"This is the place to trade with he. It should be almost there

Yanlie stops the car at one place. Leng Ye says to Yanlie. But I found that Yan lie seemed to be thinking about something at the moment.

"What are you thinking?"

"What time is it?"

"Eleven o'clock. What's the matter?"

"The he family is always very punctual in business. Why are they late today?"

"It's only ten minutes. We've just arrived."

Leng Ye doesn't like it.

"I always think something's wrong. Wait for me to call

Before Yanlie could make a phone call, his mobile phone had already rung.

When Yanlie hears Wang Bin's words, the lock between the eyebrows becomes tighter.

He immediately stepped on the gas and turned around.

"What are you doing? People are coming soon. "

"Wang Bin said that there are a lot of police cars on the road to Ningnan now."

"Our news has been exposed?"

Leng Ye's eyes are full of coldness.

"It's not our problem. I'm afraid there are undercover agents lurking in he's employers. "

Yanlie quickly drove the car away, and soon heard the sound of the police car behind them. In this strange road surrounded by the cemetery, it is very clear.

"It's a pity that such a large list of business has failed. He's family is not always known for being smart, so they should be so careless. Their mercenaries won't tell us about us

"It's impossible for them to tell an important news to a mercenary. They have to give up the arms. But rest assured, boss has signed a contract with them. The mistake this time is on their side, so it can only be them who need to compensate for the loss. "

"Then our money is not wasted. On the contrary, he made a loss. "

The sound of the police car behind did not catch up. It seems that the truck appeared and was stopped. Otherwise, I would have caught up with them now, and it would take a lot of effort to get rid of them.

"Oh, there are so many police cars. It's said that a homicide case happened here a few days ago. I don't know if the murderer has appeared again. "

When she saw some police cars passing in front of the gas station, Jian Yunwei was worried about Yanlie when she heard the boss's words. She quickly borrowed the boss's mobile phone to call Yanlie.

Yan lie looked at the phone call is a strange phone, wanted to ignore. Thinking that it might be the person in charge of the he family, he pressed the green button.

"Yanlie, where are you on Ningnan road now?"

Yan lie is surprised to listen to the voice in the phone, how can Wei Wei call him at this time. She knows she's on Ning Nan Road?

"Wei Wei?"

"It's me. I wanted to pick up the bag that Nanyin left in your home, but when I saw your car leaving the villa, I followed you to Ningnan road. It's a pity that the car ran out of gas. I saw a lot of police cars when I was refuelling. I just heard from the boss that a homicide happened here a few days ago. It seems that the police are here to catch the murderer. You have to be careful. "

Yan lie listened to Jian Yunwei's advice, this just relaxed one breath. Unknowingly, a drop of cold sweat fell from the forehead.

Even if he knew there was a policeman coming, he didn't feel nervous. But when she thought that Weiwei might know that he was carrying out illegal arms trading with others, her whole heart suddenly tightened up, and the panic and tension almost drowned him.

"It's OK. I just want to see Auntie Wang who used to take care of me. Now I'm driving home. Come here when you've finished filling up the car. "

Yan lie says to Jian Yunwei.

"So I can rest assured. You go home first and find out Nanyin's bag. I'll get it later. "

Jane Yunwei breathed a sigh of relief.


Just want to hang up the phone, the voice of burning strong again spread to come over.

"What's the matter?"

"So you're still worried about me."

Jianyunwei Leng for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"I regard you as my younger brother. Of course I care about you."

Hang up the phone, Yan lie originally some Xi Yi's face is full of lost that can't cover up. Is he just treated like a brother? Although he never thought that two years could be a barrier for him to fall in love with Weiwei, Weiwei obviously didn't think so.

"So she always treated you as her brother? After what happened last time, it hasn't changed. "

Leng Ye says jokingly.

"She won't treat me like a brother forever."

Yanlie's eyes suddenly sank, and the hand holding the steering wheel was even tighter.

When situ Hao arrived, he saw the mercenaries, and his eyes were deep.

"Unfortunately, I didn't catch fox hunting. He's really cunning. I'm sure he must have been here, but he ran away. Damn it. "Li team unwilling to say, think of now still lying in the intensive care unit of their placement of undercover, is indignant.

However, the information obtained by using one's life can not be captured all at once.

After walking to the frozen truck, situ Hao watched the special police take out the arms and guns one by one from the pig's belly, and the number was amazing.

"It's not nothing. At least one of their trading locations was destroyed. "

Situ Hao comforts Li DUI. At this time, Zhang Feng doesn't know when to appear and whispers a few words in situ Hao's ear.

"Is that true?"

"When she saw the police car, she immediately borrowed the boss's mobile phone to make a call. When she drove away, I pretended to go to the gas station to refuel. While the boss was refuelling, I secretly looked at the address book of his mobile phone. The number in it was inflamed. "

Zhang Feng affirmed.

Situ Hao's eyeground became like a cold star, and the air around him dropped suddenly.

If Yun Wei is really involved in this matter, then it can explain why the inflammation that should have appeared suddenly disappeared.

Because she saw the police car and was able to inform her in time.

Thinking of Jian Yunwei's sudden departure from the apartment at night, situ Hao increasingly believes that Yunwei is a participant in this arms trade.

"I see. Don't scare the snake first. Now it's hard to find out the clues of the black feather group. We can't give up all our previous achievements. "

"I know. I'll keep following her."

Zhang Feng saw that situ Hao's face was obviously not good, so he didn't say much. Just a few words left.

Situ Hao's heart is complicated at the moment. He had already excluded Jian Yunwei from doubt, but he didn't think it was all his misjudgment. No wonder she will choose to believe in Yanlie, because they are always together.

Thanks to him, he simply thought that only because of their childhood friendship, they would choose to trust. I choose to forgive.

Jian Yunwei, I didn't expect your acting skills to be so superb. I really underestimate you.

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