Wen Jianming's words became lower and lower. At last, there was almost no sound. He felt very guilty and felt that he was going to press a mountain on his son. So when he said these words again, he did not dare to look at Wen feibai's eyes.

Wen feibai doesn't understand what he means. His father has been against his singing. He knows that his rebellious running out of his home to attend the competition in a city is the result of his fighting with his father. He thinks what his father just said is that he won't be allowed to sing. Although he doesn't give up, in front of his father's life, he doesn't hesitate to say: "Dad Don't say it. As long as you get better, I won't sing any more. I won't sing any more

Wen Jianming knew that his son didn't understand him. He waved his hand again, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It seemed that he was accumulating strength.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, but the look in his eyes was a little dark.

"When I was a child, I liked watching TV. What I liked most was police and bandit movies. At that time, my dream was to be a majestic policeman. But when I was 15 years old, I told your grandfather my dream, but he slapped me in the face. That slap killed my dream. Do you know why?" Wen Jianming said in a low voice.

Wen feibai shakes his head. He never knows that his father's dream is to be a policeman. He thinks this dream is very good. Why does grandfather slap his father in the face? Doesn't he agree?

"Because we drug dealers, we are the most dazzling drug dealers in the world who are most afraid of the police!" Wen Jianming said word by word, the hands on both sides of the body also tightly grasped.

His words are like thunder. He suddenly hits Wen feibai on the head. He looks at his father strangely and is full of shock. He even doubts his own ears. How can it be? No, he must have heard wrong.


Wen feibai is a little flustered. He wants to tell his father that it's impossible to talk nonsense. However, he immediately stops his voice, because he thinks that at this moment, his father is critically ill. Will he still talk nonsense? Unless what he says is true, how can it be? Impossible, the world is really crazy.

Looking at his son's shocked look, Wen Jianming's eyes are full of helplessness. He can't help it. He is also forced to walk on this road. His parents, brothers and sisters are all on this road now. He has no room to turn back for a long time.

He thought that he could resist all this, and then slowly tried to get Wen feibai out of this abnormal family, but he was killed by someone in the process of drug trafficking, and was injured accidentally. He was no longer able to do so, but he had to pull Wen feibai in and let him take his place, otherwise, he and Wen's mother would either be imprisoned or disappear directly .

Because they are all drug trafficking families. They don't believe that the mother and son who are clean will not betray them one day. Only by pulling Wen feibai in and taking the road of drug trafficking can they rest assured. Only when everyone is not clean can they rest assured and trust each other and continue to become a big family.

Wen Jianming whispered all this and told Wen feibai everything.

Wen feibai stayed by the hospital bed. He finally understood what his grandfather had just said about his career. He also understood that every once in a while, every other family had a party, and his grandfather, uncle and aunt all gathered in a room to talk about things mysteriously. Finally, he realized that his father strongly opposed him to sing as a star, even at any cost I told him the reason for breaking off the relationship between father and son.

Just imagine, a famous singer, the eyes of the world are not only focused on him, but also on his family. As a family of drug dealers who can't be seen and paid attention to, how can they allow a star to come out.

Wen feibai only felt that his head was in a mess, just like a mess united into countless knots, which could not be straightened out any more. He thought that the infinite bright future, in this moment of darkness, only a little light was left. He knew that the light was because of situ Yi's existence.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Wen Jianming, who was getting weaker and weaker. His eyes were full of sadness. "So, you don't let me go to a city. Is that the reason why you don't let me provoke the situ family?"

Wen Jianming nodded, gasped and said: "the situ family is a military family. Needless to say, the old man of the situ family is more ruthless and has no tolerance for drug dealers. Now the third generation of situ Chen in his family is an extraordinary figure. The world's famous black feather organization was destroyed in her hands, and your grandfather, who was once a member of the black feather organization, was defeated by her He is a member of Heiyu and a member of the small number of people who escaped outside and were not caught. The situ family is a knife that always hangs on the top of our family. As soon as we are exposed, the knife will be cut down, and we have no chance to escape. "

after saying so many words, Wen Jianming expended a lot of strength. He gasped, closed his eyes and wanted to escape Build up your strength.

But at this moment, Wen feibai felt that the only light in his world had disappeared.

He always thought that there was any misunderstanding between his family and situ family. He always thought that as long as he asked clearly and solved the misunderstanding, he and situ Yi would be together without separation. He also thought that situ Yi was so pure and lovely, so beautiful, his family would like her, would agree with them, and would pet her like a pearl in the palm of their hand Yes.It turned out that he thought too much about everything, and there was no misunderstanding at all. All the people in his family were thieves, and they would be beaten by everyone when crossing the street. But the situ family was soldiers, and they were cats catching mice. How could there be any misunderstanding between them? Without misunderstanding, they were like natural enemies.

"I will not join you, I will not drug, even if I give up my dream, never singing, but I will never drug!" Wen feibai looked at his father and said word by word.

Wen Jianming suddenly opened his eyes, originally tired, some of the eyes are more anxious and helpless, "feibai, I know this is a very painful road for you, but compared with being imprisoned forever and disappearing forever, you can only take this road!"

Maybe it's a little urgent. After he finished, he coughed loudly, and the blood came out of the corner of his mouth, which dyed the white pillow red. His face was full of pain, but he didn't know whether it was the pain caused by the wound or worried about his son's refusal without hesitation.

Outside the door, situ Yi stands by the door, nearest to the door of the ward. As soon as Wen feibai comes out, she will be the first to see her, or as long as there is something inside, she can go to Wen feibai's side for the first time, hold him, comfort him, and tell him that she will always accompany him.

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