Chapter 767: Holy evil version of the beautiful prince! 【1 more】

It was a kind of as if sinking into the quagmire, the more struggling and resistance! The feeling of being unable to move even more, this made the empress's heart sink suddenly, but her eyes glowed with dark gold!

The Pill God and the others felt even more suffocating, and all this happened in an instant, and the golden Buddha hand had already caught Rong Mo in front of him and caught him in his arms.

The speed is also extremely fast! Because this monk's divine envoy was actually a little afraid of Rong Mo, he was afraid that Rong Mo would be a variable, so he not only lowered the secret method of Buddhism's suppression, but he also shot extremely fast!



A layer of pale blue light, at the moment when the golden Buddha's hand approached Rong Mo and approached Ye Qianli, the Buddha's hand buzzed with silence.


There is a faint breeze, just as this wave of light extinguished the Buddha's hand, like a midsummer cool breeze, blowing to the entire land of worship, people only feel refreshing and refreshing.

It was too cold, Taidi Lao's eyelids trembled slightly, and he realized that he could move, so he turned his head to look at the white-haired young man in brocade who created this cool breeze.

Not only him! The Emperor Bu Zhou, the Empress and others all looked at the "initiator" at the moment they discovered that they could move.

Rong Mo, who was seen, just stood there quietly, as if he was also imprisoned. He didn't even look up, but the darkness exuding from him was gloomy! Taboo, evil feeling, but let everyone have a cold scalp, a cold back, and a cold whole body...

It's so cold...


Obviously Ryo frightened the envoy on the rosette, and he was shocked to stand up! Staring at the white-haired Rong Mo in Jin Yi, and then!

"Om!" The divine envoy immediately accelerated the lotus seat, causing the lotus seat to lift off into the air after emitting a rich mysterious aura.

However, although he is very eye-sighted, he is also extremely witty, knowing that he needs to run right away if he can't win, but at the moment he takes the shot, his fate is doomed.

and so……

"Come down."

Following Rong Mo's cold voice, he himself had raised his eyes and looked at Hollow, and at this moment! In his pair of bright moon and silver pupils, there is obviously an extreme blue lustre.

That blue! It was filled with a very holy sense of evil, and it contained horrible energy that made people palpitation, so that everyone who saw his eyes would feel as if they were frozen into a carving.

The key is! When he looked out, the lotus platform, which was already rising rapidly, couldn't rise up. It was not over yet.


The lotus seat seemed to be out of control, and fell from the air with a whirl, making Taidi Zhou's head covered with cold sweat! I was also in a cold sweat!

Because he has realized that he may have made a very stupid decision, he seems to be really blind! He actually thought that these two little things were inferior to this divine envoy, now it seems...

Without waiting for Emperor Zhou to make a summary, the rosette is about to fall to the ground, and what kind of ghostly **** is about to fall into the "earth world".

It's too late! Then soon--

"The child is arrogant! Set it to this god." The monk's divine envoy had burst into golden light in the sky at the most critical moment, and a giant Buddha instantly appeared behind him.

This is not over yet!


The sound of the Buddha in the flourishing age has rushed out of the world at this moment, not only dispelling the coolness here, but also stabilizing the lotus seat that was about to fall to the ground.

Not only that!

"A fanatic dare to commit a crime and suffer death."

The giant Buddha also radiated the lotus tongue, and Chao Rongmo glared and photographed the palm of the Buddha! The momentum is huge, giving people a sense of irresistible despair.

It's a pity that this kind of feeling obviously didn't happen to Rong Mo, because the blue light in his eyes was already a bit rich at this moment, and his silver hair that was flying under the wind of the Buddha's palm was dyed lightly at the same time. Blue Ze.


"Get down."

When Rong Moqing's cold voice shouted at the Buddha, people could clearly see that the Buddha's palm was already in an instant! It was shattered by a blue zephyr.


"call out!"

Lan Ze, who breathed holy evil, shot away into the sky without any reduction, and when the monk's envoy was about to make support and lay down Lan Ze! Divide directly into two, hit the giant Buddha once, and hit the rosette.

"Om, hum."

With the sound of two precise hits, no matter it is the giant Buddha or the rosette, there is no "delay" at all! The smoke disappeared on the spot, and there was nothing left.

Such a scene! I can't see the Emperor Zhou already stunned, let alone the Emperor Zhou, and those elders of the imperial imperial family who "shook the pot" in the first place.

But this is only the beginning, because Lanze, which is divided into two, has gathered directly in the middle at the moment when it has become famous! Hit the monk divine envoy again.

Such an operation means that Rong Mo is going to kill him! He wanted to kill this god, without any hesitation or hesitation at all.

"Lazier dare!" And the envoy who was attacked was still yelling in rage! But he can be considered a little capable, because it was the moment Lan Ze was about to meet him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three Foshans have sprung out behind him, one of them is still shining with golden light, and the scene is golden for a while! Many people only narrowed their eyes slightly.

The magic box has also barred, "There is a seventh stage **** platform! Golden Foshan, the same level as your empress mother's **** platform, it's not bad, it's a pity..."

Only when the barrage of the magic box came out, Ye Qianli saw that these three Foshans had already collapsed under Rong Mo's blue zeal! It gives people a sense of sight of what kind of ghost Foshan and Jinfo Mountain are all tofu dregs projects.

But it is still too late! Then soon--

Just when the two strands of blue zeal gathered and destroyed the direction, the temple of the monk's god! There was a small golden Buddha hand, but it had already come to Ye Qianli's.

At the same moment!

"Puff--" The monk's divine envoy who vomited a big mouthful of blood because the divine platform was destroyed in an instant, he already said grimly, "Give it to the god."

This statement came out!


The little golden Buddha's hand that had already grabbed Ye Qianli's light flashed back! It can be seen that the monk's divine envoy was clearly opposed to Rong Mo, and secretly attacked Ye Qianli.

Such a scene...

"Don't think about it!"

Naturally, the female emperor would not allow it, and because she had been paying attention to protect her Xiao Qianli, her reaction at the moment could be said to be very quick.

"Huh!" The solid human emperor giant shadow, already under the blessing of the erupting power of the gods, demons, and gods, grabbed the little golden Buddha's hand.

Unfortunately! The moment the human emperor's hand grasped the small golden Buddha's hand, he was shaken away by the Buddha's light.

For a time...

Seeing that Ye Qianli was still going to be taken away by Yin, Rong Mojian wiped out the three Lanzes in Foshan, because the power of the three sacred platforms was too strong, and they were eliminated together.


The monk **** envoy seems to be about to succeed! After all, his little golden bergamot had penetrated Rong Mo's defensive blue light and grabbed Ye Qianli.
