Chapter 31: 'It’s Still Here”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 31: “It’s Still Here”

With the parchment in hand, Matthew returned to the empty bedroom, eager to uncover the mystery. He opened his History of Magic textbook and reviewed the lessons about Merlin and Morgana that Professor Bagshot had covered in the previous class.

Afterward, he turned to the The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 book and previewed the content related to the Hovering Spell, which they were scheduled to learn in tomorrows spell class.

Time seemed to slip away with each passing minute and second.

Almost an hour later, the bedroom door suddenly swung open, and Theodore Nott entered, humming a small tune. Matthew looked up, and the two boys awkwardly locked eyes.

Hello! Matthew greeted enthusiastically.

Theodore was taken aback for a moment but eventually nodded in acknowledgment.

Professor Rosier had given Matthew a description of what had transpired in the bedroom the previous afternoon. However, it was only speculation, and Matthew was keen to hear Theodore Notts account.

Closing the textbooks in front of him, Matthew approached Nott.

Hey, Nott! he asked with excitement. Can you fill me in on what happened here yesterday afternoon? Ive been left in the dark so far!

The presence of an eager listener reignited Theodores interest, although he still carried a tinge of fear from the previous days events. Nevertheless, he was happy to share his story in vivid detail.

I was writing my Transfiguration essay, and Draco, Vincent, and Gregory suddenly gathered near your bed, looking quite bewildered, Theodore Nott began with a loud voice.

I wasnt concerned with them because I was preoccupied with figuring out the relationship between a match and a needle. But suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the bedroom door swung open, revealing a terrifying figure. It was like a skeletal being, incredibly eerie

As he spoke, the narrative took on a peculiar direction.

Theodore? Matthew approached him cautiously. Matthews face contorted into a look of concern as he observed Theodores fragile state.

Sensing that Nott could easily lose control, he contemplated calling for help from outside the room.

Suddenly, Theodore turned around abruptly, eyes locked onto Matthews gaze. At that moment, he let out an ear-piercing scream as if confronted with an indescribable monster.

Overwhelmed by fear and confusion, the eleven-year-old boy collapsed, losing consciousness.

A quarter of an hour later, inside the school hospital, several Slytherin students, including Matthew Wickfield, gathered around Theodores bedside. Madam Pomfrey, the Hogwarts Matron, meticulously examined the unconscious boy before shaking her head in frustration.

Its just a minor episode, nothing more, Madam Pomfrey grumbled, Did anyone ask him or remind him about the incident?

The students looked at each other, afraid of telling Mrs. Pomfrey the truth.

A student finally talked. It was Miss Gemma Farley, the Slytherins perfect, Since Nott left the hospital yesterday, he has been telling the other students about what happened.

This idiot, I told him to try not to remember anything about the incident once he got discharged. Madam Pomfrey shook her head with a palm on her face.

Iis Nott okay? Matthew couldnt help but ask slowly.

He will be okay. Its just I wont let him out of his bed till the next week! Madam Pomfrey replied with a hint of anger in her tone.

Even though it feels like Madam Pomfrey is mad, you can feel her compassion with how she takes care of Theodore Nott and how she replies to the students.

Now off you go, hurry! The patients need to rest. Madam Pomfrey ushered the students to the exit.