Jianxier burst into tears. From her intermittent crying, Jian Yunwei understands what's going on.

It turns out that Jane hee'er recently took over a film. When she signed an agreement with the producer, she didn't look at the content very carefully. As a result, when shooting, it was found that the scale of shooting was relatively large and could not be accepted by Jian Xi'er.

So she is now in a stalemate with the director and refuses to shoot. And that director's reputation is not small, especially this film will enter the International Film Festival next year. At this moment, the film has already been shot for most of the time, and Jane hee'er's role as the second heroine is not light. The director was very angry when she suddenly stopped shooting, and threatened that unless Jane hee'er could afford the liquidated damages, she would have to do it obediently.

So jianxier helplessly calls jianyunwei, hoping she can help her.

Jianyunwei hang up the phone, let Chu Xialin stay in the company, did not go to buy activity props. Instead, he drove to jianxi'er. At the moment, the director of the set was sitting in a chair in a rage, and jianxi'er's agent was also accompanying the director in a low voice.

When his eyes came to Jian Yunwei, it was like seeing a savior. Hurriedly forward will jianyunwei drag in front of the director, the director introduced.

"Director, this is Jian Xi'er's cousin and the president's wife of Huaxia group, Jian Yunwei."

When the director heard the agent's introduction, he reluctantly shook hands with Jian Yunwei politely. But I still haven't changed my mind.

"Mrs. Stuart, I know your husband is famous. But since Jane Xi'er has signed a contract with us, she should fulfill the contract. We are not a third rate photography team. My work is for the International Film Festival. She is insulting my work. As if my work is so out of fashion, I don't want her to come to me. In a word, no matter what you say, I still say that, either accompany the liquidated damages, or shoot this scene for me. "

Without waiting for jianyunwei to speak, the director has decided the matter, and said it is absolutely impossible to compromise. Looking at the disappointment of the agent, Jian Yunwei sighed. She asked her agent where jianxier was, and the agent took her to jianxier's lounge.

"Cousin, you are here at last. They are going to bully me to death. "

Jian Xi'er sees Jian Yunwei and hugs her. Her eyes are red and swollen. She has been crying for a long time.

"Why didn't you look good when you signed the contract? Now the director is not willing to let you go."

Jianyunwei very helpless looking at jianxier, words inevitably with a bit of blame.

"When I heard the name of the director, I didn't care about anything. After all, he won a prize at the German Film Festival, so he wanted to come and shoot. But I didn't expect an open plot. Cousin, you know my image is always cool and gorgeous. How can I get involved with the word Tuo. Anyway, I won't do it anyway. "

Jian Xi'er said to Jian Yunwei while she was weeping.

"I see. Tell me what the penalty is? "

When listening to the number of liquidated damages given by Jian Xi'er, Jian Yunwei feels her temple jump suddenly. This penalty is really not the general many, even if it is just red Jane Xi'er, also won't be so easy to take out. What's more, she's on her own now. Without Lu xuzhe, only she can help.

What's more, Jian Yunwei has to take care of it. After all, once Chien hee'er had an open-minded picture in the movie, they would not be able to accept it. Even if they support their daughter's acting career, they will not be so open. At that time, I'm afraid my uncle will still have high blood pressure.

"Leave it to me, but you still have to apologize to the director. Although he can't cooperate this time, he is still an important director in the performing arts circle. A word can even influence whether other directors will use you in the future. If you want to act in the future, wipe away your tears now. Don't go so ugly. "

Jian Yunwei's every word is for the sake of Jian Xi'er's good, which is very sincere.

Jane hee'er nodded to her, then sorted out and went out to apologize to the director. Jian Yunwei has another worry in her heart.

Millions of liquidated damages can't be taken out even if they sell her now. What's more, she has just invested in yijiangnan branch of Nanyin. Even if there is no income, where can we get the spare money.

Loans are even more impossible. Jian Yunwei thinks about it and finds that there seems to be no other solution except for situ Hao.

Forget it, too much debt doesn't weigh on me. Anyway, she already owed so much to situ Hao, and she didn't care more.

Think of good jianyunwei also quickly left jianxier's lounge. When I came outside, I saw Jian Xi'er sincerely apologizing to the director, and the director listened patiently to her words.

Although Jian Yunwei is helpless, she has no way. After all, it was Jian Xi'er who broke the contract first, so there was no reason in the first place. If she had read the contract carefully in the beginning, this would not have happened.

After saying goodbye to the director, jianyunwei personally drives jianxier home. There is an agent to comfort, jianyunwei this just leave at ease."Now you can rest assured that since your cousin opened her mouth, you don't have to pay the liquidated damages. Ah, I thought you could accept it at first, but I changed my mind in the middle of it. It's rare to be a director with international fame. Maybe your fame and value will rise after shooting. It's too bad. Besides, the director said it, it's not for you to be serious. "

The agent comforts Jian Xi'er and sighs at the same time.

"I won't do it anyway. Don't forget my image. It's the result of many years of operation. Once the film was released, my image changed. Who knows if the people who supported me in the past would hate it. I can't take that risk. "

Jian Xi'er's idea is different from that of her agent. It's not that she cares about what kind of film she makes, but that she worries about what kind of image her fans will accept. She was really impulsive at the beginning, but now it has been solved.

"You still have a good cousin. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to solve. "

The broker sighed.

"If she doesn't marry well, she won't be able to solve this problem for me. To put it bluntly, it's all because the man she married is situ Hao. "

Jianxier's face is not grateful, but naturally. When the agent sees her like this, it's hard to avoid that she's a little bit cold for jianyunwei.

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