Chapter 51: 'A Fateful Encounter”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 51: “A Fateful Encounter”

Matthew Wickfields mood could only be described as terrible.

He had anticipated that the book might be scary, but he didnt expect it to be this terrifying.

Professor Slughorns words aligned perfectly with his previous experiences.

Hogwarts did have precautions against black magic items and strict rules regarding space. The book had found its way into the Room of Requirement, which, according to his previous knowledge, was not bound by many Hogwarts rules.

It seemed the book had successfully escaped their search and arrest by hiding in that place.

However, Professor Slughorns judgment that the item attacking Malfoy was an extremely weak mysterious black magic item might be opposite to reality.

The books power could be the reason it had eluded their discovery and made its way to the Room of Requirement. Matthew wondered what he should do in such a situation.

Originally, he had planned to seek help from Professor Slughorn, hoping that the Potions teacher could assist him in eliminating this threat, but Professor Slughorns words made him hesitate.

Did it mean he should allow the head of Slytherin to kill him? Professor Slughorns tone filled Matthew with despair. If the book was truly that terrifying, wouldnt he be doomed to die or face a fate even worse than death, as Professor Slughorn had mentioned?

No no no, Matthew desperately reassured himself. He hadnt reached that point yet. He recalled Professor Slughorns earlier words, You can only pray that you will never encounter something like that unless you are a powerful wizard like Professor Grindelwald.

Did that imply that if he became a powerful wizard like Grindelwald, he wouldnt have to fear the book? It should mean that so his fate wasnt entirely sealed.

Matthew shook his head, refusing to delve further into those thoughts. Glancing at his watch, he realized it was late, almost past ten oclock, exceeding the curfew and violating school rules.

He descended the marble steps and entered the basement corridor. The dimly lit and eerie hallway stretched ahead of him.

Strange sounds occasionally echoed, though they might be mere illusions caused by the wind. The torches on the stone walls provided feeble illumination, barely enough to light his path.

Drawing his black walnut wand from his waist, Matthew raised it with his left hand and softly incanted, Lumos! a faint light emitted from his wand, illuminating the path ahead. The simple spell he had learned from Professor Flitwick in the spell class two weeks ago proved practical in such situations.

Just as Matthew passed by the door of the Potions class, he sensed a sound. He strained his ears, confirming that it was indeed coming from the Potions classroom.

It wasnt a mere illusion caused by the wind. Who could it be? It couldnt be Horace Professor Slughorn, as the old man had just bid him farewell in his office.

There was no reason for him to suddenly appear in the potions classroom.

Could it be another teacher with Professor Slughorns permission to retrieve something?

Or was someone stealing something inside?

Perhaps it was the same attacker who had attacked Ronald Weasley before.

Despite the sound, Matthew continued walking forward calmly, as if he hadnt heard anything. Whoever was in the Potions classroom, had nothing to do with him.

He listened intently, relieved when the sound abruptly ceased. Just as he passed through the corridor and turned into the next passage, a stern voice called out from behind him, Who is it?

The voice brimmed with alertness. Matthew recognized the voice as the one he least wanted to hearProfessor Vinda Rosier, the Headmistress of Hogwarts.

He turned around and stammered, Its me Matthew Wickfield! Professor RosierFollow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Approaching from behind, Professor Rosier walked with a limp, as if she had sustained an injury. Her disheveled hair and uncertain expression stripped away her usual grace.

Wickfield? Professor Rosier snapped, Why are you here again?

Yes, thats correct, Professor Slughorn nodded. We were discussing well, some extracurricular knowledge!

But Professor Rosier seemed uninterested in the specifics of their conversation.

So, when did Wickfield leave your presence? Professor Rosier continued to inquire.

About ten minutes ago not too long, Professor Slughorn replied.

He was with you all this time? Professor Rosier squinted her eyes.

Of course! Professor Slughorn replied instantly.

Professor Rosier fell silent for a moment, then took a few steps forward, allowing Matthew some freedom.

Well, you may go now, Wickfield, she said coldly. But remember, wandering around Hogwarts Castle after lights-out is a violation of the rules. Mr. Pringle will inform you of the details and duration of your confinement.

Matthew was at a loss for words. How did he end up being confined?

I disagree, Headmistress Rosier, Professor Trocar spoke up. I believe it wasnt yet ten oclock when Wickfield was in the corridor. If you hadnt intercepted him, there was a high chance he would have returned to the Slytherin common room before lights out.

Professor Slughorn next to them nodded in agreement.

Professor Rosier closed her eyes again and said, Youre right, the confinement is canceled.

Matthew still couldnt comprehend what was happening. How did the confinement get canceled so easily?

Go back to the Slytherin common room, Matthew! Professor Slughorn gestured for him to leave.

Professor Trocar walked up to Matthew, lightly patting his shoulder, and said, Yes, go back quickly, Wickfield dont be afraid, dont worry. But please remember, avoid walking around Hogwarts Castle at night for now.

This time, Matthew caught a whiff of the familiar scent of blood.

Matthew nodded without fully understanding what was going on. What were they hinting at?

Unwilling to ask any further questions, he bid farewell to the three teachers and hurried back to the Slytherin common room, without engaging in any further conversation. Exhausted, he fell onto his bed and drifted off to sleep.

The following day, during Mondays breakfast, Matthew Wickfield entered the Great Hall as usual to have his meal. As he spread jam on his sausage, an excited voice called out to him from a distance.

Matthew! Neville Longbottoms voice rang out, and he crossed several long tables to reach Matthew, embracing him tightly.

Whats the matter? Matthew was taken aback.

Its incredible youre alive Neville said tearfully.

I am alive? Matthew grew more confused.

I thought you were already Neville wiped tears from the corner of his eyes and released his grip.

Whats going on, Neville? Matthew asked urgently.

Nevilles voice was low as he shook his head. Seventh-year Slytherin Maria Adams and fourth-year Rico Carlo theyre both dead. It happened last night.

The news hit Matthew like a thunderbolt, leaving him stunned. Maria Adams from the seventh year and Rico Carlo from the fourth year those names vaguely rang a bell.

They were both members of the Slug Club, along with Matthew, representing Slytherin House.