However, three minutes later, Nanyin did not reply.

He immediately dials out again, but this time, the direct display is off.

Situ Chen suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Did Nanyin encounter something.

He rushed to Nanyin's secretary and asked her where Nanyin had gone.

Secretary is eating, see a worried face of Stuart, immediately stood up and said: "when the boss left, like received her mother's phone call, said to buy mutton and so on, I think it is to go to the mall!"

Shopping malls. If Nanyin goes to shopping malls, she won't answer his phone.

Although he felt that Nanyin would not encounter anything particularly dangerous, after all, she did not offend anyone, but the feeling of uneasiness in his heart was more and more intense.

Instead of waiting here, he asked the Secretary where Nanyin went most often, and then drove to find it.

But he almost strolled the whole supermarket, did not see Nanyin, continue to dial her mobile phone, or shut down.

He called his secretary and asked if Nanyin had gone to the company. The Secretary said no. he drove to Nanyin's home and asked if Nanyin was at home. Nanmu was surprised and said no, she went to work today!

Situ Chen's intuition told him that something had happened to Nanyin. He tried to calm down and told his mother with a smile that he thought Nanyin was at home, so he came here to find her.

Nan's mother didn't see anything unusual and asked him to go to Jiangnan to find Nanyin with a smile. She also felt that situ Chen was really a clingy boyfriend. She couldn't leave their home for a while. Nanyin came back very late last night.

Situ Chen politely said goodbye to nanmu. When he came downstairs, he was already flustered.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called his brother for help, while he went straight to the police station to adjust the surveillance video on the road.

The police station has received a call from situ Hao and immediately transferred out the surveillance video. Situ Chen saw from the video that Nanyin came out from Jiangnan and entered a fashionable restaurant.

But pull back the video time, know that at this moment, there is no Nanyin out of the video.

Does Nanyin stay in this shop all the time? Situ Chen runs out of the police station in a hurry, but he happens to see his situ Hao at the door. He gives a brief explanation and asks situ Hao to continue to watch the surveillance, while he goes straight to the fashionable restaurant.

However, he searched all over the restaurant and didn't see Nanyin. He went to ask the waiter if he saw Nanyin. The waiter nodded his head for sure, because Nanyin and their boss talked for a long time in the hall and they were very familiar with each other. Finally, they were invited to the second floor by their boss. They were very impressed.

However, later they only saw the boss leave in a hurry, but the lady who went up with her never came down.

"Who is your boss?" Situ Chen has been anxious to hold his fist tightly, as if to burst out at any time. Nanyin is clearly in this shop. Can't he disappear out of thin air.

"We The boss is Mr. Ma Xingwei, general manager of Ma! " The waiter looked at the worry and anger on his handsome face and said with some fear.

Ma Xingwei, situ Chen suddenly remembered that he had met that man, the one who was stirred by him at Nanyin dinner last time.

But Nanyin said, he is her good friend and classmate, should not be adverse to Nanyin is.

"Give me his number, quick!" Situ Chen anxiously finds Nanyin and orders to the waiter.

The waiter is crying. Where can she get the boss's phone number? I'm afraid only his secretary has one.

Situ Chen was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. When he was about to get angry, he received a call from situ Hao.

"Chen, don't look for it in that restaurant. Nanyin has been taken away!" Situ Hao's serious voice rang out on the phone.

Situ Chen suddenly felt dizzy, as if he had lost all his strength. He couldn't believe his ears. How could his Nanyin have been taken away? What was their purpose, to rob money or to rob sex? Or something else.

"She Where is it now? " Situ Chen forced himself to calm down, but his voice still trembled. He felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

"I don't know yet. I've sent someone to check. Those people seem to be old hands. They must have changed their cars and license plates or used other methods. At present There is no whereabouts of Nanyin yet

Situ Hao said helplessly that although he knew the blow was a little big for him, he told him the result.

Just now, he carefully observed the surveillance video and found something suspicious. As soon as he came out of Nanyin, he was followed by a car, keeping a close distance.

After Nanyin entered the restaurant, some people came down from the van and entered the restaurant. Once again, when the elevator was opened, three people came out. On both sides were people coming down from the gray van, but the middle one couldn't see their faces clearly.

The two men were fine, but the man in the middle seemed to be standing unsteadily, so he was carried away by them.He immediately judged that there was something wrong with the two people. He immediately called up the video on the corner, only to find that the gray van was parked there. Several people quickly got on the bus and left. He had determined that the man in the middle was Nanyin after being disguised.

Now, because of the disappearance of Nanyin, situ Chen must be in chaos.

But he can't be confused. He must keep sober and find Nanyin as soon as possible. Otherwise, according to situ Chen's temperament, he may not do anything.

And Nanyin is Jian Yunwei's best friend, his future sister-in-law, he will do his best in public and private.

When he put down the phone, he felt at a loss, as if he had lost the whole world.

The world was colorful in the morning, but now it's gray.

And then he got angry all over the place.

He and Nanyin finally fell in love with each other. They haven't been happy together for several days, but some people don't let them feel better. What conditions and purposes do they have? They can come directly at him. Why kidnap Nanyin? Why?

In his mind, he thought of several people for a moment, but they all denied it one by one. He didn't know who took Nanyin away.

His elder brother has sent someone to look for him, but he finds that he can't do anything except wait. This discovery makes him want to go crazy.

Nanyin, you must not have something to do. Believe me, no matter what danger you encounter, you must persist. I will come to save you soon.

He constantly recites this sentence in his heart, hoping that Nanyin can have a heart to heart with him and hear it.

At that time, Nanyin was in the dark. It seemed that there was a strong light shining on her, which made her eyes extremely uncomfortable, but she couldn't open them.

She could feel that she was sitting in a chair, struggling a little, but found that her hands were tied together, and her body was still soft.

It seems to see her move, the strong light of her back, Nanyin is not so uncomfortable, slowly open your eyes.

This is a strange room, but the decoration is very luxurious, with the feeling of a local tyrant. There are two people standing around her. She recognized that they were the two people who took her away in a daze in Ma Xingwei's restaurant.

She immediately became alert and wanted to question why the two men wanted to kidnap her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!