After running for an unknown amount of time, Tang Lingxi finally stopped, gasping for breath.

It really wasn't easy!

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for these pants, she would have been able to run even faster.

Tang Lingxi sneaked back to Jiang Meili's house along the path. After studying it for a long time, she realized that Jiang Meili was not in the house and that the group of bald men was nowhere to be seen.

However …

Tang Lingxi looked at her wide shirt and pants, her face scrunched up into a frown.

Could it be that he was homeless at night, and in such a sorry state at that!?

It was all the fault of that Dongling Northern Chen for confiscating his Treasure Chest and losing all his money …

Ai, let's find a place to rest first.

Tang Lingxi carried her pants up to her waist and found a dilapidated abandoned warehouse to rest for the night.

The half-broken roof still showed the stars shining in the deep sky.

Tang Lingxi raised her hands and formed a heart shape as she placed the brightest star into it.

Mom, are you protecting me?

Tang Lingxi's face was cold as she closed her eyes. Tomorrow morning, she would continue to run non-stop for her life.

He didn't know when he would stop …

For some reason, Tang Lingxi suddenly recalled the face of a man she didn't know. Tang Lingxi's breathing quickened.

Dongling Northern Chen …

At this time, the Northern ChenChen of the Eastern Tomb was at home, and Doctor Lu was bandaging him.

The eyes of all the maids in the house lit up as they looked at the healthy chest muscles and skin that was the color of wheat. However, when they looked at the cold face, they all lowered their heads silently.

"This wound …"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

After wearing his clothes, the Northern ChenChen of the Eastern Mountains rejected the proposal without even turning his head.

Doctor Lu could only shut his mouth. He only wanted to be curious as to who had dared to touch the young master's body, causing the wounds to split open.

After Doctor Lu left, Dongling Northern Chen curiously looked at the backpack that the servant brought back from the hotel.

What exactly was the treasure inside?

There were a few tattered clothes, some wrinkled clothes that looked new, and the rest were a fake wig and beard, as well as some hairpins and gadgets used by little girls.

The only special thing was a small purse. Inside was a photo of Tang Lingxi and her mother.

There were only a few hundred yuan in the bag, as well as two bank cards.

This was indeed the taste of a boorish girl.

The Northern ChenChen of the Eastern Mountains was preparing to throw away all these broken things like trash, but after some thought, he decided to just throw them to the side.

Dongling Northern Chen looked at the backpack in the corner and shook his head. He got up and went downstairs to get some water.

When Dongling Sea saw him come down, he coughed and then continued talking to Dongling Nan Zhi.

"Did you find him?"

"Not yet. I heard that he was chased all over the streets again today and was even wearing men's clothes."

The expression in the Dongling Northern ChenChen's eyes tightened, his hands paused for a second before he continued pouring water.

Dongling Sea sighed.

"Dad, I heard that the Cheng family is taking her back in the next few days. Did you hear that you're looking for her?"

The Northern ChenChen of the Eastern Tombs understood. It seems that all he was talking about was that wild and bold girl.

After pouring the water, he went upstairs without looking back.

The old man had always been indifferent to him, and the relationship between father and son had been meaningless.

If he knew that the daughter-in-law he chose was his girlfriend …

Surely there would be plenty of expressions.

However, before she could taste the sweetness of being the daughter-in-law of the Dongling Family, she first had to let him properly train her. He actually dared to sneak attack her, and even took off her clothes.

Did he feel that he was indulging her too much?