Why did Cheng Jingjing lie to him, saying that the child was not his?

Whether she has any difficulties or something to hide.

If it's because she and his mother didn't get along before, now she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

He will move out of Fang's old house and into another villa.

The villa is all ready. It's not far from the Fang's and Cheng's, so it's convenient for them to visit their parents in the future.

This is what Fang started to prepare when she was in hospital.

Now it's finally coming in handy.

But what about other reasons?

Fang Mingyu thought of the little nurse who came out of tuicheng at the beginning.

In fact, when they came out of the ambulance room that day, Cheng Jingjing closed her eyes all the way. He took it for granted that she was still in a coma and didn't wake up.

Now think about it, she actually woke up, and colluded with the nurse to cheat him.

Maybe the little nurse knows why.

Right now in the hospital, you can ask her.

Thinking of this, he got out of the car and went back to the ambulance room of the hospital.

He was lucky today, and it happened that the little nurse was on duty.

The little nurse saw him and his face turned white. Then she turned her eyes to pretend she didn't know him.

Now, he is more sure that Cheng Jingjing is colluding with her.

He went straight up to the nurse.

The nurse lowered her head and pretended to write something in the notebook. However, the more nervous she was, the less she knew what to write, and she had to freeze.

The long, well-defined hand reached out to her, then turned over and knocked directly on the table.

She had to raise her head with some alarm.

"I think you should know my purpose. If you are honest, I can let bygones be bygones!" Fang Mingyu's voice was as cold as ice, and the momentum of the superior was naturally revealed.

The nurse looked at his sharp eyes, as if it were a sharp blade, against her neck. If she said a lie, she would not see the moon tonight.

However, she clearly promised Miss process that she would keep a secret for her. Cheng Jingjing's sad and beautiful tears appeared in front of her eyes, which made her in a dilemma.

Looking at his fierce appearance, where did Miss Cheng leak the secret, or did he know something from other places?

It's a small life in the future. It's better to save one life than to build a seven level floating butcher. It's a big deal to lose this job.

The nurse said, "I don't know anything. What I tell you is all doctor Tian's orders. If you can't, you can ask doctor Tian..."

"I have asked Dr. Tian. She told me that tranquility has been pregnant for three months, and you Tell me two months! "

Fang Mingyu looked at the nurse's death, and said solemnly.

But in fact, he was not angry at all. Instead, he was moved by the nurses' courage to offend him in order to help Cheng Jingjing.

He looked at the nurse's face becoming more pale, perhaps knowing that their lies had been exposed, she slowly lowered her head, a look of being slaughtered by him.

"Don't you tell me the truth?" Fang Mingyu asked.

The little nurse seemed to be unbearable. She raised her head and yelled at him: "don't you know all about it? Why do you have to tell me the truth? You have the right to be powerful and great. Since you can't afford the responsibility, don't touch others. With such a rotten excuse as drunkenness, you can cheat others into bed and send them a box of contraceptives. That's what rotten men like you do 。”

The little nurse looked at him with sympathetic anger.

Fang Mingyu's eyes cast a layer of doubt. How does the nurse know about him and Gu Bingqing? Do they know each other? Or does the nurse actually want to help Gu Bingqing instead of Cheng Jingjing?

His eyes to her began to be really cold.

Although the little nurse was angry, she shivered in the face of his momentum.

"What's your relationship with Gu Bingqing?" He asked in a cold voice.

The confusion on the nurse's face is that she doesn't know who Gu Bingqing is.

However, after a short time of thinking, she suddenly realized that the news about the marriage of the two families before spread all over the city were Miss Gu.

But she didn't know.

"I don't know!"

"Hum!" Fang Mingyu snorted coldly, "how do you know about Gu Bingqing's contraceptive?"

The nurse is more confused than him. What can I give Gu Bingqing the contraceptive? What are you talking about?

"You didn't send someone to deliver contraceptives to Miss Cheng. You didn't want her to be pregnant. Why..."

The nurse said here, stopped, self righteous suddenly realized.How a jerk this man should be. He not only gave Miss Cheng the contraceptive, but also miss Gu.

Fang Mingyu laughed. He was angry.

Obviously what the nurse knows is different from what he knows.

When did he ask someone to give Cheng Jingjing contraceptives? Even he didn't know. When did it happen?

How many things have happened to Cheng Jingjing that he doesn't know, and how many disturbing misunderstandings still exist between them.

Now he finally knows that the two people said so much just now, which is nonsense, because although they said the same thing, they were different people.

See in front of the man actually smile, little nurse even fear forget, this man unexpectedly so no face no skin, now still smile out.

Now that she had just said that, she simply broke the jar and poured out all her mental words.

"I've never met such a jerk as you. No wonder Miss Cheng cried and begged me to help her hide. She was so afraid. You know, it's not to protect the child. You can't afford it. Why do you have to kill the child? Miss Cheng didn't say that you have to be responsible. You can think that without the child, it's a life, A life with your blood in the future... "

Fang Mingyu didn't reply, but he didn't listen to the nurse.

he was calm and forced to sort out the chaotic information he just received one by one.

Someone gave Cheng Jingjing contraceptives in his name. Cheng Jingjing misunderstood that he didn't want their child. In order to protect the child, he colluded with the nurse in front of him to cheat him that he was only two months pregnant, making him think the child was not his.

I see. I see.

They are all idiots, unknowingly being played by others.

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