Chapter 1115: Broken Guards

Name:Heroes of Marvel Author:
Chapter 1115: Broken Guards

Hence, as Loki hovered in the air with an air of arrogance, observing the now quiet trio of Iron Man suits and the disappeared agile operative, he suddenly sensed a shadow cast over his head. The dark clouds from before had dispersed, and the sky over the Sahara Desert should have been clear as day.

Pew, Pew, Pew!

Just as Loki looked up, a Quinjet swiftly passed overhead. Simultaneously, a barrage of cannon fire was directed at Loki from the Quinjet. Loki, who had been vigilant, conjured a magical shield before him.

Like before, while these firepower attacks managed to force Loki back step by step, they were incapable of inflicting any harm upon him.

However, the focus was not on the Quinjet’s firepower attack; it was on the figures that emerged from the aircraft. Following the Quinjet’s pass above Loki, additional figures appeared above him.

Apart from Falcon, who descended with his upgraded wings, Captain America, Steve Rogers, leaped directly from the aircraft’s cockpit. Hawkeye, meanwhile, descended using his flying glider.

As for Black Widow, Natasha, and Dr. Banner, they had not appeared, presumably still inside the Quinjet. This kind of mid-air battlefield wasn’t suited for Black Widow and Dr. Banner.

Rogers, devoid of any supplementary gear, leaped from the cockpit and charged directly toward Loki below. Falcon followed closely behind Rogers with his wings spread open. Hawkeye, on the other hand, halted in a stable position above Loki’s slanting position, his bow already drawn and ready.


Confronted by Captain America’s high-speed charge, Loki’s eyes flashed with disdain. His body slightly shifted in mid-air to evade Rogers’ attack. However, just as Rogers and Loki brushed past each other, both descending toward the desert floor, Steve suddenly twisted his body and hurled the shield affixed to his back.


The shield, launched by Rogers, curved through an arc and struck Loki’s head. Seemingly endowed with foresight, Loki already had his staff poised to counter the incoming attack. In a loud clang, Loki’s staff deflected Captain America’s shield.

As Rogers, who had exerted his full strength to launch the shield, continued to plummet at an even greater speed, a figure had already pursued him— Falcon. Given Falcon’s swiftness, he was undoubtedly capable of catching up to Rogers within three seconds.

“Is this all they have? Their strength is far from sufficient!” Observing Falcon’s swift approach to catch Rogers, Loki muttered with a scornful look on his face.

Even as he muttered to himself, Loki extended his staff again, aiming it downward at Rogers’ location. Since these individuals had repeatedly provoked him one after another, Loki was prepared to show them he wasn’t to be trifled with.


Just as Loki was about to release his magic to attack both Falcon and Rogers as they converged, the shield that Loki had previously deflected unexpectedly returned. In Loki’s inattentiveness, the shield struck him soundly in the back. With a dull thud, Loki stumbled forward, his magical incantation disrupted.

Before Loki could turn to see who had attacked him after being struck by the shield, three specialized arrows were already descending from above at an angle. Hawkeye, as a long-range archer, possessed impeccable timing.

At this moment, Loki had just been hit by the ricocheting shield and was likely experiencing a moment of physical disarray, making this the prime opportunity for Hawkeye to strike.


However, just as those three arrows were about to reach Loki’s position, a surge of magical energy abruptly surged from Loki’s body. In an instant, two of the three arrows exploded prematurely due to the energy wave.

Bang, Bang!

The flames and shockwaves from the exploding arrowheads were repelled by the magical energy, failing to harm Loki. The remaining arrow appeared somewhat unique, managing to pierce through the magical energy and continue its trajectory toward Loki’s face.


Right when Hawkeye believed this arrow would hit Loki, a hand suddenly materialized in the arrow’s path, catching it just thirty centimeters from Loki’s face.



As Loki seized the arrow that had unexpectedly penetrated his magical energy barrier and comes before him, the arrowhead abruptly glowed with a rapid red light and detonated in Loki’s hand in the next moment.

Clearly caught off guard that the arrow he had captured could explode, Loki was visibly taken aback by the close-range explosion. Moreover, the fact that the arrow had penetrated his magical energy layer before exploding was unusual in itself, making this explosion’s impact markedly different from normal.

Pew, Pew, Pew!

Though Loki still had a magical shield in place, the minute fragments from the exploded arrow still managed to break through and strike Loki’s peculiarly shaped helmet. Now, Loki’s defenses were finally breached. Under the impact of the explosion’s shockwave, Loki’s head tilted, and his entire body plummeted toward the desert floor below.

“Stark’s technology does have some effect...” Witnessing Loki sustain damage from the third arrow’s attack, Hawkeye, who remained suspended mid-air, mumbled to himself while observing Loki’s falling trajectory.

Subsequently, Hawkeye swiftly retrieved three more arrows from his quiver and aimed them at the descending Loki. Hawkeye did not think that an extraterrestrial being from Asgard would be so easily dealt with by a single arrow; that would be too simple.

Of course, the three arrows Hawkeye now wielded were just like the ones that had pierced through Loki’s magical energy layer. These specialized arrows incorporated some of Stark’s provided technology and had been upgraded with certain SHIELD technologies.

This upgrade specifically targeted sorcerers’ magic, especially given the ongoing conflict with sorcerers. Upon discovering that their target was a sorcerer, Hawkeye had a brilliant idea and decided to use these unique arrows.

“Perhaps... I can give these arrows a different name... How about calling them... Dispel Magic Arrows!” Hawkeye squinted at Loki, who continued to fall, muttering to himself. As he uttered the final word, Hawkeye’s right hand, resting on the bowstring, suddenly loosened.

Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh!

In the next moment, the three specialized Dispel Magic Arrows continued their pursuit of the rapidly descending Loki.


However, just as these three arrows were about to strike Loki, the plummeting figure suddenly vanished into thin air.


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