Looking at three people can sit together to eat, jianyunwei heart also feel some incredible.

At the dinner table, Edward didn't say anything sarcastic to situ Hao as before. Because there are more important things that he can't wait to share with Yunwei. Just before in the bedroom because see jianyunwei look bad, temporarily care, also forget to say with her.

Now that I'm relaxed, I won't continue to bear it.

"I almost forgot to say that this morning, from the police station, Renault was out of his mind. In fact, he had this sign before, but no one thought it would be so fast. If it's a trial, it's too fast. So the police went to the doctor to check for him, only to find that he was given medicine last night, because it has not been more than 24 hours, so the medicine in his body is still alive. It is said that the drug can cause people to fall into a trance. It seems that someone hypnotized him and made him really crazy. "

Speaking of this, Edward looked at situ Hao thoughtfully. I wonder if the person behind the scenes will be situ Hao, but I don't think situ Hao is looking at himself slightly confused. The look in his eyes didn't look like a fake. What's more, if he did it, there was no need to hide himself.

At the beginning, he put forward several kinds of interrogation methods to torture people's spirit, since they are not hidden from himself, and the ultimate goal is to lead Renault crazy. Then there is no need for him to do such things in advance. After all, it doesn't make sense. So seeing the expression of situ Hao, Edward excluded him.

"In addition, the Lei family drug trafficking stronghold that Interpol has been looking for in the past two years has also been found. They planted a lot of poppies on an isolated island, which is the base of drug refining. But when the criminal police arrived, they found that a large sea of flowers had already been burned. And all the branches of the Lei family have been destroyed. It seems that one of the largest drug lords in the world has been completely wiped out. But it's not Interpol. "

Jianyunwei heard Edward say these things, already surprised. She didn't expect that the Lei family made a fortune with drugs, but she thought that Yanlie was loyal to the criminal group, so it was reasonable to have contact with the Lei family.

"If you say so, the collapse of the Lei family is not due to Interpol's intervention, but to other enemies. But why is it such a coincidence in terms of time? It's just after something happened to Yunwei? "

Although Edward regarded situ Hao as his rival, he had to admit his excellence. With only a few words of his own, he was able to peel the cocoon from it and immediately find the crux of the problem.

"That's right, so the police are now speculating about which enemy of the Lei family should have such a huge ability to uproot the Lei family, which has taken root in Europe. Not even a whisker is left behind. This fierce determination is not something ordinary people can do. "

After hearing Edward's words, situ Hao could not help pondering. He suddenly thought of Chu Xialin, because that force seems to be secretly concerned about Yun Wei. Although it is not to harm Yunwei, it always makes people have to fear.

So for the first time, he would not suspect Yanlie. Although the power of the black feather group is all over the world, they will not do such things easily. Renault has an accident, but there are other people in the Lei family who can take over the business of the Lei family.

Since you can still get benefits from the Lei family, with the style of black feather group, you will not do this kind of loss of benefits. Even though Yanlie is fierce, he is just a loyal person for the black feather group. It would be unrealistic for the whole black feather group to retaliate against the whole Lei family for his personal affairs.

Against Renault, it doesn't matter. It is absolutely impossible to fight against the whole Lei family and uproot them in a short period of time.

"Yunwei, have you ever met any friends in France. For example, usually very concerned about you? "

When situ Hao thought of this, he suddenly asked Jian Yunwei. Edward doesn't think about it. Even though he is rich and powerful, he can't do this kind of bold and ruthless style.

Jian Yunwei was a little confused when she heard a question from situ Hao. But on second thought, I understood what Edward had just said. Simple as she is, she is also intelligent. Just straightforward, usually hate those winding just.


She thought about it carefully and finally shook her head. In the heart also some doubts, in the end is who secretly revenge for her, or such a big hand.

Even situ Hao, who felt almost omnipotent, could not guess. For a few big forces to understand him, but this destroyed the Lei family forces completely unknown. It can be seen that the man is not simple.

At the dinner table, although the three people finished their meal, they did not leave the table. They are all thinking about who is the person behind them?


"It's worthy of Mr. Chen's favor. Your abilities are really strong. Mr. Chen has made a perfect holiday plan for you. You can have all kinds of champagne and beauties. Have a good time these days. "Before returning to Italy, Xia Yu took time to leave the hotel and met the Lei family in a humble restaurant. The two people who came to see him were very capable. Unexpectedly, Mr. Chen had the ability to take them into his own power. Xia Yu's admiration for Mr. Chen is even higher.

Coming out of the restaurant, Xia Yu felt relaxed. Fortunately, Mr. Chen did not blame him completely, otherwise, he would have no face to work for Mr. Chen in the future. I just want to work for Mr. Chen in the future, and I can't let him down.

Three days after Xia Yu and them returned to China, Jian Yunwei's health was almost better. Situ Hao bought the next day's return ticket. Edward got the news and came to see Jian Yunwei the night before.

"Yunwei, you said that you would not get back together with situ Hao, right?"

When he returned to China, Edward had no chance to see Jane Yunwei often. Compared with situ Hao's advantage, Edward was at a disadvantage. So he and jianyunwei said these words, is to hope jianyunwei can remember her words.

Jian Yunwei was funny, but she nodded.

"But Edward, you and I will not have a result. You'd better get engaged to your fiancee. I have seen her report on TV. She is a very elegant lady. How beautiful it is. If you miss it, you will regret it later. "

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