Looking at the gentle and firm eyes of Dongling Beichen, Tang Lingxi broke his tears into a smile and nodded.

With Dongling and Beichen, nothing is a problem.

So at the suggestion of Dongling Beichen, Tang Lingxi first released the recruitment information.

I thought I would wait a few days for someone to apply, but I didn't expect that several people would come for an interview the next day.

As the interviewer was Dongling Beichen, Tang Lingxi just looked at it and didn't make any comments.

This makes those who pass the interview and become regular employees think that Dongling Beichen is the boss of the company, and Tang Lingxi is the boss's wife.

So a group of newlyweds began to envy Tang Lingxi and shouted that Tang Lingxi would show their love and would not let single dogs live.

Tang Lingxi is also very helpless about this.

At the beginning, when she heard this, she would explain to others, but she didn't know that there was an old saying that explanation is concealment, and concealment is truth.

The more she explained, the more she described it. Later, she didn't bother to explain because everyone didn't believe it.

Forget it, they like to think so. In fact, this idea is also good.

"Lingxi baby, haven't you missed me for so long ~"

Before I saw anyone, I heard Shen Qiuyi's voice. Then the door of the office had been opened without knocking.

At this time, Tang Lingxi was discussing employee information with Dongling Beichen. Because he was used to Dongling Beichen's small moves, it was nothing to be close by the two people.

I didn't want this scene to fall in the eyes of Shen Qiuyi who was about to come in and the employees who saw their posture through the open door behind her. It's better and more realistic that she is the boss's wife.

Tang Lingxi sighed helplessly. Since she met Shen Qiuyi, Tang Lingxi had to be molested by her several times from time to time, and was used to her frequent suction behavior, including opening the door without knocking.

According to Shen Qiuyi's words, it's to be surprised. In fact, she just wants to see if Tang Lingxi will be frightened by her. Tang Lingxi doesn't want to comment on how evil it is.

"Why are you here?"

At this time, Tang Lingxi had stood up, walked to Shen Qiuyi, pulled her in, closed the door by the way, and isolated a series of ambiguous eyes at the door.

"I'll stop by to see you when I'm passing by. However, I seem to have come at a bad time. Did I bother you?"

Tang Lingxi helped the forehead. I knew she would say so. If she met such a good opportunity, she would be sorry for her if she didn't flirt.

"We are discussing information..."

Before he finished, he saw that Shen Qiuyi had to speak again and immediately changed the topic.

"How did you pass here? Didn't you say you were in H city before? Why, you're willing to come back?"

"Hum, I can't bear to come back. I tell you, don't mention it to me soon..."

Shen Qiuyi seems to make complaints about Tang Lingxi's Tucao, and he starts to lament his frustrations and twists and turns, and doesn't see the north of Chen Ling.

The North Ling Chen's Dongling can only make complaints about Shen Qiuyi's continuous flow and his occasional consolation and Tucao.

Really, it seems that he is the boss and Tang Lingxi is the landlady.

Thinking of this, Dongling Beichen couldn't help laughing.

Such a scene in the office seems to be Tang Lingxi, while outside the office, it is another world.

"Look, look, I'm right! The landlady explained to me that it wasn't like this at first, but now it's proved!" employee a took a cup of coffee with a mug in his hand.

"Tut Tut, the boss and the boss's wife send sugar every day. It's so sweet!" employee B sat at the table and said while tapping the keyboard.

"Ah... This is the rhythm of killing single dogs! Why am I not so lucky." employee C held a stack of information in his hand and shook his head when he passed by

In short, we all expressed two meanings:

The first is that the boss and his wife abuse single dogs so sweetly;

The second is, God, they really envy, envy and hate!

A few days later, Tang Lingxi suddenly received a strange phone call.


"I'm Nanzhi's mother. I've set a place in the restaurant. Come out for dinner. I have something to talk to you about."

Then he hung up.

Tang Lingxi was puzzled. She worked well and suddenly received a call from Lin Yuee. She was hung up before she finished talking. She really... I don't know how to describe it.

Looked at the time displayed on the mobile phone, 10:50.

Well, since she's called to make an appointment, she won't give face if she doesn't go, and she can't be late, otherwise she doesn't know what the other party will find out.

According to the address given by Lin Yuee, Tang Lingxi found Lin Yuee sitting by the window.

"Coming? Sit down."

After ordering a glass of lemonade, Tang Lingxi sat waiting for Lin Yuee to say the purpose of looking for her today.

Opposite Lin Yuee sipped her coffee gracefully, and then opened her mouth slowly.

"In fact, I have nothing else to do with you today. I just want to discuss with you the importance of being an equal family. After all, our Dongling family is not an ordinary family. We always need to find a suitable hostess, don't you think?"

”I don't know what aunt means. “

"Miss Tang... I don't count here what the master has decided for you and Nanzhi. I hope you can know yourself."

"Aunt, what do you think is appropriate? With all due respect, I think your set is very useless to me."

Tang Lingxi couldn't help opening the mockery mode when he heard Lin Yuee say so.


"If my aunt wants to tell me that my family is not good and my identity is not worthy of Dongling Nanzhi, it's better not. After all, my uncle and Dongling Nanzhi still like me very much, don't they?"

Lin Yuee didn't expect the girl to be aggressive, but she didn't know how to refute for a moment.

"As for you, aunt, in fact, I think you'd better take care of your own affairs. Sorry, I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

After that, Tang Lingxi directly checked out and left without giving Lin Yuee any time. To deal with such people, it's just to be so crisp!

Tang Lingxi returned to the company, and there was nothing to do today. Besides, she was only interested in design and had no special skills. In addition, the management and employees of the whole company were paid for. Tang Lingxi had nothing to do and walked around bored.

It seems that it's good to have money!

Tang Lingxi has always liked design. She saw the designer Bai Xue working hard from a distance and was curious about her new works.

"What are you designing?" Tang Lingxi asked.