"Xiuyuan, happy New Year!" Cheng quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then blessed him.

"Thank you, peace, and a happy New Year!" Ma Xiuyuan sat by the fireplace and fiddled with the fluff of a pillow beside him.

He is now in his grandfather's old house, such a big house, but he is the only one.

He used to come to this old house at this time of every year, and he always spent the new year alone.

In the afternoon, he will drive away to Wang Lei to accompany his family for the Spring Festival. He will also drive away the drivers and bodyguards, leaving him to guard the old house.

Originally, he thought that this year would be different, maybe more people would accompany him, but now that he saw it, he thought too much. After so long, he was still alone.

Perhaps, he is destined to be lonely in this life.

Originally, I wanted to separate Cheng Jingjing from her life little by little. I didn't see her and seldom answered her phone.

He felt that Cheng Jingjing was like heroin to him. The closer he got, the more obsessed he was. So he wanted to use this method to give her up.

But just now, when he heard the phone ring and saw her name, he didn't hold back at all and answered the phone directly.

In the past, he was used to the silence of the Chinese New Year. On New Year's Eve today, he suddenly held back. He felt that loneliness surrounded him deeply, leaving him nowhere to hide.

"I called you several times, but you didn't answer. Where are you now?" Cheng Jing Jing listens to his voice to still calculate normal, a little relaxed, then again concern of ask a way.

"I'm fine. You're pregnant now. Just take care of yourself. Don't worry about me. I'm in my grandfather's old house. Wang Lei is here to accompany me for the new year. We're all very happy with the driver, Uncle Wang!" Ma Xiuyuan said happily.

When Cheng Jingjing hears that he is not alone, he is relieved that if someone accompanies him for the new year, he will not be so lonely.

She was about to ask about his recent situation, but she heard Fang Mingyu call her again.

Ma Xiuyuan on the other end of the phone also heard it. He said to Cheng Jingjing, "it's new year's Eve today. Go and play with your family. We'll get in touch later." With that, he hung up.

Cheng Jingjing has no choice but to go to see him tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Now, she feels that the only thing she owes is Ma Xiuyuan, but she really can't give him anything except her friendship and care. Her heart has been given to Fang Mingyu, where she belongs. She can't split her heart in half and give it to Ma Xiuyuan, just for him to meet a good girl who belongs to him in the future.

Ma Xiuyuan, who hung up the phone, originally felt that it was a comfort for him to hear Cheng's quiet voice on such a new year's Eve, which could support him to spend a long new year's Eve. For the rest, he could not get it or not.

But after he nestled up to a small sofa beside the fireplace again, he suddenly felt, why, after listening to Cheng Jingjing's voice and feeling her warmth and laughter, he felt more lonely and more miserable?

Originally some calm heart, suddenly some restlessness, let him almost some can't bear his silence and loneliness here.

He forced himself, closed his eyes, almost forced himself to immerse himself in the boundless loneliness again.

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

He thought that he had heard wrong, was it too lonely to give him the illusion?

Although I know it's not Cheng Jingjing, I still can't help looking forward to it.

He sat up, but there was no knock at the door. He fell into disappointment again. He gave a wry smile. Once his loneliness was broken, he would never return to his former state of mind.

Just as he was about to curl back, the knock on the door rang again.

This time he heard clearly, not his illusion, because grandfather's house was old-fashioned, so the knock on the door mixed with the wind outside echoed in his ears.

He stood up, did not know who, in the new year's Eve night, came here to find him.

He put on his coat and went outside to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, he froze.

At the gate, it's not other people who are standing. It's Gu Hong who has disappeared for a long time.

He was wearing a coat and a dark green scarf around his neck. It seemed that he had been standing outside for a long time, and his whole body was cold.

He didn't seem to think that Ma Xiuyuan would open the door for him. He was stunned when he saw him.

Seeing that it was Gu Hong, Ma Xiuyuan subconsciously closed the door again.

But then, the image of Gu Hong that he saw just now appeared in his mind. He no longer looked like a successful and elegant businessman when he appeared in front of people as before. His hair seemed shorter, his face was gaunt, and even his stubble seemed to have not been shaved for several days.

This is Gu Hong's first time to see him.Gu Hong outside the door, seeing the re closed door, silently lowered his hand. Just now, he had summoned up his courage to make up his mind to knock on the door. Before that, he had been standing in the cold wind for two hours.

Since knowing Gu's mother's calculation and that Gu Bingqing is not his own daughter, and being rejected by Ma Xiuyuan in the hospital, he feels that his life is really a failure.

During the period when he disappeared silently, he really went to buy a piece of land next to the cemetery of Ma Xiuyuan's grandfather and mother, built a simple small house, and went to guard their graves and repent in front of them every day.

He didn't know what happened to Gu's family during this period, but he didn't want to take care of it. His previous ambition suddenly disappeared. He just wanted to recognize Ma Xiuyuan's son and pray for his forgiveness.

Today is new year's Eve. He stayed alone in the cold room, and felt that Ma Xiuyuan should be alone. Facing the long dark night, he came here unconsciously.

However, the result is still the same as he imagined. As soon as Matthew yuan opened the door, he saw that it was him and immediately closed the door.

Fortunately, he opened the door, he saw him, that is his son, he should be satisfied, right?

Although the bitter taste in his heart accompanied by the howling cold wind almost filled him, he still felt that his trip was worth it.

He turned around and went to his car, where there was peach cake made by himself, which was ma Xiuyuan's mother's favorite pastry when she fell in love with him. He made a little pastry every day and took it to her grave to express his repentance.

Today, when he came, he brought a little to Ma Xiuyuan. No matter whether he accepted it or not, he would always deliver it, even if it was thrown into the garbage can mercilessly.

After Ma Xiuyuan closed the door, he did not leave, but stood in the same place.

He thought of anyone but Gu Hong.

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