Chapter 1117: With love! Historical decline 4 more

There is smoke and dust, from the heart of Ye Qianli, shaken by the dripping "spring rain", shaken away, shaken away, and shaken into the vastness of the wild.

That decay and death are like ripples, with warm dampness slowly pouring in, soreness, pain, hesitation, and fear.

These real emotions that originated from Rong Mo's heart, the tear that had fallen with him, dripped into Ye Qianli's heart, making her feel the same in a moment.


And this kind of emotion, it is like a spring-born weed, burrowing out of the ground! Accumulating and luxuriating, wiped out the "dryness" in Ye Qianli's intuition! Sweep away.



A drop of Ye Qianli's tears also fell along her wrinkled face! In the dry and lifeless upper forest land.


If there is no relatives or friends, if there is no lover, if there is no attachment, it is the loneliness of the wilderness, leaving no trace, leaving no trace, touching it and dispersing, and decay.


If there is concern, if there is love, if there are relatives and friends, it is tears of bone, helpless hesitation, boundless fear, unspeakable pain.

In the dark...

Ye Qianli felt that she had experienced these "two kinds of" deaths. She seemed to have been an orphan. She had no relatives, no cares, and no beloved ones. When she died, she died, even if she had regrets, she was also free and easy.

She also seemed to have a complete family, with a mother and grandfather who loved her, a friend who shared life and death, and a beloved husband and son. She died, but she couldn't let it go, even if there was no life! Even if the darkness is covered, she insists on living! survived.

She had a good son who was convicted of having a child for three years and was sentenced to stillbirth; she has a beautiful husband who shares life and death and loves her bone marrow; she has a mother who is looking for and will eventually meet; she is always there, Everyone spoils her as a child's grandfather; she...

She has a father, friends, fat, and...


In the midst of it, Ye Qianli felt that there seemed to be a lot of everything she didn't remember anymore, just like a film playback, reverting back to her memory.

There is life, there is death, there is life and separation, there is death, scene after scene, it evolves into her intuition, into her perception, into her life.

And in such a redevelopment! Standing there looking at Rong Mo and Xiao Rongyi Ye Qianli, her vitality was dissipating faster, and she finally fell into a seat without standing.

But she fell!

"Little Leopard..."

Rong Mo, who was holding his son, also fell unsteadily. For him, Ye Qianli was the pillar of his life, and she supported all his hopes and obsessions.


Xiao Rongyi cried so much that there was no time to wipe her tears. He wanted to climb to his mother's side, but his father refused to let him go, and hugged him tightly, **** him!

However, no matter how quickly Ye Qianli's vitality dissipated, her life would be like an everlasting lamp in the dark, never extinguished! never give up.

Life sometimes declines, but affection lasts forever.

this moment……

Ye Qianli is longing for love! Fading.

this moment……

The Dark Lord of the Abyss could see clearly and said, “She has a sense of death, but is unwilling to die. Even if she knows that there is resurrection from the dead, even the "Taiyi Divine Art" is pulling her, and after another death, she Not willing."

"Yes." Human Sovereign can also see clearly.


"Why did the second fool screw here?" The magic box didn't understand! It can also tell that Ye Qianli is **** with "Taiyi Magical Art", but it doesn't understand why it is like this?

Aren’t all the previous tribulations very good! Just follow your instincts. It's not perfect. Wouldn't it be enough to come back from the dead? Why not? !

"Maybe she can sense in the dark, if she really deserves to die, she will lose some important things that she can't let go?" Abyss Dark Lord can only guess like this.

Otherwise, why would Ye Qianli be unwilling? She has always been the most acquainted, able to bend and stretch very well. If there is nothing to lose, she would not be so persistent.

But this time, Ye Qianli didn't actually feel anything intuition, she just! She just didn't want to die, she didn't want to experience the darkness again, and she didn't want her Highness, her little Yi'er, to experience another heartache.

Even if the dead can come back to life, even if there is life from the dead, but she doesn't know how long it will be, but once! She and her Royal Highness have experienced such deaths.

Even if people are alive later, this kind of pain! It can never be worn away, as she has always remembered deeply that her Royal Highness once died and died into a pool of blood.

Her memory is heavy! It was this scene that rushed to her face, showing how much she remembered, her Royal Highness must be the same, and her Yi'er must be even more so.

Her Xiao Yi'er had already experienced too much. When she was still pregnant with him, he witnessed his father's departure, and later followed his father to witness her departure.


She is not dead!

She insists on not dying!

She didn't want to let the same pain be imposed on her loved ones, she insisted! She wants to survive, just survive for such a long time.

No matter what level of exhaustion it is! No matter what the state of decline, she must live! Live... She didn't want to experience any more deaths.

And her persistence...

Hold on for a whole day! She is still insisting.

Even if she was paralyzed in the dry land, she almost became one with Shanglin Jing! Become a lifeless existence, but she still "bites" the last ray of life and does not give up! No compromise.

But her physical body has already decayed and withered and is too old to be visible! Jiang Yu's expression was complicated when he saw her coming again. He had seen her flying freely and shining brightly. Looking at her now looking like a skeleton, he was naturally filled with emotion.

But there is the same! no change.

She is tough! powerful.

Whether in the assessment of the Huangpao priest or in the face of death, she has the same tenacity and calmness, and the same unyielding "difficulties".

Such unyielding and tenacity! It made the little old priest who was doing it again, suddenly opened his eyes with feeling, and then he locked his position and stood up.

"High Priest, how is this time? Has the goddess got any news?" People from the Taiyi Protoss asked anxiously, they had been looking for the goddess for a long time.

"Yes!" The little old priest also replied with certainty this time, but he also knew that their goddess was dying, and she needed them! Very much needed.

"But we looked for the opposite direction before, and now we have to rush over! The goddess urgently needs us." The priest said the little old man solemnly, and he led the Taiyi Protoss! Quickly gather in the direction of the immortality, which is definitely the will of their goddess.

Even if it is an absolute death place! Even though all her intentions were making their goddess die, she did not succumb! She is rebelling, and the last step of human decline is a hurdle, not a hurdle—death.

The priest is very clear! This "hurdle" does not need to be stepped, and it is considered a success, but if it can be passed...

------Off-topic ------

ps: There is still a chapter under repair~