"Situ Hao, you can't take it lightly."

Although the bed is very soft, she doesn't like him to treat herself like an object.

"Why, you really sprained your ankle."

Situ Hao now looks at Jian Yunwei with a pair of clear light.

He did see it. Jian Yunwei had a fluke idea, and now it's gone.

"I'm pretending. Who let you fight so hard with Yanlie. I really don't know what's the matter with you two. Every time, it's like a world feud. Even if you don't like him, for the sake of being my neighbor's brother, can't you be polite? "

Jian Yunwei simply admitted it and said what she thought.

"You're welcome? How can you be so sure that I'm the first one? "

Situ Hao looks at Jian Yunwei coldly.

"How can Yan lie do it first? It must be you."

Jian Yunwei didn't think deeply at all. She thought it was situ Hao who did it first.

"Why, do you want me to show you the video of the door?"

Situ Hao's tone became low and cold. Looking at his gloomy face, Jian Yunwei could not help suspecting what she had just thought.

Is it really inflamed? No, how could he start with situ Hao first.

She has known Yanlie for so many years, and has never seen him take the initiative to conflict with anyone.

"Believe it or not."

Situ Hao looks at Jian Yunwei's hesitating eyes, and a nameless fire rises in his chest for no reason. He doesn't want to stay in the bedroom. Because he is very clear, no matter what happened between him and Yanlie, Jian Yunwei's balance will only tend to Yanlie's side.

Looking at situ Hao leaving the room with a gloomy face, Jian Yunwei feels as if she has said something wrong. I want to go out and admit my mistake to him, but I don't think it's a big deal. Finally, after struggling for a long time in my heart, I decided not to go.

The result of not going is that situ Hao sleeps in his study that night. Jian Yunwei spent the whole night tossing and turning in her bedroom.

I don't know if it was because the light in situ Hao's study was on all night. A servant told housekeeper Xue, who then told the old man situ Zhengnan.

So at breakfast, the old man situ Zhengnan taught situ Hao a lesson. Facing the old man's misunderstanding, situ Hao was always silent and didn't argue. Jian Yunwei feels like she's a little sorry for situ Hao.

However, in the face of the old man anxious to embrace his grandson, Jian Yunwei is very difficult to understand. She and situ Hao can't have children. After all, there are more than half a year left for them to end their marriage.

In case of having children, many things will be inseparable. On the contrary, it is more troublesome.

So she silently apologized to the old man in her heart.

At work, situ Hao said nothing. Jian Yunwei is always quiet. The low and cold air pressure in the air made Lao Wang feel a lot of pressure. Thought this early in the morning, between the president and his wife is making any discord. They may not feel it, but the people next to them really can't bear it.

After going to work, Jian Yunwei calls Chu Xialin to the tea room. She thought about it in the middle of the night last night, and then she felt that Yanlie knew that it could only be because of Chu Xialin.

So far, her good friends Cheng Jingjing and Nanyin don't know. Only Chu Xialin of the same company knows. So she asked chushalin.

"I told brother Yanlie. Sister Wei, did brother Yanlie come to see you. I said that when I told him yesterday, he didn't go upstairs to his office immediately. It turned out that he went directly to your home to see you. Brother Yanlie is really worried about you. "

Chu Xialin blinks a pair of innocent simple eyes to see Jian Yunwei, very simply admit.

What's the matter with this feeling of internal injury? Jian Yunwei looks at Chu Xialin's pure and honest appearance, and she can't say a word of blame. After all, Xia Lin did nothing wrong. She just happened to meet Yan lie when she finished the examination last night. She told Yan lie about her situation by the way.

How could she know that there was a conflict between Yan lie and situ hao.

Oh, forget it. Anyway, she just came to confirm, not really to blame Chu Xialin. Jianyunwei some depressed finished a cup of coffee, is about to leave the tea room with chuxialin.

Her cell phone suddenly rings at this time. It's Cheng Jingjing.

"Where are you, Yunwei?"

"The company. What's up? Do you sound anxious? "

Jian Yunwei asked.

"Can I not be in a hurry? My mouth is blistering when I get angry. Now you open the microblog, now you are on the hot search. And your husband and Yanlie, they were all photographed by unknown people and posted on Weibo. "

Cheng Jingjing tells Jian Yunwei the news he gets. Jian Yunwei heard her mumbling, but she was still a little confused. Instead, Chu Xialin, who was heard on one side, quickly used her mobile phone to log on to the microblog."Sister Wei, what's the matter? Did brother Yanlie and the president fight for you last night? "

Chu Xialin shows her mobile phone to Jian Yunwei.

Jian Yunwei saw that the entry of No.1 in Weibo hot search said "Mrs. situ cheated during marriage, and the president beat her lover angrily"

she felt that the buzz of her brain was a blank for a moment.

What is it all about? That's ridiculous.

Jian Yunwei saw those photos, there was a fight between situ Hao and Yanlie. Another one is that he squats on the ground and frowns tightly. Situ Hao and Yan lie just stop. Although these two photos are not many, they are enough to cause misunderstanding.

Just looking at the number of hits on Weibo, Jian Yunwei feels dizzy. The temple is throbbing violently.

At the moment, two employees of the company came in to make coffee. When they saw Jian Yunwei, her eyes were obviously flashing gossip. Obviously, they have seen the information on Weibo.

"Don't worry, sister Wei. You haven't told me why brother Yanlie fought with President situ? "

Chu Xialin's voice makes Jian Yunwei wake up. She feels that there are two eyes locked on her body behind her. Obviously, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. She drags Chu Xialin with a blank face to leave the tea room.

A voice came from behind.

"That man's name is Yanlie."

Jianyunwei let chuxialin back to the finance department, only to Xialin said two people just misunderstood. Chu Xialin is not to continue to ask, obediently back to the financial department.

She almost trotted up the elevator in high heels and returned to situ Hao's office.

"Si Tu Hao, something's wrong. Please use your mobile microblog quickly, and we've got a hot search on microblog!"


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