Chapter 2344: Extraordinary Twins

Chapter 2344 Extraordinary Twins

How could it be possible that something like Qiao Weiyang prepared for the finals would not win the prize?

The dress she saw with her own eyes was exquisite and flawless to the point of ingenuity and shocking. If you don’t win, there is no other way to win.

"Okay, okay! Mom will help you publicize and promote, and strive for more friends to invest." Huang Shumin was very happy.

Qiao Jierou went back to the room to pack her luggage and walked down the stairs.

Seeing someone who came to invest sitting on the sofa, she greeted with a smile.

Qiao Dongliang stood aside, frowning slightly, his face unhappy.

"Pillar, don't influence your sister's business here." Huang Shumin said, "Go back and read the book and do the problem."

Qiao Dongliang turned his head and left.

Old Mrs. Qiao said with a smile: "The child is now taking the college entrance examination, and the psychological pressure is relatively high, please Haihan."

"It's okay, understand, understand."

Qiao Jierou finished communicating with this person and went out, Lin Heng drove over to pick her up to the airport.

Lin Heng is in a good mood. At present, the investment that jr has absorbed is blossoming everywhere. The stock of jr has also been continuously bullish, and there is a positive voice from the outside world.

He predicts that when the award comes back, the market value will double again and the stock price will also double.

He got out of the car and helped Qiao Jierou open the door. Qiao Jierou followed him in the car.

"What did Dongliang say?" Lin Heng asked.

"He refused to agree, and I'm not good to go to Grandpa's side to speak. My mother's meaning can only be forgotten for the time being, my mother gets other investments first."

Lin Heng said lightly: "If this is the case, then forget it."

"I also intended to take him with him and let him follow this time to further improve his property and assets, whether for himself or for the Qiao family, it will be a great improvement in the future. But he himself... "

Qiao Jierou really feels sorry for Qiao Dongliang. She missed such a great opportunity because she believed in Qiao Weiyang in everything.

Forget it, this time is a long lesson for him, see if he dare to believe in Qiao Weiyang like this in the future.

At the airport, Qiao Jierou, Lin Heng and Hu Haitian met.

Hu Haitian also participated in the competition last time, and this time he may win a prize.

"Jierou, President Lin." Hu Haitian came to help carry the box. This time he also invested a lot of money in the jr group, waiting for a big share.

"Jierou, you will definitely get the gold award this time. I can't wait to see you on stage." Hu Haitian said with a smile, "I look forward to it very much."

Qiao Jierou smiled sternly, "Thank you. I hope you can achieve good results."

"Thanks for your good words."

"Jr will still need talents like you at that time." Qiao Jierou said with a smile.

It is already certain that Hu Haitian will definitely be recruited under his own name before.

The three people arrived in Germany and entered the hotel where they were staying.

Still no trace of Qiao Weiyang.

Qiao Jierou is very curious, where does Qiao Weiyang live?

Lin Heng suddenly remembered that when he was at Qiao’s last time, he saw Su Zhuoqian coming to pick up Qiao Weiyang. Could it be that the two of them...

Immediately, he dismissed the idea, it is impossible, what kind of identity is Su Zhuoqian, how can he be regarded as such an identity?

After staying, Hu Haitian was told to go to the main committee specially.

Qiao Jierou was a little surprised: "Why let you go?"

"I don't know too well, just after receiving such a notice, I will go there immediately."

"This is also a good thing. I heard that on the main committee side, there are also many large companies that are recruiting talents. Every time before the awards come out, they will contact the contestants everywhere, and all possible talents will be recruited in advance. In the bag." Lin Heng said in deep thought, "Maybe, they want to tap your talent."

Hu Haitian was overjoyed immediately. Lin Heng has many contacts and wide-ranging news. Naturally, what he said is credible.

Qiao Jierou heard this, and her heart was secretly uneasy. Someone digs Hu Haitian, why is no one digs herself?

Isn’t it the work that I gave out?

Think about it again. Everyone knows about starting a company and going public. I am a big boss. I am not a starter with other contestants at all. Why bother with them like this?

"Let's go, I'll accompany you." Lin Heng said, Hu Haitian, he still wants to leave Qiao Jierou in jr, and doesn't want to give up easily.

Qiao Weiyang also received a notice here, let her go there.

She knows in her heart that for works with doubts, many contestants will be called in to re-run, specifically to answer the doubts of the judges. This is the fairness and justice guarantee of the main committee for the entire award, and it is also a further screening of talents.

"I will come back soon." Qiao Weiyang changed his clothes and picked up his bag.

Su Zhuoqian let go of her hand: "I will drive you over and wait for you downstairs."

Qiao Weiyang did not object, got in his car, and went straight to the main committee.

When she reached the place, she dropped a kiss on Su Zhuoqian's face, and saw the corners of his lips rise, before getting off the car.

Walking into the hall, just in time to see Lin Heng and Hu Haitian oncoming.

Hu Haitian did not expect that Qiao Weiyang was also called, and he was suddenly very vigilant.

"Qiao Weiyang, are you here too?" he said.

"Why, I can't come over?" Qiao Weiyang said calmly.

Lin Heng originally thought that the matter of his engagement should have had some impact on Qiao Weiyang’s emotions, but she did not even look at her, but her tone was still arrogant and indifferent, just like now.

"Do you not know the meaning of being called?" Hu Haitian asked, "It is possible to be selected by a large company. Would you like to stay in these large foreign companies?"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

Hu Haitian thinks too, he is just worried that Qiao Weiyang will be compared.

However, I thought that I was going to be in jr, and that I had invested so much money in jr and invested so many shares. This time, those investments will be doubled. These are not important anymore.

"It really has nothing to do with me." After Hu Haitian finished speaking, he walked in with Lin Heng.

Qiao Weiyang was called in first.

Hu Haitian waited, he didn't know what was calling her, and he didn't know how many opportunities he still had.

No matter what, the better the ranking, the better it will be in the future.

Finally, he saw Qiao Weiyang coming out.

From Qiao Weiyang’s face, he couldn't see what she had gone through, what else the judges asked, and whether there was a big company digging her, everything seemed so unknown.

"Hu Haitian, it's your turn."

Hu Haitian didn't care about exploring, so he went in first.

Lin Heng looked at Qiao Weiyang’s back, lost in a moment, and didn’t know what to think.

Waiting for a while, Hu Haitian came out.

His face was pale, his clothes were soaked with sweat, his whole body was lost and his eyes could not be focused.

(End of this chapter)