This can ease the relationship between the two brothers for many years.

Sure enough, when situ Hao heard Chen Chen say so, he just said "good-looking" lightly. But his face looked much more relaxed.

This should be regarded as a progress, Chen Chen thought.

Food should be eaten one by one, and things should be done step by step. So Chen Chen just enough to say nothing more, he has been very satisfied.

In the morning, the old man came to see Chenchen. The two of them had a good time together. Jian Yunwei also had time to hold a video conference with her colleagues in the company. When she finished the meeting, jianyunwei is going to ask the old man and Chenchen what they want to eat at noon, so that she can order the kitchen to prepare.

At this time, my aunt's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Jianyunwei thought, maybe something happened to jianxier. Otherwise, my aunt would not have called her at this time.

So she picked up the phone.

"What's the matter, aunt?"

"Yunwei, your uncle fainted. Xi'er is not at home and can't get through. I really don't know who I'm looking for except to call you. "

My aunt's voice was bewildered with helpless cries. Jianyunwei is a little tight in her heart. She knows that her uncle's health is not very good in the past two years, but as long as she doesn't get any stimulation, she won't have any problems. So at the beginning, everyone kept a secret about jianxi'er, but selectively said that she had solved some career problems for jianxi'er.

If you let your uncle know about the relationship between Jane Xi'er and Wan Weize, I'm afraid he will be angry at that time.

My aunt made this call today, and Jane hee'er was not at home. Jian Yunwei's intuition may be that her uncle has been stimulated, but she can't say anything more at this time. So he comforted his aunt and said that she would be there soon.

After hanging up her cell phone, she called her parents again. Inform them of this matter, and then she also tried to call jianxier's mobile phone, but jianxier's mobile phone is always in the state of blind tone.

What on earth is this Jian Xi'er doing?

Jianyunwei angrily hung up her cell phone and left the room. And the old man briefly explained the situation.

"You go. Chenchen is under the care of housekeeper Xue and I. it will be fine."

The old man very understanding said, after all, it is jianyunwei's relatives, she used to be very normal. Jianyunwei assured Chenchen to be obedient, and then drove away from the villa.

After all, she is far away from the hospital to her aunt's home. So by the time she arrived, she had already seen two male nurses carrying a stretcher to lift her uncle down from the downstairs. Aunt Jane's eyes were red and swollen with tears. My father and mother arrived earlier than her, and they helped my aunt into the ambulance.

Mom and aunt got into the ambulance together, and dad got into her car. Everyone went to the hospital together.

"Is uncle OK?"

Jian Yunwei still remembers seeing her uncle lying on the stretcher. Her face was so pale that her lips were almost blue.

"The doctor who came with me gave first aid, but I still had to go to the hospital. He said there was a great chance of a stroke

Jane's father heaved a sigh, and jianyunwei felt heavy.

After all, after a stroke, the body will not be as flexible as it used to be, and even can't speak clearly. In the future, people will be able to take care of you. Even if she could hire someone to take care of her, Aunt Jane couldn't be more relaxed.

"By the way, are you OK when you come here. Take me to the hospital later, and you can go back. Chen Chen still needs your care. Your aunt and I will be fine. "

Jane's father is worried about his little grandson.

"Situ Hao's father went to see Chen Chen today. I have asked Chen Chen to him. Don't worry. The most important thing now is to get in touch with Jian Xi'er. "

"Well, it's the Heer who doesn't understand. When I borrowed money from others when I first opened my studio, and now I can't pay it back, the creditor went to the door. Listen to your aunt said, long face, follow his two people also don't look like good people. Your uncle was so angry that he fainted. Before he left, the man said that if jianxier didn't pay back the money, he would come home every day. But Xi'er still owes them money. It's reasonable, but it's not. "

Jianfu heard Yunwei said Jianxi son, can't help but sigh and said.

"So, jianxi'er should know that there will be creditors coming to her today, and then she went out to hide. On the contrary, he didn't inform his aunt and uncle, and his uncle was stimulated. How could she do that? "

Jianyunwei is very angry, and she is also surprised. How come jianxier's studio isn't her own? Didn't wanweize pay for her?

She thought that Jian Xi'er had been contracted by Wan Weize for all her work.

"Even if she had money, she spent a lot of time to settle the scandal. In addition, she doesn't know how to manage her own money, so she will invest as soon as others say. It turned out that the money was gone in a few months. So she doesn't have much savings. Your aunt told me that the man invested in jianxier's studio to pursue her, but later she learned that she had been with wanweize at that time and was fishing for him. How could he bear it. I really don't know what to say about Xi'er. "Jane's father sighed deeply.

This is what jianxi'er can do. Jianyunwei knows jianxi'er's means. She is so beautiful that it's easy to attract men. But she didn't expect that Jian Xi'er would be so bold. While following Wan Weize, she was secretly fishing for other men.

It's just that Jian Xi'er has never seen a newspaper about her relationship with Wan Weize. How does that man know?

Yunwei has many doubts in her heart. She always feels that someone is manipulating behind the man's door. Who is it?

Jane's uncle was rescued in the emergency room for a long time, and finally saved his life. But there are also sequelae of stroke. Although we can speak reluctantly, there are some ambiguities. In addition, the action of the body has become less comfortable.

Until the evening, jianyunwei finally got through to jianxier's mobile phone.


When jianxier's voice rings, jianyunwei has the impulse to scold her. But now the most important thing is to let jianxi'er come to Qinghe hospital, and then, with anger, she tells her uncle in a deep voice. Jane hee'er was silent for a moment, and then she finally answered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!