoughts wandered to the drained Unicorn in the Forbidden Forest and Professor Kettleburns flustered state.

Could it be that a magical creature in the Forbidden Forest was attacked? If so, it must be a more powerful magical creature.

He even speculated about the Vampire lurking in the castle, suggesting that Professor Grindelwald turned his attention to the Forbidden Forest due to his hesitation in the castle.

Suddenly, a scream broke the silence ahead. It was Vincent Crabbe, who had collided with someone as he turned around the corner.

Use your eyes! Vincent shouted roughly.

Wait! Matthew intervened, stopping the escalating tension.

Vincent obediently nodded and retracted his hand that was about to strike. Matthew stepped forward to help the fallen little boy, Harry Evans, up from the ground.

Evans, are you okay? Matthew asked softly.

No, no, no! Draco shook his head confidently. Thats definitely a girl. I can tell by her movements.

But he is really a boy, Matthew explained, raising his hands helplessly. Hes from Gryffindor.

Oh, well Draco dismissed the topic with a nonchalant shrug, showing little interest.

The Slytherin common room was just within reach as they reached another intersection.

However, Matthews frown deepened as he realized something was amiss.

He had been interrupted by Draco earlier, but now, after pondering for a moment, he sensed that something wasnt right.

Matthew hadnt paid much attention when they attended the Halloween dinner in the auditorium, but upon reflection, he remembered that most of the teachers at Hogwarts were present.

However, Professor Trocar seemed to be absent from that list. Additionally, he noticed that Professor Trocars clothes looked clean and newly changed, yet his hair was slightly damp as if he had recently washed it but hadnt thoroughly dried it.

More importantly, Matthew recognized that Professor Trocar had appeared near the location of the previous attack, close to the potions classroom.

It struck him that there was a connection.

Something was off.

No No, No, No! That cant be right Matthew murmured to himself.

Matthew shook his head, his expression turning solemn. He felt that he had uncovered a puzzle piece that didnt fit the expected picture.

What are you waiting for, Matthew? Come in! Draco called him.

The other students before him have already entered the room.

Sorry, Matthew apologized with a polite smile, then quickly entered the Slytherin common room.

The warm glow of the emerald green fire washed away their tiredness, but Matthews mind remained consumed by his suspicions.