"Thank God for that. Sir, as you know, the recent cases of missing persons in a city are very popular and people are worried. A few people were found, but they all became cold bodies, and there were no organs in their bodies. It's hard to imagine what a dangerous situation it would be if my wife wasn't found in time. "

Housekeeper Xue said happily. The old man nodded in agreement.

"It's really terrible that people are missing and organs are hollowed out recently. I'm afraid it's done by international criminal organizations. Fortunately, Xiaowei is back safely now. "

Situ Zhengnan was also a little scared.

At this time, Jian Yunwei is put on the bed of the bedroom by situ Hao. He sat down by the bed and put one hand over her face. Looking at her sleeping face is like a quiet child.

"Do you know how scared I am?"

Situ Hao picked up Jian Yunwei's hand and put it on his face. Maybe she's been out for a long time and her hands are cold. On the face for a long time did not change the warmth. Situ Hao stretched out his hand to her forehead and confirmed that she had no sign of fever. Then he relaxed and breathed out a breath.

But still can't completely rest assured, he called Dr. Yin, let Dr. Yin come to jianyunwei do a detailed examination. Just as doctor Yin is checking up on Jian Yunwei, situ Hao receives a call from Nanyin.

"Do you know anything about Yunwei? Did the police find her? "

After a few hours, Nanyin's voice still seemed excited. Situ Hao will jianyunwei has been found to tell her, Nanyin this just become relaxed.

Hang up the phone, Nanyin and quickly call Yanlie to inform him of this matter. After all, she just saw Yan lie go out in a hurry, must be looking for Yun Wei. But without any clues, he is not a policeman, just like a headless fly. Now that you've told him, you can rest assured.

At the moment, Yanlie is at home in the villa, Yanfu's assistant got the news has rushed back. When Yanlie heard the assistant's words, he knew that he might have been exposed. So he immediately asked Wang Bin to book a private boat for him, and let him leave city a by private boat on the same day, and then transfer to another city to fly out of China by the same night's air ticket. Only in this way can we avoid the possibility that inflammatory father is also exposed.

When Yan Fu wakes up, Yan lie has already arranged everything. He had no objection to the fact that his assistant was arranged to leave by his son first.


Jian Yunwei woke up at night. Because she inhaled drugs that caused coma and a lot of anesthetics. So when I wake up, the whole person is still a little confused. Looking at the slender figure around me, I can't see the man clearly for a moment.

"Wake up? There's something wrong with it. "

Looking at Jian Yunwei stretching out her hand and rubbing her temple, situ Hao couldn't help but ask.

"Why did I fall asleep?"

Jian Yunwei didn't react for a moment, she just got up from the bed with her arm on her arm and said.

"You're in danger today. You almost disappeared."

Situ Hao's deep and soft voice rings in Jian Yunwei's ear, which suddenly reminds her of her previous experience in the elevator.

She remembers that she was going to the underground garage to find stomach medicine for jianxier. But I don't know why the elevator suddenly broke down. When the elevator door was opened a few minutes later. She met a mysterious man with a mask, and then he covered his nose and mouth, and then lost his mind.

"I was knocked out by a mask man."

Jian Yunwei thought of what had happened. She grabbed situ Hao's arm with one hand and said to him.

"As expected. You can rest assured that the complete portrait of that man has been analyzed. The police are now searching for him in the city. "

After listening to Jian Yunwei's words, situ Hao knew that there was no mistake in his analysis. He quickly comforted Jian Yunwei and said.

"Good. But how did you find me? "

Jian Yunwei calmed down, and her eyes were still a little confused. She asked situ Hao.

"It was found by the police. Maybe it's the other side's negligence. "

Situ Hao simply tells Jian Yunwei that he has a suspicious candidate for her to appear at the door of the Bauhinia hotel. But because there was no clue, he couldn't make sure.

However, he does not want to let jianyunwei know.

"I'm really lucky this time."

Jian Yunwei smiles at situ Hao and shows a happy expression.

At this time, her stomach protested, and Jane Yunwei thought that she just had breakfast in the morning. I haven't eaten anything since noon, so I look at situ Hao. A little embarrassed said.

"I'm hungry."

"Well, I thought you'd wake up and eat. The kitchen has been prepared for you. I'm going to let them bring things in right now. "

Situ Hao turned around and called ling'er, the maid at the door, to go downstairs to get dinner."You don't have to bring it up. I'll go downstairs and eat it."

Jian Yunwei felt no need, so she turned over to get out of bed. But feet on the ground, but as if stepping on the soft cotton above. Her body also seemed to fall apart, and she fell forward uncontrollably.

Fortunately, situ Hao caught her in time. Jian Yunwei's head rested on situ Hao's chest. She was a little dizzy.

"You were given a lot of anesthetics, although Dr. Yin gave you an injection. But it won't go away in a day. You'd better sit on the bed and wait for the food to come

Situ Hao reluctantly takes Jian Yunwei back to bed. Cover her up.

Jianyunwei heard him say so, can't help but put out a hand to try to grip, really no strength. I can't help worrying about how to eat like this.

Don't eat, the spoon will fall out of your hand. It's a shame.

When the maid brought up the porridge and meal, Jian Yunwei was a little stunned when she looked at situ Hao, who picked up the spoon and picked up the bowl.

"You think you have the strength to eat a whole meal now."

Situ Hao's natural tone makes Jian Yunwei droop her head powerlessly, so she has to accept the man's feeding behavior obediently.

But a moment later, she was a little bit broken.

"Situ Hao, can you make the porridge cool and let me eat it again?"

"Well, I said, can you stop feeding so quickly? I haven't finished my mouth yet. "

"The spoon hit my nose!"


Jianyunwei speechless looking at the eyes of this handsome to impeccable man, clearly looks like that perfect. But after a meal, she was about to suffer from internal injury.

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